The da talk on jwfacts brought me to my knees. I cried so hard. After hearing it, I knew i just could no longer be a Witness. That was it for me. i felt so much peace afterwards.
JoinedPosts by losingit
Judicial Meetings on the internet
by RayPublisher inso far i have found only about 10 judicial recordings/transcripts online total.
there has to be more out there i would think... here's the people i've found so far:.
matthew barrie .
What dusturbs me most is that thepull is so strobg on the mind that even after being df'd they still consider it to be the truth! I know of 3 individuals so far that fit this category. It's crazy!
3rd or 4th revision of Bible Teach Book???????
by itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat innote changes below.... note that the changes to this edition are far more extensive than the previous two sets of changes.. all revisions and page numbers are for standard sized english-language editions.. changes from 2009 edition to 2012 edition bible teach.
page 1 (title page/publishers' page):.
old:2009 printing.
I'm a bit surprised by the change that seems to indicate their abandonment of Michael the Archangel being JC. Whereas in the first edit, there is a link evident when stating "Michael and his angels and Jesus and his angels," they drop "his angels" thereby givng the impression that Michael and Jesus are separate beings with no connection between them.
by The Searcher inin the very first paragraph, matthew 13:38 is to be read - "the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one..".
jesus speaks of only two groups, so if you accept the wtbts "anointed" doctrine, then if you haven't got the "heavenly hope", then you've got no hope!.
simply put, there aren't any 'other sheep' members of jesus' "one flock" mentioned, unless of course theyare also "sons of the kingdom", but of course, that would be ridiculous!!.
Well, if everyone is going to be able to partake- - what are they going to do with a df'd or da'd that partakes? I'll show up and partake 10 times. Drink the whole glass. Whatever, this religion --CULT-- is a bunch of b.s. At least Catholicism has some philosophical history.
What gives you away as a (former) JW?
by perfect1 inthese days my jw past stay safely under wraps from nearly everyone.. i dont dig it up- and i see no need to talk about it with anyone.. sometimes i feel as if my past is a large and terrible secret, and i will be found out eventually.
people can sense i am different.
i never talk about my family.. i guess people chalk it up to being a private person or let me be a mystery.. however, there is one thing that i feel completely reveals me as having been raised a jehovahs witness:.
Haha! I have 2 friends now-- yay!! Thanks Zound
Now, Idon't say "bless you"either when ppl sneeze, lol BUT I do say "are you ok?" I always thought it was messed up and rude to say nothing. That's why I always say something, at least. Trying to break back into the habit of saying, "bless you." Haha :-)
What gives you away as a (former) JW?
by perfect1 inthese days my jw past stay safely under wraps from nearly everyone.. i dont dig it up- and i see no need to talk about it with anyone.. sometimes i feel as if my past is a large and terrible secret, and i will be found out eventually.
people can sense i am different.
i never talk about my family.. i guess people chalk it up to being a private person or let me be a mystery.. however, there is one thing that i feel completely reveals me as having been raised a jehovahs witness:.
I have ONE FRIEND. thats what gives me away.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
What's hilarious about this thread? My major beef wuth the society was its treatment of women. I just could not atand it any longer. I saw the JW men as power hungry, fighting for insignificant privileges just to save ego. Dumb! I got sick of illiterate arrogant men firmly telling me to go back and stand behind a counter bc I dared to show him in which box the brochure was located. He was not humble enough to be directed by me. It is what it is.... Funny, now that I'm looking for an equal partner, I don't even know how to go about being in such a relationship after being mistreated by every JW male I know. I will continue to stand up for myself, however, bc practice makes perfect.
Ambient Abuse - This is one area that the Jehovah's Witness Are So Very Damaging To The Psyche.
by Narcissistic Supply injehovah's witness work so very hard to deny your reality.
thus you have nothing to base anything on.
no truth to base what is, in fact, truth.
I have a hard time understanding how ambient abuse works bc the definition seems so ambiguous to me. But when I share it with a friend who has heard my experiences, he is able to pull out examples clearly. I know the JW world is abusive, and I can describe it, but it is so difficult to accept.
Feedback from study of JUL 15 WT - Tell Us WHEN Will These Things Be
by konceptual99 injust got back from meeting.
the study today was as expected.
a combination of simple acceptance, formulaic research and mistakes.. there are clearly many who cannot read a reference (to the wt 95) regarding the sheep and the goats and consider the repetition of the the understanding of the timing of the judging as new light.
I'm tempted to listen in on the meeting today, with headphones on bc i have important stuff to do, haha
My former congregation is great with comments. We really do have some bright young ones and smart elders. I wish i could see their faces. Because their comments to me were so reasonable, reassuring, and uplifting. Now, what will they sound like? Im ccurious.
One last sales pitch for the corporation
by hoser ini went to a jw funeral today.
it was the worst ever.
about two minutes talking about the life of the deceased and the rest about the borg.
I recently went to a funeral service at a Catholic Church. The service was ceremonial and ritualistic. The priest spoke about the gospel account of the resurrection of Lazarus, and the hope for a heavenly resurrection. He even came down the pulpit for the "peace unto you" part (which i thought they got rid of with the last Pope) and blessed both of my children. The only words that were personal were spoken by my cousin while we were waiting for my grandmother to be interred. That was it. Except for this portion, there was no difference. Basically, if you're looking for a personal experience, make sure you make it to thewake. DDon't wait for the funeral service. Just my thoughts. ....