JoinedTopics Started by reporter
Momentous Times Ahead! (Next Week)
by reporter inhans blix report is due out monday, and the "state of the dis-union address" will be given out on tuesday.
larc mentioned previously about abolition of the irs, and simon mentioned about fairness in taxation, not just in the u.s., but worldwide.
the key to all of this is nesara, which passed in 2000 in a secret session of congress, and signed into law by bill clinton 10 days before he left office, but has yet to be announced yet!
CBC's Fifth Estate has struck before ... see this!
by reporter in.
also, watch the video clip which is embedded on this's priceless... .
Warning: Politically Incorrect!
by reporter inasshole: by dennis leary.
folks, i'd like to sing a song about the american dream.
the way our american hearts beat down in the bottom of our chests.
Offer To Help With CBC Fifth Estate
by reporter ini am going to digitally capture this video and offer it in possibly two sizes, one for broadband and one for dial-up users.
i have access to digital video capture equipment and a digital cbc feed, and as you know, the quality vs. tapes does not degrade.
the larger mpeg capture will be able to be transferred to dvd, in s-video quality, with or without commercials.
Are the Nephilim Still Exerting Influence?
by reporter inarticle found here, click on left-column "updates/nesara", then click on first link....
nibiru and the anunnaki by d.m.
these anunnaki elite were later known as elohim and nephilim.
Who Is Jehovah?
by reporter inchristians should all honestly and thoroughly investigate the contradictions between the old and new testaments in terms of the descriptions of god.. .
the god of the new testament is described as a god of love, mercy and peace.. .
the god of the old testament is described as jealous, vengeful god, a war-monger.
The Antichrist?
by reporter inas posted here
if maitreya is the anti-christ, he sure is a lazy one!
the guy is holed up somewhere in london and is about middle aged by now.
North Korea Flexes Muscle...
by reporter innuclear showdown averted.
bush defuses north korean war threat .
north korea and the united states are locked in a game of high-stakes brinkmanship whose key players include russia and china.
Islam=Violence article...
by reporter innovember 26, 2002. by larry witham, the washington times.
religious broadcaster pat robertson said yesterday the news media and political leaders have failed to educate americans about violence in the koran and in islamic history and wishes president bush had never said that "islam is a religion of peace.".
"he is not elected as chief theologian," mr. robertson said.. .