Ugh, It's funny how given any little excuse homophobe str8's get, they want to tell us why we are wrong and why we are going to hell/die at armageddon blah blah. I mean enough already you think your right and yet we still have to live our own lives. You think your smarter than us .. well we aren't arguing with you, why would we waste our time ?
I have heard and read in this forum things like AIDS is a gay disease .. I have seen disgusting comments in places that it's god's plague on gays. I am getting that impression from a few posting in the thread as well. So I mean would it be fair for me to say that baby's that die of SIDS is gods way of punishing hetrosexuals ? I mean if you can't see how offensive your being by saying stuff like that then you really should turn your judgmental shite on yourself and see how well you stand up.
You people talk about Freedom of expression but if you had your way then gay freedom wouldn't exist .. could you be any more hypocritical ?
Narrow minded people usually die narrow minded people, unexposed to 'real life' only ever seeing what they want to see. Live your small life and we will live ours, but don't be surprised to get an earfull whenever you give us your stupid "christian" beliefs. *vomits*
Totally Disgusted
PS Makena1 may I see a larger version of your profile pic ?