My babies and now my grand babies.
i would say one of the best things in my life is my true friends, it's nice to have someone you can tell anything too!.
My babies and now my grand babies.
was it jw related?
a death?
a friendship gone bad?
Being clostrophobic (sp?) , terrified of men in general and in a 6'x9' room with three elders trying to explain that although I had been guilty of fornication with a brother 22 years my senior (I had already been reproved for that) I was not guilty of doing it again even though somebody had seen 'his' car parked at my house all night. ( I had bought the car from him 6 months prior and had driven it to the KH to meetings that whole 6 months). I was so stressed out I thought I was going to faint. All I could think about was getting out of there as fast as I could. I got DF'd.
Just thinking about it makes me sick.
may 22 1969 awake .
"if you are a young person, you need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... therefore, as a young person, you will never fufill any career that this system offers.
Gee thanks! I am so glad that I will never grow old. The mirrors in my house must be contivances of the Devil. The pains in my back are surely imaginary. I have to wake up from the dream before the big A.
Oops it isn't a dream. I am really old!
I was 22 in 1969. I should have been advised to leave the sorry abusive drunk but NO I was advised to stay with him because the big A was near and he might change. He didn't change and I left only when my son almost died from being choked by the bastard. That was nearly 10 years later. what a waste!
my dad the jw is in florida, and i was asking him about the wt orange farm in florida.
how much they ship to bethel .
and how much they sell on the open market, and were is the wt orange farm in fla. .
Each year the congs from around the state send volunteers for the priviledge of picking the oranges for free. Woo Hoo. I never volunteered. I was a bad JW.
I never heard anything about selling the surplus. I always thought it was all sqeezed and bottled for juice.
check out the new hotbottell me when this page is updated.
dale bradley robinson.
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Yes, he is really a JW although he is inactive. He was railroaded big time by the inventer of the Rand Cam engine. His expertise was used and then he was discarded without the expected recognition. He has a lawsuit in the works.
There is more that he revealed to me. I asked for permission to "tell all" but he asked that I not do that. I will respect his request. He says that when it goes to court then it can be told.
He is a prime candidate for the forum. He needs this community very much to get over the issues involved with the betrayal of a so-called brother. He was converted by the man who betrayed him.
My heart really goes out to him. I hope he finds peace.
i am relatively new to the internet thing.
i need to know if it is ok to devulge an e-mail message from someone and put it on the forum.
i am not sure at what point it becomes a betrayal of trust.
I got a reply to my request to make the information public. This is his reply in part
I would rather keep it low key right now. Once the lawsuit is started then everything will become public. Keep in touch and if you run across anything else concerning the Rand Cam Engine please let me know. Also if you have any questions concerning the RCE please feel free to ask. I would consider the RCE the next killer invention like Tesla's electric motor. To bad the inventor was like Tesla no business sense at all.
Thanks guys. I just needed a reminder to respect others as I would like to be respected.
i am relatively new to the internet thing.
i need to know if it is ok to devulge an e-mail message from someone and put it on the forum.
i am not sure at what point it becomes a betrayal of trust.
I sent him an e-mail asking permission to share what he wrote. It has something to do with Rand Cam and the WT for those of you who are curious.
Bonezz found a web site with an e-mail address on it. I sent the fellow an e-mail and I have gotten several answers from him. The latest one has some very telling info but it has to do with him personally and the Rand Cam inventor.
No My offguardedness is how candid this person is to me a complete stranger.
i am relatively new to the internet thing.
i need to know if it is ok to devulge an e-mail message from someone and put it on the forum.
i am not sure at what point it becomes a betrayal of trust.
I got his e-mail address from his web site. I have gotten several responses from him. It is the latest letter I received from him that I am in question about. He seems to be opening up to me in a way that has taken me off guard. I would like to share the info but would that be unethical?
ok, 'postate thnkers and speculators - we know (yes we do, admit it) that 2034 will come and go and there will have been no magical mystical armageddon.. .
obviously, explanation will be in order.
will the watchtower bible & tract society:.
The present crop of old geezers on the GB will have cheerfully gone to their rewards by then, and while they take their dirt naps, new rulers will seek ways to discredit them and disavow any link to their insane pronouncements.
By Jove! I think you've got something there! Can we expect New Light from the younger, not from 1935, GB members in the near future? They could actually disavow the whole goofy mess and go main stream. They could get away with it. They could openly expose all the crap/ scandals blame it on them and wash their hands of the apostate old geezers. It could work.