Wow. I was just sitting here on my bed with a gun in my mouth when I decided to check the board and read this post. Now I have HOPE. Thank you dragon for saving my life.
JoinedPosts by logansrun
No HOPE in our future????
by kenpodragon inin my witness past, i had many hopes.
they do not pass by with the thought that there will soon be hope of something better.
no, they pass into me with the hope of knowing how precious the things are that i have.
I like my pillow
by kenpodragon inwhen ever i travel to different locations around the world, or just down the highway.
i have to bring my own pillow.
it is just the right size, just the right shape and i even like the smell.
Wow. Great illustration. Very innovative.
Did You Know That You Could Be Disfellowshipped For French Kissing?
by minimus ina number of years ago, a body of elders discussed the matter of "french kissing".
they came to the conclusion that this practice of "french kissing" was a disfellowshipping offense on the grounds of "engaging in loose conduct".
one young couple were judicially reproved for their "sin" and the elders felt that since the matter was not widely known, that they would be "privately reproved".
My understanding has been that any judicial action taken by the elders has to have some correspondence with the Society, even if it is private. They even have it color-coded. I believe it's the blue envelopes that always contain the forms for a person reproved or DFd (yeah, they even have official forms for this stuff!). Of course, perhaps these elders just "reproved" the young couple in a non-judicial way. Remember, there is the "official" reproved -- in the judicial committee sense, and the "you shouldn't have done that" reproved in the non-committee sense.
"All the red tape is mechanical rape." -- Jefferson Airplane
Did You Know That You Could Be Disfellowshipped For French Kissing?
by minimus ina number of years ago, a body of elders discussed the matter of "french kissing".
they came to the conclusion that this practice of "french kissing" was a disfellowshipping offense on the grounds of "engaging in loose conduct".
one young couple were judicially reproved for their "sin" and the elders felt that since the matter was not widely known, that they would be "privately reproved".
Well, depending on the method of payment either $2.99 or $3.99 a minute.
Did You Know That You Could Be Disfellowshipped For French Kissing?
by minimus ina number of years ago, a body of elders discussed the matter of "french kissing".
they came to the conclusion that this practice of "french kissing" was a disfellowshipping offense on the grounds of "engaging in loose conduct".
one young couple were judicially reproved for their "sin" and the elders felt that since the matter was not widely known, that they would be "privately reproved".
I've never heard that. It would not be the definition of "loose-conduct" given in WT publications since there was no fondling of the genitals or "private parts" of the kissers. There is a vast difference, sometimes, between what a local body of elders thinks is policy and what actually is.
Interestingly, my last MS meeting with the CO discussed how phone sex and cybersex are now considered "loose conduct" by the organization. This was about two and half years ago and everyone felt it was a "new thought" by the Society. Even the CO felt it was. The kicker was that the cyber or phone sex had to be accompanied by masturbation by one of the participants for it to be considered "judicial." Yeah, like people do that without jerkin off .
Dallas Mavericks: A.K.A. Jehovah's Team
by Valis inthe cowboys used to be america's team, but alas not even with the big hole in the roof for jehovah to watch did it matter...not even the u.s. millitary could save the cowboy's last season.... and lo it did come to pass that mark cuban did say to the lard..."lard"..and the lard did reply.."yes mark?...and mark did plead with the lard.."dude, give unto the mavs full sponsorship and in return i shall sacrifice unto thee a luxury box.
"..the lard did rejoice and say unto him.."let there be dancers and um oh yeah!
go mavs!".
I sure hope that's a fountain in the back of them!
Why can't I just shut up about the JWs?
by logansrun inyou know, i'm pretty smart and pretty dumb all rolled up into one.
i have a pretty decent relationship with my jw mother who basically never says anything about religion one or the other.
well, i got into conversation with her about hindu music and how i really liked it (ravi shankar is awesome!).
Thank you all for the comments. This skirmish with mom will fade away as the others have. She's a liberal JW so I don't feel the need to "rescue" her. But, writing about my frustrations helped ease them.
What Do The Americans, Canadians And Australians Think Of The British?
by Englishman intell us, please, we wanna know!.
also can you get your head around the the british isles, the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and just plain ole england?.
(with apologies to minimus).
I've been to England and I loved every minute of it. I think there are nothing but subtle differences between the British and us Americans. Some thing you do are quirky (like the whole "royalty" thing, I can't for the life of me understand!) and vice versa. Over all, I have to admit that Americans are probably among the dumbest people in the civilized world. Just look at our news and entertainment -- hell, it's hard to distinguish one from the other! Oh well.
Bradley (if you are American as I am, the comments above do not apply to you but to everyone else )
Hands up those who don't give a rats arse about religion / spirituality.
by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. in.
is it just me, or there others who have no room for religion in their lives?.
i appreciate that others are entitled to their beliefs and opinions concerning such beliefs, but i am amazed at the number of posters, who, after years of being oppressed and mislead by religion, still manage to garner some sense from the whole notion of god / religion / spirituality.. cheeses the cynic.
haha! I guess it was a Freudian slip. "Cheesus" like "Jesus." My bad.
O.K., Who Is CONVINCED That They Have The REAL Truth?
by SpannerintheWorks inand if you do, it shouldn't be too difficult to convince us of that!
i mean, you accepted it as the truth, .
can you convince us that you do indeed have the "real" truth?
PeacefulPete: That's about the stupidist thing I heard all week! LOL Your friend sure was stretching any logic he had, sheesh.
Personally, I get a little annoyed when people say things like "there is no such thing as truth" or "truth is relative." We have the postmodernist philosophers to thank for this. Yes, truth certainly exists. 1+1+2, how could you say otherwise? Of course, some things are far more complex than that, but raw nuts and bolts truth does exist in the natural world. Either God exists or he doesn't. Either we have immortality or we don't. Most questions except subjective ones can be answered eventually (theoretically, at least).