Thanks Ann. I'd have thought JWs would be better off claiming Jesus' is working to make the world a better place but I guess it doesn't match their apocalyptic inclinations.
I'll take Satan's rule for starters:
Billions of followers (including those following by default rather than choice).
Assumingly the default followers will also die at Armageddon?
Satan's world is 'wiser' (Lk. 16:8) and far more sophisticated scientifically and technologically. But many so-called improvements are superficial, a veneer covering the rottenness underneath.
Could they provide any examples? Do JWs reject the 'many so-called improvements' that just cover 'rottenness underneath' or do they also benefit from these improvements?
Improvements in health and nutrition ; some common ailments of the past now eradicated. "But does that mean man has finally found a cure for illness and sickness in general? No." - numerous health disorders today that were unheard of 100 years ago with no cure. "Is that progress?"
I like the way they ask this question 'Is that progress?' As if 'no' is supposed to be the obvious answer. Of course it's progress! Is the progress we've made eradicating leprosy, for example, meaningless to a ruler who was said to be moved with pity when he came across people with leprosy? Besides which, where are all these new health disorders coming from anyway?
Abortion far safer now but "no abortion is safe for an unborn child" - 44 million abortions globally in a recent year. Progress?
Yes. Unless you think women's lives (including many current mothers) are less important than the lives of fetuses.
Success and accomplishments in field of malnutrition and hunger - eliminated in many parts of the world. "But have they eradicated malnutrition? No. ... Is the world getting better?"
Yes, the world is getting better, somebody didn't do their research, malnutrition and hunger are on the decline.
Spiritual health. "Has the world drawn closer to Jehovah over the last 100 years? Yes, people live longer today, but what is the point of having a longer lifespan and better health when, in most cases, people use those extra years and that extra energy to draw away from God and from our Creator? People use the extra health to offend God with their conduct. So, 100 years ago, people may have lived 40, 50, 60 years; now they can reach to their 80s and 90s and now they have 20, 30 or 40 years more to offend Jehovah, to engage in conduct that makes him sad. Is that progress?"
Surely this should be seen as more time to convert! And where does grace (undeserved kindness) come into this? Is Jehovah an angry god who gets increasingly offended at your constant bad deeds or is he more like the prodigal's father, longing to embrace you no matter how long you've been away from home? I think I could guess which version this JW believes in.
Most people spiritually starving (Isa. 65:13 - 'my own servants will eat while you go hungry' etc.) and Bible-illiterate. "What is the advantage of having plenty to eat when you don't even know the most elementary things about the Creator and his purposes?
Because JWs know the elementary things about the Creator and his purposes. JWs are so 'bible-literate' that they don't even realise the Creator's purposes, as understood by them, doesn't even exist in the bible.
And more bibles are in circulation and in more languages then ever before.
Advances in technology. Some point to it as proof of things getting better in the world, but is it a good way to measure progress? Technology is used in warfare to kill and maim; used for entertainment that offends Jehovah, e.g. games, videos, websites featuring graphic sexual immorality, gruesome violence. "Technology is not a good way to measure progress in this world. The world is not getting better."
If only our technology was advanced enough to create a time machine. Then we could send this brother back into the 1800s for a real experiment on whether the world was better or not!
Changes in civil rights, racial equality. Now people are more accepting, more open-minded, more tolerant. Some changes are for the better BUT "adultery - accepted; pre-marital sex - widely accepted." "Today, homosexual behavior is widely accepted. It seems that the goal is, someday, to make homosexuality widely obligatory." (Isa 5:20,21 - 'woe to those saying good is bad, bad is good' etc.)
Only an old white man could see the acceptance of homosexuality as an evil equal to the good of racial equality. This is a very American-centric view as well, many Western nations (and some others) are secularising and as such have developed a more liberal view of sexual ethics, but conservative christendom is making inroads in many countries in a way that JWs would consider closer to 'Jehovah's standards'
Satan has plunged the world into darkness, enmity with God. "Satan's world has gone from bad to worse."
You thought the dark ages were bad, just wait till you see the 21st Century!