I was born in and naturally never exposed to any other way of thinking. Nearly my whole family is still in and therefore I don't wish to be da'd. It makes it really hard because I still attend meetings once in a great while just because of the pressure and the guilt trips from my family. But I don't want to go at all, yet I can't seem to get the courage to break away. I attend so infrequently that most JW's don't socialize with me anyway, other than family. I don't fit in with JW's, and I don't fit in with anyone else either. It's hard making worldly friends because I feel so different. Then when everyone starts talking about the holidays I sit there like a bump on a log and feel like such a weirdo because I can't participate in the conversation. Then someone says "What church do you go to?" I don't want to say JW because I certainly don't feel like one anymore, but I don't go to other churches either, so again. . . WEIRDO. And I would LOVE to celebrate holidays and do all the normal stuff, especially now that I have kids, but I don't want to get "found out", so I either don't participate or if I do participate, then I have to hide it from my family and the congregation. What a weird, weird life when you have to lie to your mom about buying a Christmas present for your kids. Yes, I think it's definitely harder to leave if you were born in, unless all your family leaves too, which rarely ever happens. Someone on this site put it well when they said "it's like they're holding family members for ransom." It makes me sick and miserable, but I stay in because I can't stand to even imagine the look on my 70-year-old mothers face if I ever told her I was going to leave. I was already DF'd once and then reinstated and she told me if i didn't get reinstated it would KILL her.