I love this stuff.
Authoritarian | |||
Left | Right | ||
Libertarian |
I appear to be in good company.
i'm sure this has been posted before but i really enjoyed it.. http://www.digitalronin.f2s.com/politicalcompass/questionnaire.pl?page=1.
i think like the dalai lama...lol!
economic left/right: -3.62. authoritarian/libertarian: -5.33.
I love this stuff.
Authoritarian | |||
Left | Right | ||
Libertarian |
I appear to be in good company.
given that your wts has frequently warned its members to stay away from the internet, and that bad association spoils useful habits, why is it that you persist in posting on this site, which is quite obviously populated by those that are disfelloshipped, disassociated, or, at the very least, spiritually weak?
if you lived near one of the more vocal posters would you willingly be seen by your body of elders having a conversation with them?
or, is it the ease of anonymity that allows you to be such a hypocrite and flaunt the rules of the organisation you pathetically claim to follow?
Good going SOJ!! You just proved my point. You said apostates are evil, and you see it from this site. YET HERE YOU ARE!!! What about all the "quit mixing in" and "do not even speak a greeting so such a one" admonitions you regularly receive from the WTS? You, apparently, think you are above their guidance, and therefore you disregard their direction. That makes you JUST LIKE US!!! So get off your high horse, you hypocrite, and accept that you are what you are supposedly preaching against. You are someone who thinks you are above the direction of the society, and if you went to your body of elders and told them you were here, at the very least you would be reproved, and then if you insisted on staying you would be disfellowshipped.
How do you think your God feels about your disobeying his earthly organization???
on last night's installment of 20/20, there was a segment that dealt with parents who use modern technology to spy on their children.
one dad used a gps installed in his car to track the movements of his daughter.
another dad installed spyware in his computer and monitored the e-mails and im chats of his daughter.
As a parent, I reserve the right to do whatever I think is in my child's best interest. That will definitely mean monitoring ALL internet access, and my son will NOT have a computer in his room. He will have one in a central location where anyone can walk by and see what's on the screen. This is a recommendation from law enforcement, and one I am happy to follow. I doubt I would ever install a camera in my home, definitely not in his room, he gets dressed in there, and that leads to too many privacy issues. However, I would have no problem going in his room and looking around if something caught my attention, or if I felt there was something going on I needed to investigage. On average, I do think children have too many liberties, and I think that it has been a huge detriment on our society. As Yeru stated earlier, if the Columbine children's parents had been more active in looking in their children's rooms, a tragedy could have been avoided. And believe me, parents frequently think their kids are "normal" when in actuality they are into alcohol, drugs, and worse. I am my son's mom first and foremost, and I will do that job to the best of my ability, even if it sometimes makes me unpopular.
i see a lot of talent here.
those that love music, poetry, literature,etc.......do you feel that if you weren't a witness, that you could have grown in your talent or "gift"?
Yes, I definitely had (have) talent in the performing arts area. I took acting classes, was in several plays and one commercial, and sing. However, these were not deemed to be theocratic pursuits, so after I graduated high school, I was really not encouraged to pursue any of those fields.
Of course, as far as acting, it's never too late, and when my son is older, and our finances are more stable ( it could happen), then I plan to apply for a commercial agent and see what happens.
Happyout (not giving up on her dreams yet)
okay, here's a question for everyone.
if you had to choose between:
living forever, but not allowed to have power, fame or fortune (please ignore the obvious contradiction) or...
I would take living forever ONLY if my loved ones lived forever too. It would be horrible to continually lose people throughout eternity.
Hey, I don't have to drink blood, do I ?
how pathetic must their sex life be for the strict jw husband and wife ???????.
did the society ever publish a book / magazine on what you can and can't do ???????.
i read the mormon one on masturbation at "the only collection of jehovah's witness jokes on line" f--k, i laughed for a week.
They can't have such a book, they would keep having to revise it. "It's up to your conscience" becomes "it's morally reprehensible" ( I swear they are the only group that uses those terms), and the like. Plus, it would be a really short article right now "missionary position only, no hands touching the genitals". Talk about an anti-porn book!
with staunch jw's you just can't convince them to even take a look at the possibility they may not be the all encompassing " truth".
at least on the surface, they will not admit that everything is not perfect.
maybe deep inside they have some doubts about certain things, but their pride will not allow them to ever change, it seems.
My mom and her friends always say "Where else would we go?" meaning that since they know all other religions are false, they can't leave the "truth" and go back to false religion. Such muddled thinking really tires me out.
how is it seen if a single adult brother sits right next to a single adult sister at the kingdom hall?
rumours get going, right?
one thing i never liked in the jw's was that you just couldn't be good friends with people of the other sex.
My best friend from elementary school through high school was a guy. No one seemed to care until he got his driver's license, then suddenly it was a big deal that we hung out together, and drove to school together. It honestly never occured to me to think of him as anything but a brother until some nosy sisters starting telling me he would make good husband material. In all our time together we never kissed, touched, nothing of that nature, and yet, the older people started giving us a rough time. Talk about a tempest in a teapot!
ok....we all had them...perhaps we were one of them....stereotypical witnesses.
there were many stereotypes that proved to be in congregation after congregation.
what stereotypical witnesses do you remember.
How about CoupleNoChildren? They usually married young, and one or both pioneer, and since they want to devote their lives to service, and don't want to bring children into this "terrible system of things" they put off childbearing either until they get older and panic (sometimes mid 40s) or never (as in the case of my siblings).
how many hours a week do you spend on this forum?
it does add up, when you calculate the hours.. .
i must spend about 15 hours a week here, how about you?
I am only here during the week, mostly when I should be working! I consider myself addicted, because I have a very heavy workload, but still spend at least an hour a day reading and posting.
Simon, your site is a drug!!!
Happyout (happy to be addicted)