Help me out here. What are "homosexual tendencies"? What kind of announcement was made about these individuals?
Thank you.
have all this nocie in tv about jw and there dfd system lead to a more soft treatnign of at least moral siins, some are pointing on that , i was ther when the harder line was putt inn 1999 on an eldermeeting all over the word, perhaps this bigg media attention have some inpackt on how jw use the dfd system.. internet have also make a revolution fore peopel how have been badley treated, before they have nowan to talk to, sudenly the have the whole word listnign, i dont think this have been understad by the gb before now.. i want also now if soem here now about diffrent handeling if it is po or do how do bad things compared to young pepopelor peopel how thy think not are so aktiv as po and other give ther life fore jw.. if we read rom second chap, we see that the bibel say if you are a judge, "elder" you have no mercy if you do the same thing as the peopel you judge.. i have gett this information from commitee members how they see on this issu, if the acused man seems to regret what he done, even if it is on the commite meeting we must forgive him, it is not how bigg the sinn is how it is most important, it is if he seems repentant.. i have littel difficult to understanad this, beaucause the hard way some young peopel have been treated, .
Help me out here. What are "homosexual tendencies"? What kind of announcement was made about these individuals?
Thank you.
this is part of a fundamentalist "war" on women's rights, in my opinion.
i'm trying to get the word out to as many people as i can.
this just came across my screen.
So, all you people who defend Bush, and insist that he's not a right wing nutcase, stop listening to what he's yammering about, and look at his actions.
i have recently found out that my highschool diploma is no good.. so, now i'm enrolled in a ged course so i can have that to get into the program.
the problem is, they can't hold my position, they have to give it to someone else.
i can reapply next year, but who know's if there will be any positions open then.. this is so humiliating and embarassing, i'm 34 and i find out from someone else my diploma is no good, worse yet, i have to get a ged.
So sorry you had to go through this negative experience. I hope everyone pays attention to it, and learns from it. It should also serve as a warning to those who are looking into e-colleges and things like that. Always check the credientials of schools!
Good luck on your GED. Positive vibes are flowing your way!
i joined this forum a few months back and i'm just getting around to giving my personal story.
here goes: i was raised as a witness like many of you out there.
my mother was in the truth lie but my father was not.
Welcome to the board. Maybe one day you're change your screen name to "Heartened"
I know just how you feel, no matter what you did, you were never good enough. Well, stuff them! Live your life to the fullest, because as I heard Oprah say, "this ain't no dress rehearsal".
Since it was 7 years ago, I guess you' ve graduated school. Are you persuing your dreams?
doctrines, people, elders, family, beliefs, is there a certain thing that convinces you they are wrong ???.
had a discussion with my mom the other day and she asked "how can you be so sure they are wrong ?".
i picked two topics that i had not talked to her about ( already said the pedophile, un, generation stuff.).
This may sound weird, but one of the first things that started bugging me was reporting my time in service. I just could not make sense of why it was necessary. After all, Jehovah knew when I had been out, how many mags I placed, how many return visits, etc. Why were records being kept? And the elders were adamant that a report be turned in each month. Weird, and a little scary when I allowed myself to dwell on it.
Then bigger things started shaping my thoughts, especially the blood issue. People should not have to die for refusing medical treatment. And the way dubs looked down on other "religions" that refused medical treatment, without realising that they were doing the same thing just bugged.
I eventually got to the point where I believed little or nothing they said.
i continue in my fade to make those little subtle protests when around the witnesses....you know what i mean?
doing the kind of things that have nothing to do with violating "bible standards", but are none the less frowned upon by the self righteous of dubdum.
my latest was when attending a wedding reception the other night.
good for you, Integ. This is a great way to build up to whatever you decide to do in the end, fade, DA, whatever.
never having been a jw...i really wish i could understand this better.
shortly after my dad died, mom starts her "bible study" with the nice ladies from the hall.
fastforward a couple of years...she's now a baptised jw...and a totally different person.
Please keep in mind, elderly people are often taken advantage of, even outside of their religions. Because their mental faculties aren't as sharp, and because they are more susceptible to "sweet talk" from others, they aren't able to keep their guard up. IMHO, you should immediately seek legal assistance. If they are already borrowing her car, there is no telling what else they are asking for. She could be signing legal documents that are not in her best interest.
Good luck to you.
"the truth will set you free.
that is what we were always told when learning the wonderful bible truths tm.
freedom from ancestor worship, worrying about an eternity in hell (well, now you had to worry about getting nuked at a. but never mind), if the world would be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust, etc.. what are some of the things you felt you did not have to worry about when you were in, but do now?.
I ponder my mortality a lot. I don't really believe in the Bible, per se, but since it's been drilled into my head all my life, there is still that niggling thought that it might be right. Especially since I haven't found anything to replace it with. Logically, I don't think the idea of hell being a place of eternal torment makes any sense, but who am I?
However, having been a doubter most of my life, I still worried about this stuff even when I was a JW. When I was younger, I worried that I wasn't doing enough, that my heart wasn't pure, that Jehovah would somehow punish me and let the elders see my doubts and disfellowship me. I worried that I was evil, that Satan had hold of my heart, that demons would one day take me over. I didn't think Jehovah listened to my prayers, because although I begged, sometimes with tears, to have my heart believe, I just could not. What kind of person did that make me?
Since I lost my daughter, I think about it even more. Will I ever see her again? For me to survive her death, I had to convince myself that I would. I could not live thinking that I would never see her, that it was just done. I would have killed myself (and that is not hyperbole, it is the simple truth). So, I don't know in what form, but I am convinced that I will see her or her spirit in some way when this life is over.
i've been thinking and worrying about her.
anyone heard about how she is?
fruit punch.".
"there is no fruit in it.".
"there is no fruit in here!!!
((((( Rosemarie )))))))
My sypmathies. Your experiences just prove yet again that I am no longer equipped to deal with the public at large. I have a difficult enough time with our internal sales reps who don't know the difference between an original signature and a faxed signature. I can't imagine what I would do if people were saying the truly stupid things they are saying to you.
Since my husband was out of work for a while, I use that experience to hold my tongue. I just keep telling myself I need my job, I need my job. I also keep a picture of my son at my desk, so when I'm ready to fly off the handle, I look at him, and center myself.
Try to think of it all as one big joke. And keep honing those acting skills, maybe you can be the next Snapple Girl!