My favorite accent is french, with some spanish accents coming in a close second. I don't like German, it sounds too guttural for my taste, and I really don't care much for southern USA accents.
JoinedPosts by happyout
The Best And Worst Accents In The World
by Englishman inwell, obviously we english don't qualify on that score as we simply do not have any accent whatsoever.. but i do like the mid to south us accent, it's very warm and hospitable.
i'm not too keen on the accent of the eastern europeans, it seems harsh and bombastic.
Our old cat
by Mulan ini wish there was film in my camera for one last photo of our cat, tiffany.
we got her almost 18 years ago, when our youngest was in kindergarten.
now he's married.
When I had to let my kitty go, the comfort I got was in remembering how happy I made him, and he made me. We used to "talk" and even "argue". My mom would say it was scary the way we would go back and forth, but I loved every minute of it. He will live in my heart forever, and Tiffany will live in yours. Big hugs,
by kelpie ini cannot believe that i am pregnant and finally going to have a baby of my own!!!!!!
yahhhhh for me.
my first born is due on christmas eve.. we are all very excited here..... .
Yeah for you and your family!!!
A question for X-dunkers
by Loris ini have a question for all you x-dunkers out there.
i was dunked in 1965. as i recall the brother who did the dunking said to me, near my ear, "i baptise you in the name of the father, son and holy spirit.
" then he dunked me.
I was dunked sometime in the early 80's, and I don't recall the brother saying anything. When I was baptized as a baptist (I think I was about 6), I remember them holding me under the water, and I could hear the minister saying "I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the son, and of the holy ghost" all the while I'm thinking I'm going to drown. scary stuff for a little kid
Are you a CITY or COUNTRY person?
by JH ini just came back from montreal, and let me tell you the traffic is horrible.
a city of 3.4 million is big.
i rather live in a smaller town like where i live, with not much stress compared to a big city.
I live in So. Cal, in an area called the South Bay. I live in a suburb, which is cool, because it's not rural, but there is not the same overcrowding as in many cities. In my city, there is not a movie theater or even a gym, but I can get to thos amenities within 15 minutes if I choose. My city is very racially diverse, in fact, one of the city papers said it is the most diverse in the country (don't know if that was propoganda or true). There are plenty of parks, and the neighbors (at least on my street) say hello and are friendly.
Happyout (of the small city class)
by asleif_dufansdottir inok, i'm not trying to fan any flames, (don't beat me simon!
) but the anthropologist will explode if she doesn't get to say something.
"race" - we are all homo sapiens sapiens.
I love this post, you are my hero for the day! It is so hard to get Americans to think "outside the box" of what they are programmed to believe (yes, I'm American, born and raised, but I think more with a world view). I think our society is still so intent on judging, and putting people in a certain group that they don't realize it is really a very narrow way to live. The locked thread is a good example of that.
Thank you for hopefully broadening some minds (including mine!)
Who Makes The Rules?????
by worldlygirl injust wondering - - - who actually votes on changes in doctrine?
is it just the members of the governing body?
do they have another group of advisors?
Hi, Worldlygirl,
I have been out of the borg for a while, but I think I can safely say the rank and file members are NEVER given a vote in the "rules". The WTS issues edicts, and everyone had better follow them or else! I would venture to say that if the society were more "democratic" in their rule making, a lot of people would not have felt the need to leave.
We've decided to have a baby! (Advice needed)
by StinkyPantz ini know that many of you gave me the advice to wait until i'm done with school, but what can i say, i'm stubborn .
please share your pre-pregnancy and pregnancy tips that either made things smoother or things you wish you has done to make things easier.
i also want opinions on such things as epidurals, circumcision, nutrition, breast-feeding, money saving tips, etc.
Hey, SP,
I have to throw in my two cents, because of all the things I have ever done in my life, being a mother is what I do best! You have been given some great advice, prenatal vitamins, plenty of rest, healthy nutrition, etc. I would watch how much juice you drink, though, only because of the amount of sugar. It's really best to just eat the fruit. I had gestational diabetes, and my doctor told me a lot of people are unaware that juice contains so much sugar.
From my perspective, part of what is sometimes difficult is the rose colored glasses some people want you to look through. Breastfeeding, while being the best thing for your baby is HARD AT FIRST! That said, it is probably the best thing I ever did. I never felt anything sexual, I think there is something in your head that just turns that off. It really helped me bond with my son, saved me a TON of money on formula, and for the entire year that I breastfed him, he didn't get sick one single time. The first month and a half was hard, because it hurt. Not everyone has that experience, some women must have sturdier nipples than mine
Also, take into account the money you will spend on child care. Where I live, the average cost varies from $145 to $185 per week for a licensed center. You may want to start to investigate now. Also, BEFORE you get pregnant and hormones start to rage, write down how you and hubby plan to share responsibilities. One of my biggest mistakes was doing everything at the beginning, because I was so involved with being a mommy, and now my husband is used to it, and doesn't do his full share. I accept part of the blame for that, because I would not let him do it at first. I was surprised at how tired I was the first few months of pregnancy, so you may want to try to have as few classes as possible just to get enough rest.
I would love to talk off line about this, one of my favorite topics, if you are interested, drop me a personal message and I'll give you my phone number. No obligation, just an offer.
Good luck, you are in for the biggest joy of your life.
5 American idols left-who's getting the boot?
by morrisamb inplease, please give country boy the boot, america!!!.
kimberly locke and reuben each gave a singular moving, unbelievable performance last night (of their two songs).
trenyce and clay were a close second.. what do you all think?
I hope Ruuuben wins, and Kim comes in second. Clay is ok, kinda reminds me of Barry Manilow, except Clay sings without feeling. His voice is great, very powerful, but just no emotion. I have never liked Trenyce, don't know why, just don't. I think Josh has been in this long because of the patriotic spirit of the country, and his time is up.
I am off to find out why the caged bird sings...
by joannadandy ini am going to go see maya angelou speak tonight...should be interesting.
i shall post any interesting stuff from the speech later.
like her poetry?
You are pretty funny, sixofnine, deflecting things off and calling me a racist. I never mentioned the word, nor called you any names at all, I simply said your comment was hurtful. If you can't see that insulting a group of people (and yes, insinuating that a group of people don't know how to behave acceptably in a social setting is is insulting) is wrong, then, you aren't ready to take an objective look at yourself. So, having a sense of humor about the differences in race and culture means that all black people talk in movies? You REALLY can't see that that is, at best, an unkind remark? As though "black culture" demands that people talk during movies, or at least, that most black people talk during movies? Whatever, again, I will drop the subject. I won't respond anymore, there's no point, although I'm sure you will feel the need to "get in the last word" so have a good night.