No, I dont believe it anymore.
JoinedPosts by mattnoel
My brother is not worthy....
by hoodwinked inmy disfellowshipped brother and his likewise disfellowshipped friend attended memorial tonight but were not passed the emblematic wine??!!??
is he is not worthy of the sacrificial significance of christ's blood?
this is stranger than fiction!!!!
This is the "Love" of the "Christian" congregation who feel they have a right to take it into their own hands what people can and cant do.
Maybe this tells your brother not to bother attending anymore.
Um Adult Hello Kitty ???and other wierd stuff.
by Xandria initem kty100 hello kitty vibrator ~ shoulder massage.
this item is in stock in japan.
weight: 300g.
Apparantly here in the UK a Harry Potter Broomstick was being sold that vibrated to some how simulate flying. They noticed that a lot of teenage school girls where suddenly buying thes.........until a newspaper exposed what was really going on.
by nightwarrior in.
for many years i kept on praying to god but i often wondered if the prayers ever reached him, i had allways prayed through jesus christ ,untill i started studying the scriptures with jehovahs witnesess, then i was taught that they were gods spoksmen on earth passing themselves of as the faithfull and discreet slave class, hence now my prayers were handled by them , i gave them 15 years of half sevice half bondage ,but my point is they tried to take the place of jesus christ demeaning him,and placing therselves in his place or very close to him,over the years i knew something was wrong, hence my point if you wrote a letter to the queen of england but on the way it became miss directed say for instance to the devil, what would you do once you had found out you had used many years of your life thinking one thing but in reality you were going against gods wishes,in allowing your letter to be miss directed you knew that your letter was being sent to the wrong address but you did nothing about it,because if you did your family would become upset and that you might loose them,would you have the courage to face your convictions or would you allow things to permeate without doing anything about it would you still live a lie.. how would god view you ,how do you view yourself.
If you believe there is a god you dont need to go to a KH or temple to worship him, lets face it we dont really know if there is one or not. I believe that if he really wanted us to worship him in a certain way it would be instilled in us like eating and drinking.
If you believe in a god then you can pray wherever you are and you certainly dont need a million and one books and KH's to worship him, you do it in the way you feel is most fitting.
Looking forward to Lunch and the sweatshop Mrs
Burial or Cremation?
by Francois ini got the idea for this thread from one jessika posted and which contained a response from dede.. which form of final resting place do you prefer and why?
personally, i want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered at a particular place on the beach on deserted st. catherine's island, a barrier island on the georgia coast.
my children could get there by boat (the only way) and visit my spirit there - even though i know my spirit won't be there, i believe that somehow i will know they're there and what they're saying.. being buried in a box six feet under to lie in the same position througout all eternity doesn't appeal to me in the least.
I guess I always wanted to be buried but we have been looking around a lot of cemetries these past weeks tracing back ancestors and it is so sad to see how many gravestones are broken, toppled over, even put out to the garbage men - I couldnt help thinking that is someones legacy right there and the rubbish men are going to take it away.
If you are cremated then you get a nice plaque on the wall and you can be scattered wherever you want to be scattered. I feel it is so much more dignified. I also dont have to worry about someone having to maintain upkeep on my grave. Its painfull enough when someone dies without having to go every few weeks and maintain their grave.
My Dreams Have Been Indefinitely Postponed
by StinkyPantz ini woke up to a banging on my door and much to my surprise, it was a police officer.
he proceeded to tell me that my car was damaged.
i was thinking, "great, someone must've busted out a window or slashed my tires.
Stinky, I dont know who you work over there when it comes to insurance. I work for an insurance company here in the UK and previously worked in the Claims Dept before I got to my current role.
If it is the same over there and it is certainly worth looking into -
Even though are both with the same insurer this does not mean that they treat you any different, basically the two claims depts that are dealing with each of you will fight against each other on the claim. This is basically a non fault accident on your part so there is not really anything to fights about. You HAVE to be treated the same as if you were with any other insurer.
You can go to a Lawyer that specialises in ULR or Uninsured Loss Recovery. They will then sue his insurer for damages incurred to you including out of work expenses, damage that wouldnt be covered on the insurance (personal possesions) and damage to your car that would not be covered by the other insurer. Now, the fact that he was driving under the inflence may mean that his insurer refuse to pay for damages to his car as he was breaking the law but they will have to pay the full market value of the vehicle if you were to have taken it to a garage just before the accident. The ULR should then be able to recover the rest of the damage + out other expenses i.e you can prove that you were moving etc.
again I dont know where it stands over there but look into it.
Hope it helps. Take care.
The Knock at the Door After the Prayer
by stevieb1 inthis experience is commoly related by jehovah's witnesses:.
a man or woman is desperately searching for "the truth" or someone is about to give up on life but before they do they utter a prayer to god and lo and behold a knock is heard on the door and behind the door are jehovah's witnesses.. these experiences are used by jw's to confirm angelic direction on their work and seems to reinforce in them that they have the "truth".. how does one argue against such personal experience?.
i am no longer a jw and no longer support their organizational teachings by the way, but i'd like to throw out the above question to you all for comment and consideration.. .
Maybe they are urban myths and people who have gone into the religion have made up the story to make them popular or something.
My Memorial Experience-not so good
by wednesday inwell i just got back form the memorial, and well it was not all loving and warm like scobbysnax had.
two or three couples spoke to us, not one elder.
an elder came up to some people who had apparently just showed up for the first time, and they were all over them.
LOL Nina, your just trying to get your posting numbers up !
Te he well theres the answer to the above post
What Were You Told That You Had To Work on By The Elders?
by minimus inthe elders feel obliged to have you work on at least, something.
what did they tell you?
Its time for the Sisters to uprise and so Hell No the the dubs !