Oh Scoob - bet you like Steps too
JoinedPosts by mattnoel
S Club splitting up....tragic
by ScoobySnax inyou know i've practiced all sclub 7's moves in my front room for the past 3 years, just can't believe they're splitting....... its just awful!
by nightwarrior ina man was studying with the witnesess whom happened to be a old friend of one of my sisters, whom used to lead a very imoral life.
this guy turned up at sigle womens houses quite often.
anyway this nice man started studying the scriptures,after 18 months or so his wife even attended the meetings.
The JW Child
by be wise ini just thought id write down a few things on how being brought up as a jw affected me as a child.
this is for my own personal healing.
1, made me very paranoid.
Omaha area - suicide?
by asleif_dufansdottir ini don't know if it's ok to post names on this board, but i've been trying to find out about this for some months and can't (i don't have any 'connections' who are still in).. i heard a very well-known sister (beautiful, wealthy, pioneer, good-looking husband, parts on assemblies) from my old circuit committed suicide some time back.. anybody know anything about it?
i always admired and, honestly, really envied her, although i didn't know her personally.
i'm very curious.
Asleif - Stop putting yourself down !!! clearly from what has happened to her she was not happy. I bet you are more loved and cherished than you actually think.
Take that as a kick up the butt and remember what YOU have to offer and how important YOU are in others lives and dont be too harsh on yourself.
ok all you brits!
by Ravyn inmy husband and i have talked about coming to gb when we retire.
tell us where the best place for a couple of yanks (who would rather forget that we are yanks) to live might be.
we are both pagan.
ok all you brits!
by Ravyn inmy husband and i have talked about coming to gb when we retire.
tell us where the best place for a couple of yanks (who would rather forget that we are yanks) to live might be.
we are both pagan.
Thanks Hamas...........................clearly you live in the wrong part of the country although some points I can agree with you on, there is a lot of change going on.
Ravyn, Kent and Devon are wonderfull ! Kent is handy as it is very easy to get into London. As you know there is a hell of a lot to see in Kent including some ancient tombs such as Kits Coty (very pagan), Kent has a lot of history being such an ancient county nic Canterbury Cathedral. London is also the must for all Americans, if you are planning on coming I would be more than happy to help you find accomodation here thats reasonable as I know the area and whats around and would be happy to help you with tourist things to do depending on what you want to see. We also have easy access to the rest of Europe with trains running from my home town to Paris, Brussels, etc.
Being a Kentish Man I say come to Kent, and let me know if you want any help
If your thinking of moving here, Kent is VERY expensive and is going to get worse, we are second to London, depends on what you want and how much you have. I know the country quite well through work and travel so again I may be able to help guide you in the right direction.
Interesting Tidbits
by Xena inafter reading the thread about posing in the nude, i was suprised to see how many people on here had done that....made me start to wonder what other interesting tidbits (hence the title of this thread) i didn't know about my fellow posters.
so what interesting or unusual thing have you done or been or seen in your life?
posed in the nude?
Blimey I thought I had done a lot....................
The usual been a dub. Walked past a van loaded with explosives, left work early and as I got on the coach to go home the bomb went off and blew my office up and pretty much all the buildings surrounding, also gave a violent shake to the coach I was on http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/february/10/newsid_2539000/2539265.stm shows my office in the rear left and a news clip of the story on video.
Been a goat herder in Spain - long story
Lived in various countries, been in a minor earthquake
Survived a serious road accident
got some famous relatives If I think of anything else I will add it on.
Yet another simimilar story.
by enlightened ini was told about this site from family members that have all survived/overcome being jw's.
i must admit it is wonderful and so disturbing at the same time, to read all of these stories.
it's amazing what a religion/cult can do to you, first by embracing you then completely consuming you.
by mattnoel in.
happy st georges day to all forum members in england, i am a little early in posting this 20 mins before midnight but i hope all enjoy this special day in english history..
Well just cooking our roast dinner, we spent the day at Canterbury Cathedral which was cool, saw where Thomas Beckett was murdered and met Dr Rowan Williams (that but I just made up for effect), also noticed how many others were celebrating the day.
Well after tonight - I have another full day at work to look forward to ! whooopeeee - not ! why do days off work go so damn quick ?
I need help
by DIAMOND inhelp me please... i just got diane wilson's book awakening of a jehovah's witness and i can't put the damn thing down.
i'm reading while i eat while i'm in bed while i'm at work in the bathroom!!
its crazy!!!!.