Posts by Debz
Analysis of Apostasy
by pseudoxristos ina load of crap from a jw forum.
i thought everyone would gag enjoy.. .
i have recently written a short essay on the mode and operation .
Sagittal Cranio Synontosis
by Debz inlast may 2002 my 3 month old grandson had to have major skull surgery - he was diagnosed with saggittal cranio synontosis.
this is an affliction that causes a baby`s skull to be fused together at birth - normally a baby`s skull is in separate sections to enable the brain to grow.
in order to `fix` the skull a 2 cm strip of skull was taken from his skull from his forehead to the base of his skull.
You did well by standing up to your mom! Believe me I know it is hard to tell your own Mother to Shut Up! I am very much a rug when it comes to my parents so to me you were very brave!
You never know how your own courage and conviction may give your mom pause for reflection.
Thankyou Utopian and Onacruise for your comments! I thought it was a `brave` thing at the time ..given the history and her passion to control concern was for my child and grandson...thats all....I hope she does reflect as the years go by of what may have been IF she had had her way! Thanks... -
What is a CULT???
by Debz inthis is is taken from margot adler's drawing down the moon, a guide to contemporary neo-paganism.
she quotes p.e.i.
bonewits on what to look for and avoid in any organization that promises wisdom by participating in its activities.. .
This is interesting......It is taken from Margot Adler's Drawing Down the Moon, a guide to contemporary neo-paganism. She quotes P.E.I. Bonewits on what to look for and avoid in any organization that promises wisdom by participating in its activities.
INTERNAL CONTROL, amount of internal political power exercised by leader(s) over members.
WISDOM CLAIMED by leader(s), amount of infallibility declared about decisions.
WISDOM CREDITED to leader(s) by members; amount of trust in decisions made by leader(s).
DOGMA, rigidity of reality concepts taught; amount of doctrinal inflexibility.
RECRUITING, emphasis put on attracting new members; amount of proselytizing.
FRONT GROUPS, number of subsidiary groups using names different from that of the main group.
WEALTH, amount of money and/or property desired or obtained; emphasis on members'donations.POLITICAL POWER, amount of external political influence desired or obtained.
SEXUAL MANIPULATION of members by leader(s); amount of control of sex lives of
CENSORSHIP, amount of control over members' access to outside opinions on
group, its doctrines, or its leader(s).
DROPOUT CONTROL, intensity of efforts directed at preventing or returning
ENDORSEMENT OF VIOLENCE when used by or for the group or its leader(s).
PARANOIA, amount of fear concerning real or imagined enemies, perceived power
of opponents.
GRIMNESS, amount of disapproval concerning jokes about the group, its
doctrines, or its leader(s).Margot Adler stated that she hoped that there would be no groups on her list that scored too
high on this scale.
Hmmmm sorry Margot think we have one for you! -
Sagittal Cranio Synontosis
by Debz inlast may 2002 my 3 month old grandson had to have major skull surgery - he was diagnosed with saggittal cranio synontosis.
this is an affliction that causes a baby`s skull to be fused together at birth - normally a baby`s skull is in separate sections to enable the brain to grow.
in order to `fix` the skull a 2 cm strip of skull was taken from his skull from his forehead to the base of his skull.
Last May 2002 my 3 month old grandson had to have major skull surgery - he was diagnosed with Saggittal Cranio Synontosis. This is an affliction that causes a baby`s skull to be fused together at birth - normally a baby`s skull is in separate sections to enable the brain to grow. In order to `fix` the skull a 2 cm strip of skull was taken from his skull from his forehead to the base of his skull. Several trangular strips from the top of the skull made so that the brain could expand. The operation was a `must have` or he would have died - this can happen as the brain would literally be crsushed as the baby grows. Luckily, (and thanks to the skilled surgeons) he is now doing very well a big bouncy baby and does`nt seem to have affected him at all.
As usual in my family the blood became an issue as my mother (an annointed) tried to bully her way with the wonderful hospital and doctors etc. In fact the surgeon would not do the operation without poermission to use blood if necessary. (My daughter is not a Jdub - but Mother still has to have a say!). It was the only time in my 43 yrs I have told my mother to `shut up`. As it happened he didn`t have to use it anyways.
Has anyone heard of this at all?..I had never heard of it before now..there is a lot on the net about it and fascinating reading....and those little babies are so brave!
Board wars :(
by LyinEyes inseems like tension is high right now, and i really hate tension, especially when i get right in the middle of i swear i am not a troublemaker ,,, for the most part.... i enjoy this board because i have alot of good friends here, i have learned alot and this place will always have a special place in my heart because of that.. i like moe and randoms board because they are my friends and i like it there too.. i even lurk at jwo because i am nosey and i am interesting in certain ones and what is going on in their world.
i worry,,,,,,,,,,, because i do care too much of what people think of me,,,,,,,,,, that by going to these other boards that i will be lable as disgruntled.
i am not in anyway.........i go to different boards because i have friends that go there.
if you have a problem here with something done here or someone here don't you think it should be addressed here?
Thats what I think..and as this board `war` seems to have started way before my time I really can`t be bothered with the hassle....I`m here to purely to give my opinions - whether they be viewed as right or wrong - in order to assist others and if they help thats fine by me. The only time I believe Simon should, or needs to, intervene is when `offensive` personal attacks are made and I have observed that these have not been limited to `board war attacks` some have been personal attacks aimed at personal relationships, these I viewed when a newbie to the board - its not necessary to post this type of innuendo and slander on this type of board and is hardly productive in the long run....But at the same time I think that due to the nature of the written form a right of reply can be made to clear up any misunderstandings that may have been made by reading things the wrong way!
Our inheritance is going to WTS
by wednesday injust found out yesterday, by way of the grapevine, that my jw husband's inheritance from his parents, is going to the wts.
i had been trying to tell my husband that the wts is doing this now, and he did not believe me.
and would u believe it, we heard yesterday, from his his nephew, that it is so, they are not leaving anything to their kids, all to the wts.
Thats a good way to be Blondie....I just would like to see my kids benefit...they won`t my mother will `will` aways everything to THEM.....I will try to make sure my kids have something at least! Its a very sad indication of how people can lose their self determination and free will....
Watcthtower Solves All Problems By Cloning!!!
by minimus inmy prediction is that the watchtower society will rid itself of all undesireables and clone "theocratic" "ones".
imagine perfect little boys and girls!
perfect mothers and fathers.
Imagine perfect little boys and girls! Perfect mothers and fathers. Perfect single people. All united with one thought! ......
Highly possible! I think that most spritually `strong` brothers and sisters would revel in the idea of `other` like minded people ....with no real thoughts of their own...personally I think..............boring!!!!!! -
Some of my Artworks
by refiners fire in.
edited by - refiners fire on 29 december 2002 18:28:29.
Seriously some of RF Art is very good.....I can vouch for it! OK RF where`s me $50 for saying that publicly?
Debz......(sson to be an artist - something like Elderrepents showed us...I wish!! - although my 2 yr old grandson has done one that looks great framed!)
Some of my Artworks
by refiners fire in.
edited by - refiners fire on 29 december 2002 18:28:29.
Those are g8 Blondie........very nice...
Some of my Artworks
by refiners fire in.
edited by - refiners fire on 29 december 2002 18:28:29.
I Tried....BECK where are ya???