This year started off bad... then really bad... then worse.
Next year's got to be better.
with 2002 almost consigned to history, how was it for you?
how would you sum up your 2002?
nah, this isn't a poll; we do those on the weekends!!
This year started off bad... then really bad... then worse.
Next year's got to be better.
rule no 1 take your wap mobile phone and scan the internet no2 enthusiastically volunteer to do car park duty with one of your spiritually weak friends no 3 when all else fails say your saved and believe in the trinity and you wont have to go any more
today, like many days, well, usually once or twice weekly, i'm missing yet another meeting; it's the 'book study' meeting.. just don't feel like hearing the same crap.
the book (isaiah's prophecy) we're studying now is so redundant and boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plus, i saw all the people i care for over the weekend, so i really don't need to have another doses of their love just yet.. sound familiar to anyone?!.
Well......glad you found time to post us instead....its much more interesting than the book study, true?
Thats disgusting!
i just love how alot of you are going back to college or have graduated.i have been inspired!who else is in college,has graduated,or is thinking about going?its never too late.
woman finishes college after 57 years .
associated press
Scootergirl..Tons of jobs here in Australia - but they pay terribly...the best pay is in UK and they will recruit Aussies to go there, something I`m thinking about seriously as I have a UK passport anyway. I work with homeless families BUT there is always vacancies at Child Protection of course. Its one of those `unrecognised` caring professions that we need to make sure is given proper regard to its professionalism............
hi to everyone on the board.
it has been quite sometime since my last post.
well... let me get on with this incident.
Most elders are arrogant, judgmental hypocrites smug in their own little fiefdoms of authority. Don't allow yourself to be drawn back into that nonsense.
I would be annoyed about the phone number being given out too! But you really need to tackle your Mum on that one! In my 20yrs of being DF`ed I have the `elders` call once on me through my mothers reccommendation - naturally at a time when SHE thought I was at a vulnurable in my life. Their purpose to ask me to come back to meetings of course. The reply a curt NO - don`t call on me again solved the issue........never seen them again..(not at my door anyways)
in australia, hospital liaison committees "function in over 20 major cities".
the wts publication "jehovah's witnesses guidelines for their non-blood medical management" lists those 20 major cities as: .
perth (wa) .
Hmmmm yes interesting Ozzie........Maybe your local politician can fill you in on the reasons there is none in Tamworth...(maybe they don`t like country and western music?)
i just love how alot of you are going back to college or have graduated.i have been inspired!who else is in college,has graduated,or is thinking about going?its never too late.
woman finishes college after 57 years .
associated press
I have anAAS degree(DIploma) inHuman(WElfare) Services (specialized in Family and Youth) and also a BA in Social Work (specialized in Child Protection)......and a load of student loans to show for it!
in australia, hospital liaison committees "function in over 20 major cities".
the wts publication "jehovah's witnesses guidelines for their non-blood medical management" lists those 20 major cities as: .
perth (wa) .
Ozzie ~
I`m only guessing here but it may have something to do with privatisation of Public Hospitals! Most country towns (one of which I am in - Victoria) has been sold out to private corporate services - mainly USA / UK based companies. Naturally as this happens the public get less and less of a say in how their hospital business is managed and you then find that any `community focused` committees that are / were voluntary no longer run.....This has been my observation in the Hospitals around my area in fact, they want to take over even all the smaller Community Health Care Centres too.....I could be wrong but thats my observations of what is happening on a nationwide scale.....
last may 2002 my 3 month old grandson had to have major skull surgery - he was diagnosed with saggittal cranio synontosis.
this is an affliction that causes a baby`s skull to be fused together at birth - normally a baby`s skull is in separate sections to enable the brain to grow.
in order to `fix` the skull a 2 cm strip of skull was taken from his skull from his forehead to the base of his skull.
Thanks Dakota.....I think you`re right even in our 40`s seems so silly that a stand seems such a brave thing to do..maybe she will think twice before interfering in my daughters / grandchildrens lives to that extent. I don`t regret it......after all where was she for 20yrs after I was DF`ed???