FayeDunaway - Oh my, those last 4 posts were quite discouraging.
Maybe my post came across as discouraging. Sorry about that. But, sometimes it is necessary and useful to contemplate the "worst case scenario" and the reality of what could happen. The stoics had a technique called the "premeditatio malorum", or the technique of contemplating potential misfortunes in advance. The exercise was to take a fear and imagine (sometimes live it temporarily) to put it into perspective. (If you like sci-fi, think about this like the "Gom Jabbar" exercise in "Dune" if that helps.)
Ultimately, the exercise was meant to convey that regardless of the outcome you still had yourself. This is reality and there are no guarantees. Only you can decide what is best. But, like I said, I do not regret a single minute. I still have me.