Nah, Shamus, I know many men who watch it. It's not a soap opera... it's a big game of office politics in the middle of the jungle. Wonderful ain't it ;)
well i'm offline for a couple of hours.
the newest episode is about to start and i haven't read any spoilers today.
have i mentioned i love this show?
Nah, Shamus, I know many men who watch it. It's not a soap opera... it's a big game of office politics in the middle of the jungle. Wonderful ain't it ;)
well i'm offline for a couple of hours.
the newest episode is about to start and i haven't read any spoilers today.
have i mentioned i love this show?
Thanks, Stacy, I visit that site often as well. I love reading the chats with the survivors after they've been voted off... what people ask and how they answer. I wasn't aware of any forums, though. When I have a bit more time I'll have to check those out.
well i'm offline for a couple of hours.
the newest episode is about to start and i haven't read any spoilers today.
have i mentioned i love this show?
normally i love my job, but at 4.50am this morning my alarm went off for me to get ready for work and i hated it so much.
i've been off for 2 weeeks, and my first shift back is a 1ohr shift on a sunday morning.
its enough to make me wish i was getting up for a meeting instead!!!
Working holidays about kills me. I gave up enough of them as a witness and they are precious to me.
I believe working with the public is a matter of learning to be amused by stupidity rather than annoyed by it... for instance the old men who think they don't have to follow the rules at the craps table because a young girl is telling them. The battle of wills is amusing to me, and I always win because they either bend to my will or play elsewhere ;)
that believe women have nothing of "real value" to teach them about life in general or even about spirituality.. is this "belief" bible based or is it a personal belief?
just wondering.
I've learned I'm a bad boy who deserves a good spanking
Don't tease me, heathen.
i am a retail monkey--i will be working tomorrow to service all you shiftless real job having no-gooders on your day off.
i will actually be laboring!.
i want a holiday for everyone who always ends up working labor day!.
Don't feel bad, Jo. I work at a casino... I dont get *any* holidays off. I cry every Christmas while driving to work.
Other than working holidays, though, it's a pretty swell job and I like it. I guess it's better to hate my job a few days a year than to be miserable going to work every day, eh?
if you've left all your family and friends for "the truth" and then you realize how everything you did was for nothing, how do you just go back, especially, if it's been 25 years???
my wife is going thru this dillema right now.
my daughter just went to a family member's birthday party for the 1st time yesterday and my wife feels as though she is unable to be involved because "what will the family think of her after all the birthdays and celebrations" she missed?
I felt the same way when I went to my grandma's house for Christmas the first time. I felt foolish and like they really wouldn't want me there. I only felt that way because it's how the religion taught me to feel... it taught me to believe that love was conditional and that friends and family were judgemental.
Several years (and Christmas celebrations) later I told my grandma how difficult walking in that first Christmas had been for me. Her words, "You are our family and we love you no matter what, if you think we were anything but ecstatic that our prayers were finally answered and you got out of that cult you are only fooling yourself. It was one of the happiest Christmas days we ever had."
It's scary, but encourage her to walk through the door... it's so worth it.
gotta go to work soon.....but i've been mulling this one over and can't come to any logical conclusion(s) on my own, so i'm asking for yall's thoughts on the subject..... .
to begin with, from years ago, i've seen several persons talk about the probability of an illness or a possible catastrophe befalling them....only to seemingly "talk themselves into" being actually ill or the catastrophe actually befalling them.....i've also observed people, who are avid church-goers and bible readers, have "spiritual" experiences which actually validate their beliefs.....and i've read psychological info which proposes in so many words that things can occur in a person's life according to what they believe will occur.....that positive thoughts and actions attract positive outcomes and, likewise, negative thoughts and actions attract negative outcomes.....i have also had the experience from being in the borg and studying so much bible knowledge that it became too real and that what bible writers had written began to take affect in my own life for a while......but i also now see the obvious faults in what was written in the bible.....also, people who believe in buddha, voodoo or any other faith/practice seem to see the results come true for them as they are taught to believe the results will come...... .
so.....i'm wondering.....1. could it be probable that a person could contrive and believe and act on just about anything and see results according to what they have contrived to be true, acted on and believe?
I'm glad to be of help when I can ;)
I seem to have misrepresented a favorite series of mine in the telling, though lol. I do recommend it if for no other reason than is an excellent read. If you're an avid reader I can almost promise you will enjoy them.
We all need reassurance from time to time, there's nothing wrong with that... and especially after leaving a controlling organization that ingrains a knee-jerk fear of the rest of the world into it's followers.
Do yourself a favor and allow yourself to not know all the answers. Believe what is right in your heart, be the best person you can, and accept that you can not live up to perfect expectations.
The world is an amazing place full of things that should be relished with child-like abandonment.
:::chuckling::: I feel like I'm being preachy and don't mean to be... but there is so much joy to be had.
Nowhere near there... but hello ;)
gotta go to work soon.....but i've been mulling this one over and can't come to any logical conclusion(s) on my own, so i'm asking for yall's thoughts on the subject..... .
to begin with, from years ago, i've seen several persons talk about the probability of an illness or a possible catastrophe befalling them....only to seemingly "talk themselves into" being actually ill or the catastrophe actually befalling them.....i've also observed people, who are avid church-goers and bible readers, have "spiritual" experiences which actually validate their beliefs.....and i've read psychological info which proposes in so many words that things can occur in a person's life according to what they believe will occur.....that positive thoughts and actions attract positive outcomes and, likewise, negative thoughts and actions attract negative outcomes.....i have also had the experience from being in the borg and studying so much bible knowledge that it became too real and that what bible writers had written began to take affect in my own life for a while......but i also now see the obvious faults in what was written in the bible.....also, people who believe in buddha, voodoo or any other faith/practice seem to see the results come true for them as they are taught to believe the results will come...... .
so.....i'm wondering.....1. could it be probable that a person could contrive and believe and act on just about anything and see results according to what they have contrived to be true, acted on and believe?
Natural all the way, baby ;) However tis naturally a dirty blonde so I do have lighter highlights and even a few red highlights added
It's a hard and often frightening thing to leave. I choose to believe in a God, I also feel no need to define that God. I know I'm a good person and I believe God is powerful enough to understand the issues I have faced in my life and why I choose to believe the things I do. That's enough for me.
Do you read much? I'm not big on reading lengthy diatribes on religious viewpoints and definitions. I prefer fiction, myself. One of the best series of books that I've read is the Earth Children Series by Jean M. Auel. I enjoy it for many reasons... but there are parts of the series that I can directly parallel with my experiences in this religion. There are also a few religious undertones in the book, though nothing like christianity, and the inner thoughts and workings of some of the religious leaders. It's very interesting reading (though Auel can be overly descripitive and a bit tedious until you actually get pulled into the story) and sometimes it's good to stop trying to define everything, take a break and just bury yourself in another world for the sheer pleasure of escape ;)
Good Luck,