If i remember correctly, the WT based it's 1975 prophecy on Adam being created in 4026BC (4026 + 6000 years of human rule, not counting "year zero" = 1975). But when there is a huge amount of scientific evidence (which i subscribe to based on logic, radiocarbon data, geology etc) that points to humans living on the earth many, many thousands of years before this). That's why I've always been a (humanist) scientist and not a theologist - science can (often) give proof, whereas with religion you seem to rely on faith and a 2,000+ year old book.
A few weeks back my soon to be returning JW girlfreind gave me a WT book to read (can't remember what it was called - it seemed to be aimed at young adults and printed in the late 70's/early 80's), and one chapter read something like "fossil evidence and the great flood", where it said the flood must have happened because sea fossils have been found on areas above sea level. It was then i used my basic knowledge of geology and plate tectonics to show that over millions of years two "areas" of land can meet up, and form mountains (and any fossils in the areas close to the meeting point can therefore rise above ground level). i also used the case of the West African / South American coatlines as an example, where not only do the shapes of theoir coastlines seem to almost fit into each other, but fossils of creatures thought only to exist on the West coast of Africa have been found on the South East American coast, and vice-versa. A few weeks back on this site's chat room i was told that the WT stopped teaching the "fossils above sea level as evidence of the flood" theory years ago......
Considering it was sopposed to be a "science" (or rebuking thereof) book, it wasn't half full of crap, lies, half truths and misquotes. Anybody know what it was called? it was a hardback book missing it's paper cover, but the hardboard cover beneath was light blue with (gold?) writing
p.s. not in a good mood, my pub quiz team just lost out on winning £280 between 4 of us
millions now living will never see through the crap.