Really sorry about this!
A few days back I started a thread called "JW's and Mormons", which seemed to get a few replies. However, whenever I tried to open the thread I kept getting one of those horrible "Error" screens that seemed to have been plaguing the forum recently. Now it seems as if the thread has gone for good.
The original questions I asked were along the lines of
"Apart from the obvious things like springing up from the USA in the 19th century, going door-to-door to try and gain new converts, claiming to be the only true religion etc, does anybody know of any other intersting similarities between the JW and Mormon faiths?"
"Have any ex-JW's here ever had any interesting doorstep conversations with Mormons? Either while out in service spreading the Watchtower's false prophecies, lies and hatred, erm, Good news, or while on the receiving end of an uninvited visit from the Church of Latter Day Saints"
If you have answered before, and would happily be willing to reply again, I'd be most grateful!