Thank you once again for your kind words. Discussing with (respect) is better than just discussing. Putting the other persons feelings (first) ahead of our own is the display of spirit we want to show. Thanking the person for the hard work involved, the time and effort. Many people are doing the very best that they can (just to post information). Do you know what it is like to sit in a wheel chair--disabled--and blind in one eye,--working to do your best to post information, because you love your neighbor enough to post information, that you (hope) will be appreciated? If not,-then let me enlighten you. Your are now reading the post from a person in that very condition, and I again find the (very best) out of your posts, without disecting them to find the errors.---Why? Because of my love for you as my neighbor and friend.---Thank you oce again my friend, and my christian love for you and your family is great.---Voyager