I guess, I can put myself up. I'm niether DF'd or any trouble,but like others on here. I see the actions of others, and I'm like WTF ? I'm killing myself and everyone is living the good life.
I'll start with a brother a know well, he has his own business doing commercial landscape. He and his dad live in some of the finest subdivions not far from me, both drive matching corvettes and the moment, I say something about changing positions at work, it's " Well how will it affect your relationship with Jehovah ? "
My ex.....a pioneer like I, she dumped me for a brother she had previously gone with, did they deed, before they got married, and now they're both DF'd. He wanted to just end it and pretend nothing happeded and she says he wanted to confess...if I know her like I do, it was the other way around no doubt. I guess I'm a pretty BIG hypocrite for talking to a DF'f person,but it was a year after the fact and I had to know., athe irony...she told my friend above, she was worried about my sprituality ( which was just fine ) and didn't know if she could respect me. I almost swore off women from California, especially LA, but I realize you can't blanket everybody.
My aunt. She yells and screams and argues with mom mom, and the minute she hits KH property, she's the faithful ruth.
Hipocrasy is a BIG reason I'm on this board. I've see-sawed back in forth for FIVE YEARS now. I joined, then thought people on here were talking out their *ss, I've gone back, and at the advise of a friend left the english congregation for the spanish and my cards are now there.
I'm now at a point where, I have noi friends in the congregation No one calls, and as far I can tell, they probably think I've fallen off the face of the earth. I have a great job I like,but since only a few people there ae JW's ( I don't think they know my situation. ) I associate with neither them or the "worldy" people. So I take comfort in reading comments on this site. Because truth be told Alot on here does make sense. Things I had an opinion about or thouyght I could never say, others on here have said it, and it angers me, because I juust turned 31, and over the last year and a half I'm increasingly feeling like I've pissed away a good chunk of my life and opprotunities by pioneering, "dumbing" myself down and not finishing college.
Essentially, I'm having ALOT of what if questions. I don't mean to ramble, I live in a large texas city and I've searched for groups to see if any EX-Jw's meet in my area to no avail. Nevertheless I feel like the biggest hypocrite. My mom who lives in another area, thinks I still go to the meetings,but it little......I've gone enough to know the booki study changed. That the Watchtower has changd somewhat, and I have been to an assebly/convention since 2004 !! Some days as someone in this thread said I feel like it is the right religion,but I'm increasingly have my doubts,but I stay because well other than the JW's who are suppossed to be your friends I have no one.
Extremly Lonely and frustrated.