I think the process of getting to know a person was worse,than dating. Getting to know a JW sister was like a job interview for me. I felt and still do to this day that most sisters were only interested in status. Are you A.) An Bethelite B.) An Elder , or C.) An Ministerial Servant. If not oMG why are you talking to me ?
To answer the question posed by the OP. I found dating as JW painstakingly frustrating. As a young teen,I read, and then re-read the YPA book. Because those are the answers that work right ?
Dating as a Witness is hard. I always felt like you could never say 'Hey,lets go catch a movie. If you did,you had to invite a BIG ASS group,and half the time you never got a chance to get to know that person one on one. It seems most of the time,that person would branch off with her GF's and you with the guys,and your goal of getting to know that person was out the window. At least that's how it seemed to go with me.
When I did start dating,my ex was a regular pioneer. I was physically attracted to her. She was short ( I was a good foot taller and a couple of inches) ,curvy and had dark hair. She was independent,had her own place,and really seemed different than most of the witness sisters I knew. She had no complaints about my music.,sense of humor or anything.
She lived in Cali and I in Texas. So I was flying out there like every 3 weeks. I found out shortly after we started dating that she was on her way out,but I was still locked in to the JW message pretty good,and thought of her as bad. She sent me a full body nude photo one day and asked me what I thought. Hmmmmm, deep inside I thought it looked HELLA good,but being the JW dork I still was,I told my friend. He actually told me I probably thought I saw that,but really didn't. If I knew then what I know now about alot of things.......I'd have been a really,really bad boy
Once while visiting out there after arriving from the airport,she stuck her tongue halfway down my throat. I told her we shouldn't be kissing like that. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Man, I laugh at it now. I realize people might boy,how clueless can you be. But I was tryuing so hard to be a good DUB. I think she got impatient with me ( especially how I wasn't taking a few hints ) I would tell a friend of mine some stuff. Him being married and a friend, I felt like he would be a great person to talk. Long story short,he and her ended talking in the sense of him giving her his opinions,etc and basically being in the middle of our relationship.
She dumped me out of the blue, and that got the ball rolling with me fading. That, and my 'friend' putting his two cents into it,by talking with her.
Overall I found and find dating as a JW to be excrutiating. The rules and constant eyeballs on you. The thought that whoever you date....then that is going to be your mate. Yeah....no pressure there !
I know I can't make a blanket statement,but I thought some sisters where waiting for a cross between a Will Smith/George Clooney/Matthey McConaughey in looks, Warren Buffet in the pocket ( not really,but def well off ) , at the same time still uber spiritual enough to be a Bethelite hopefully,but an MS at least.
I felt like they were looking for Jesus Jr.