I know the few that I have met were always leaning towards going back.
Or just out having fun,but trying to keep a good face during the week.
so i went out dancing again and as i usually do i like to talk to people at the end, this time i started chatting with a couple of girls.
while having a conversation with one of them the issue of toasting came up.
i told her i had no idea how was exactly done, since still i am not that familiar with the whole whishing thing.
I know the few that I have met were always leaning towards going back.
Or just out having fun,but trying to keep a good face during the week.
is this a freaking joke??????
it's 60* today and we might have 1 foot of snow by friday night???.
i remember april 1 1997 i plowed almost 3 feet of snow..... haven't we had enough?
Whats up Boston ! Ahhh I miss the chinese food, C's,Pats,Sox. The Commons in the Spring and hanging out at Copley Place.
You all stay warm up there.
would it be reasonable to say that children born and raised in the organization of jw's are being set up to fail in the real world?
if so, why?
Yes. They are absolutely set up to fail. WhatwasIthinking probably had the best post
Living by the scripture Spade quoted will probably get you kids who are well behaved,but more than likely not self-reliable on independent later in life when they need to be.
I know a brother who is very successful in landscaping. It's probably taken him all of about 11-12 years to reach the current point of where he is. When I met him he was doing small time jobs and working a whole lot of hours. Whereas now.....the guy does more delegating and less work. Plus, his dad ( the po at the time ) was in the business and who do you think helped get him started ? Yep. Once again, as WhatwasIthinking said,it takes a long time to really have a successful small business if you're starting from scratch.
Myself....I think I'm a great example of what happens when you listen to JW thinking. I started out of High School regular pioneering. Did that for two years. Then enrolled into Boston College and racked up 51 credit hours. Only to stop after letting the elders convince me to 'reach out' for MS. Meanwhile I started my current job, at a very low level of pay. I've worked my way up,but I need to return to school and finish my degree if I want to move any further in my company. I'm 34,self-reliant, and my job pays me pretty good for someone without a degree. But I always think I can or should be farther in life than at this current point. I didn't move out until I was 29. And that was because I was fully reliant on my mom until then. Not because I was lazy,but I constantly made my schedule and job choices around the meeting. Took days off ( that I couldn't afford to ) for assemblies,CO visits,etc.
I had a brother tell me to quit my current Job in order to improve my meeting attendance. This was when I was asking eklders what more I could do to be appointed. Mind you,this brother holds a 4-year degree in Geology or Engineering and works at Exxon. But at the time he was telling me to quit my job and try to do something part-time.
Spades is right on one thing though. There are LOTS of JW kids who are successful, while abiding by JW rules and doing it their way. I willing to bet every single one has the support of a very wel to do Father or family. The people I know who are in and successful..their dad was able to 'get' them in at the Plant,company,firm ,or wherever it is they work.
If you jave connections in the JW world....wealthy family or your Daddy has deep pockets. Shoot....pioneering ? Man your gas and insurance are paid on time all the time. Bethel ? No problem son. The day he leaves, his dad has a spot waiting for him atv the old company or in the family company.
Not all of us were so 'blessed' by Jehovah.
just wanted to drop in and share the good news that i have been accepted to "the big city university" this fall.
sorry i haven't been around much lately, this is a busy semester as i'm just getting on with a really exciting life.. wow, has my life changed as i look back over the years!
and jwd/jwn has been an important part of the positive direction that my life is now headed.. my previous thread and history are in the private section for members.
what's wrong with you slackers?
enough with your excuses!!!
I did my two years of regular pioneering right after high school. No car,no job,but couldn't figure out why the brothers with rides...AND jobs ( who were seemingly doing 'less' for Jehovah ) were landing all the sisters. Ahhhhhhh,you live and learn.
89 year old women should not be out knocking door to door. They should be at home,traveling, or in their garden enjoying the fruits of their labor from REAL jobs.
watchtower bethel application from 2004. questions asked tell their own story.
today i posted onto my blog the watchtower bethel application from 2004, available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2011/03/watchtower-bethel-application-from-2004.html .
marvin shilmer.
I thought this was an application for the NSA, DIA, National Geospatial-Intellengence Agency,or CIA until I saw the letterhead again.
"PLEASE NOTE: If there is an opening for which we feel you are qualified,we will advise you. Otherwise please DO NOT expect an acknowledgement of this application. Please do not telephone about your application........"
All jokes aside. Thanks for posing that. I had never seen one before. The closest I came was as a regular pioneer I went to the Gilead Meeting at an DC. Fortunately for me,being diabetic booted me out of any possibility of being accepted.
That was interesting to see.
so i don't understand it seems to me from the posts that i have read just about everyone is disassociated.. just wondering if that's true or if i am not the only one on here still within the organization..
I was baptized in my late teens. Became a regular pioneer,very nearly an MS, but thankfully never followed in the foot steps of the 6-7 other brothers in my hall and went to Bethel.
I wound up in the spanish congo ( where my cards still are ) and did an unexpected or unplanned fade.
"Then this arrogant, dressed-to-the-nines politician-looking elder gets up and give the next talk. My man has big gold cufflinks, a very expensive looking silk tie, flashy suit, diamond pendant tie-pin, shoes like mirrors,...... the works. And all throughout his awful talk, he keep using any excuse he could to drop hints about how he is some big shot at his job and "has a department" working for him at this important agency."
"...shoes like mirrors......"
Hahahahahahaha. I've seen that brother before.
Before I moved to The Woodlands I knew it was nice place. People made it out to be,like you have to be uber rich to live here. There are those types out here retired ballplayers from local teams,maybe a few executives,etc ,but not everybody is.b Talking to my neighbors I will say most people out here have college degrees, and thus are able to make a fairly decnt living.
To JW's that may affect how they see this area or the people in it. At my last congregation the only people I knew who are materialistic ( the averagen JW wouldn describe them as such. IMO,they can afford it ) were my friend and his dad. They both work in landscape,but have moved up to commercial and do quite well. They both bought corvettes,boats,travel often and everybody hung around them as they have money.
And I learned in the WTS if you have money AND you have a title.....everybody likes you, and you're invited to everything.
From what I've seen at the local congregation...some carry themselves as if they know their stuff doesn't stink. Some of the elders came across as a bit arrogant. Looking back,perhaps because they're used to people comiong to visit to see what it's like...and check out the cars in the parking lot. There were some who seemed to be attending to say they are associated with the congregation,but probably don't live in the area.
noticed this experience while doing some research.
thought you might enjoy it:.
*** w64 9/15 p. 561 par.
My health comes before those dumb magazines.
Ah geez, I get so tired of seeing,reading about, or personally hearing about people who are trying to be some type of martyr or 'hero' just to show everyone how zealous they are.
That was me...for a short period of time. Now....it just looks dumb as hell.