My reply?
Kill yourself, now.
the mind of a pedophile
the following is a recent email sent by a child molester
mr bowen, .
My reply?
Kill yourself, now.
are you addicted to the internet?
[email protected] (41% - 60%).
Are you Addicted to the Internet?
Hardcore Junkie (61% - 80%)
(And the sore eyes and fingers to prove it!)
there is a mouse in is so cute but i screamed nevertheless when i saw it.
i am sitting here in terror like the little thing is going to be able to hurt me.
We've got 4 pet rats, and they cute but if I saw a real rat I woud freak out.
To catch the mouse (also works for escaped hamsters) get a big-ish bucket with food (I heard they really like chocolate) at the bottom and ladder (from a pet shop or use an old freezer shelf type thing) leading into it - the mouse will (hopefully) be stuck in the bucket and you can evict it.
When it's gone search for ways it might have got in - if you can fit or nearly-fit even your pinky finger into a hole, fill it.
We've got 4 cats so we haven't ever had a mouse get inside - they haven't brought a mouse (alive or dead) home in over a year, so it'd be a good deterrent. In fact the last mouse I saw was last summer... well the bottom half of one - evidently it hadn't got out of the way fast enough when the grass was being cut... *eeeew*
found as part of a diary article on the guardian website:.,9176,1056436,00.html.
sex-mad bbc .
But tonight's Panorama wasn't even anything to do with the Catholic church - it was about the mistreatment of the people in US custody in Cuba and also while they were in camps in Afghanistan.
Investigative reporting into CRIMES isn't being sex-obsessed, petty or anti-religious... *sigh*.
.....we just watched a scary film - the ring anyone else seen it?.
its about a video tape that you watch and then seven days later you die!
(this wont spoil it if you've not seen it because thats what it says on the box!).
I'll keep an eye out for it - maybe if I'm feeling brave !
Oh Angharad, you just wait until you see the original.... or even it's dvd/video cover...
Ring is my favourite horror film ever. Wasn't blow away by the remake - the showed the ending in the trailer! - but the new subplot they added, with the horses etc, was nice.
Anyone curious about Battle Royale or Audition etc and either can't get hold of them in their country or want them at an *amazing* price, this is the best Asian DVD site: no snazzy design but I think Battle Royale is about £3.50 at the moment. You need a multiregion DVD player though (unless you go for VCDs)
my computer is infected.
this is the name of the virus (worm?
): c:\program files\dialers\stmtdlr.exe infection: trojandownloader.win32.dyfuca.f renamed.. it routinely shuts down my inet connection, and seems to be mutating.
If that's a dialler and you use a dial-up 'net connection, I'd suggest you brace yourself for when the next phone bill comes...
I don't think looking for warez will be a good idea, you may well end up with just another problem. Solutions can be had for free, however:
Free Anti-Virus program:
Make sure you give a real email address in the registration so you can recieve your product key (need it to install)
Free Firewall
Free Spyware Remover (Ad-Aware)
Free Pop-Up Stopper
Edited to add: And make sure you check for updates regulary - at least once a week for the Anti-Virus (ie update, restart, then run it) and before each run for Ad-Aware. Pop-Up Stopper should try to look for updates automatically - click "Yes" in Zone Alarm if something called XAUpdate tries to connect.
If you don't know the file trying to connect when Zone Alarm warns you or you don't know why it needs to connect to the Internet, say No. Also when you get notification that Zone Alarm has blocked an attack on your PC, choose to turn off notification of it will drive you potty.
Hope this helps,
what is the stupidest thing a jw ever told you?
we all know that they say a lot of stupid things, but what really topped the cake?.
for me, it was an elder telling me i was progressing really well when my meeting attendance was down and my field service hours were slipping.
"Well how do you know England even existed 2,000 years ago?"
"If you miss even one meeting, you're as good as dead."
sometimes political orientation is described through a left-right axis only, which is obviously inadequate as it tends to associate gandhi and stalin, and make pol pot a radical and hitler a conservative.. this is a good, short test that asks you a number of questions and places you on a two-dimensional axis.. take it here:
i took the test and got the following result:.
your political compass:economic left/right: -1.12. authoritarian/libertarian: -6.21. that is, centrist with a slight leftist bent, strongly libertarian.
a mouse whispered in my ear today that the may km was around... sincerely,.
district overbeer of the "faithless and indiscrete slave" class
Me too, please.
i am the mother of five cats.
i am not sure that i want to hear what the little bastards monsters are saying.
besides, i already know what they are saying: "feed me", "let me out", "play with me" ,"quit bogarting the catnip" and "feed me".
I can already understand one of our cats pretty well - she has said "home" (said it FOUR times on the way back from the vet's after she got hit by a car), "'bout time!", "mum", "yes", "feed", "thankyou", "put me down" and "now".
She says "feed", "now", and "mum" most though.
Or maybe it's just time for my medication...