Why are they bringing medical disadvantages into it at all? Surely if Jehovah said no, then it's no - it shouldn't matter that it's "dangerous" to "prove" that Jehovah's rule is correct...
JoinedPosts by glitter
by Gill inthe august 2006 awake, makes the claim that there is no benefit to blood transfusion except in trauma, according to proffessor bruce spiess:.
there are few if any (medical) articles that supposrt transfusion actually improving outcome.
" in fact, he writes that many transufusions 'may do more harm than good in virtually every instance except trauma,' increasing 'the risk of pneumonia, infections, heart attacks and strokes.'.
HELP!! ADVICE....Saying NO to pioneering
by Kristofer ini have a female friend who i've been discussing the religion with.
she definitely has doubts about the org but isn't sure on leaving just yet as she has still got about 6 months to go being a minor dependent on the parents.
lately, she's been getting heavy pressure to start pioneering.
What if they're right?
by LovesDubs indid that mentality keep you in fear and prevent you from leaving?
how many times were we told that the kingdom halls would be our ark and that we needed to keep going to the meetings so that we wouldnt miss the announcement that the great tribulation was beginning and the doors of the ark were closing...even though the bible says nobody knows the day or the hour?
did any of you ever pray for your relatives to die so they would have a ressurection and not be destroyed at armageddon?
Why did vegetarian Abel tend a "flock" on a tropical earth?
by M.J. in.
abel tended a "flock", which could have included sheep, goats, and/or small cattle according to the strongs word usage.. yet people weren't supposed to eat meat until god gave the go-ahead to noah, says the wts.. the earth was totally warm before the flood according to the wts, so tending sheep just for its wool would seem a little pointless.. it seems as if abel would have needed to live off of cain's crops, while he spent all his time hanging out with a pretty much useless flock.
no wonder cain was a bit surly.. what do you think?
They would have need wool to make clothing since they didn't like to be nekkid anymore... but I reckon it was mostly to please Jevovah with the aroma of burning flesh.
When I was little it occurred to me that Cain might have been pissed off enough to kill Abel in a "Here's your damn blood, god!" gesture. -
Has there been new light on this?
by beautifulisfree inzoos are cruel punishment and a prison to animate.
you would not want to go gawk at the animals.
watchtower, 11/15/49, p.349; awake, 5/8/73, p. 18.
What do the JW's need most desperately right NOW !!!
by JH in.
what do you think would encourage the jw's enormously right now?.
another war, a pandemic, a meteor striking the earth, bird flu in the us?
NOW AVAILABLE! Live With Jehovah's Day in Mind - in PDF file format
by drew sagan ini don't know how long i'll be able to make this available, so get it while you can and start sharing!
it's a hefty 37mb so it may take a while to download.
download it here.
Mum chatted with a JW bus driver today, he mostly talked about his kids, but mentioned the new release ("our" convention was last weekend) and said it "Turns a lot of stuff on its head"... this is second-hand info, but anything you can think he might have meant that I can be looking out for?
Edited to say: Well considering so many JWs don't know about the mediator thing and other doctrinal issues it might just be re-stating something he didn't know personally... but curious to know otherwise. -
Looking to hear your Service horror stories.
by Stealth453 inmine.... i was about 10 years old, working with one of the pioneers in our hall, and we came across a gentleman that screamed obcenities at us and threatened to kill us unless we left his porch.
i wet my pants.
the pioneer i was with told me that i was a 'weak little witness that brought shame to jehovah for wetting my pants,' and that my punishment would be finishing out the morning's service with wet, piss stained pants.. it was february in toronto.
Looking to hear your Service horror stories.
by Stealth453 inmine.... i was about 10 years old, working with one of the pioneers in our hall, and we came across a gentleman that screamed obcenities at us and threatened to kill us unless we left his porch.
i wet my pants.
the pioneer i was with told me that i was a 'weak little witness that brought shame to jehovah for wetting my pants,' and that my punishment would be finishing out the morning's service with wet, piss stained pants.. it was february in toronto.
Only bad experience I had was when I was about 8 and was on the ministry with a brother from our bookstudy group (fantastic bloke, he disassociated in the early/mid 90s but I haven't seen him in like 14 years so no high-fives
) he got some gum from a vending machine and gave me a piece... I'd not had hard-shell gum before and promptly started to choke!
Only other negative thing was return visits with mentalists in their smelly flats. -
New posters introduce yourself please :D
by IP_SEC ini havent been around much the past 3 or 4 months.
i plan to be try and post more now.
the problem is that i see so many new people here that i dont know and dont think there's any way i could catch up with who's who just by reading.