Good post! This has been something that really grates on my nerves in churches today. For some church to dictate a certain amount, without any scriptural requirement of 10%, makes me angry and suspicious. It my personal decision what to give, if anything, and to give to whomever or whatever cause I see fit. I hear ministers on the radio saying that if you don't give to the church then it's like stealing from God, etc. Bah-Hum-Bug, Bull-%#*&! I don't attend a church, and I feel no obligation to send money to any church if I don't choose to. A radio minister said just the other day that if you don't have a home church to give to, then give your 10% to "your local church" and that "it will satisfy the matter before God"! Whatever! I understand and agree with the importance of giving, whether it be to a charity of my choice, a homeless shelter, a woman's shelter, research on various deseases, etc, but it's still my choice, and not one to be dictated by some minister claiming that I'm required by God to give to some church/any church but be darn sure to give your 10%. I've never seen a scripture that mentions 10% to be given. I do remember that scripture about the poor widow who gave all she had and Jesus blessed her for doing so. So where this specific amount of 10% comes from, I don't know and I don't care. I have contributed to food banks for those in need, and have done other things as well, but no one is going to tell me that if I don't give 10% of my income to some church that God won't bless my effort in other areas of giving. I give because I WANT to give, not because someone tells me I have to.
Posts by Lin
Opinions on Christian Churches and tithing 10% inc
by nowaytess ini saw the thread on tbn, and felt this question was a good one to pose to the board.. .
tithing is being preached more and more in many christian denominiations.
a chrisitian is under obligation before anything else to give 10% of gross income to the church.
by hamptonite21 ini work in the lending industry, im an account rep for a wholesale mortgage bank.
royal bank of canada in newyork.
edited by - hamptonite21 on 12 november 2002 22:40:6.
Dental Field- Office Manager and Dental Assistant for the past 13 years. Anyone got a toothache? LOL
I can hardly wait!!! Now Valis...........don't you go and change locations on me now, ok? I don't think you'd like me to have to have all the ladies gang up on you all at once now would you? Oh wait, what am I saying? You would LOVE that!!!
Northeast Ohio?
by The Firm inmy first post :-).
wondering if anyone here is from northeast ohio.
not necessarily looking for any specific reunion, but really anyone online here that may be geographically available to discuss jw matters.
I was born and raised in Toledo, lived in Ashtabula for a year, then moved out of state and now a confirmed Texan!
Do you think its talking down to you?
by WildTurkey inwhen talking to someone who never was a jw, and they say to you how could you ever fall for all that?
it does bother me, cause i think it is some what condescending?
how do you feel about these questions?
Way off topic, just wanted to say hello to wildturkey, a fellow fan of Rascall Flatts! Great song, eh?
crazy JW family stories
by shera in.
my father is a painter and he went on a job to home after a jw family moved out.he noticed there was wiring under the flooring going to the fridge.he asked what this was about and the landlord told him a jw family lived here and the father wired the fridge to an alarm.he would only allow his family to eat when he said so.if they tried to sneak any food it would set the alarm off,i was told they went there separate ways.wonder why?
When my brother was married to his now ex-wife, he wouldn't allow her to learn how to drive (she was from New York and never learned), she always had to have him or a friend take her where she wanted to go (unless HE felt it wasn't important enough to him). She had no freedom whatsoever, and she even used to put his shoes on FOR him, which makes me ILL just thinking about that. He was always very demanding of her, she ran around like a nut case getting this and that for him, doing whatever he said, like a little obedient, well trained DOG! All the while, he's helping himself to other ladies in the hall! Needless to say, I don't like my brother very much! My mom is a Yes woman, and she'd never even consider disagreeing with him or try to express her differing opinions, she just did as he ruled things had to be done. My mom used to tell me when I was growing up that I should find myself a good elder to marry. No way, no thanks, nosireeee.
Do you think its talking down to you?
by WildTurkey inwhen talking to someone who never was a jw, and they say to you how could you ever fall for all that?
it does bother me, cause i think it is some what condescending?
how do you feel about these questions?
No one can truly understand what it's like unless they've been there themselves. Just look at Steve Hassan as one example, and his story of being recruited into the Moonies. He said himself that he never imagined that HE could possibly be lured into something like that. I was born and raised into it, rather than being approached at a "low point" in my life. Dubs are taught to ask questions and look for areas where the "householder" is possibly in need of encouragement or help, and they use that to their advantage; all it takes is one minor comment, someone is ill, someone just died, someone can't find a job, etc and Dubs jump right on it painting a picture that anyone would find appealing. The world is full of cults, with lots and lots of members, and they don't even know it.
I can't recall a situation where I felt like someone was being truly condescending, but I have been asked, "Why don't people just leave?" Which brings up a long conversation, which sometimes I tire of. I just try to help them understand how no one can truly understand what happens unless they've been through it themselves and tell them how fortunate they are that they were not lured into it. If you've never experienced something personally, like a miscarriage, wife abuse, etc then there's no way for true understanding.
crazy JW family stories
by shera in.
my father is a painter and he went on a job to home after a jw family moved out.he noticed there was wiring under the flooring going to the fridge.he asked what this was about and the landlord told him a jw family lived here and the father wired the fridge to an alarm.he would only allow his family to eat when he said so.if they tried to sneak any food it would set the alarm off,i was told they went there separate ways.wonder why?
Good Gawd, that's pathetic! I detest control freaks, and the org is swarming with them! My father is one, my brother(s) are, my ex husband is, and I've known lots of them in the org and couldn't stand them! It makes my blood boil when brothers throw around that phrase about being in subjection. They can kiss my subjective arse!!!
Signs of the Last Days?
by Lin ini would appreciate some serious discussion and comments on signs of the last days.
i've already run a search for previous posts on the subject, and most of what i found was silly, sarcastic, name calling, etc, but nothing of any real value.
i would really like some information, links even, for some valuable information on the subject.
Thanks Kingpawn, I appreciate your comments. I grew up with so much fear of the End Times, that it's really hard to shake that off. "Keeping on the watch" and all that jazz, watching events unfolding throughout the world, still creates fear in me over, "Could this be IT?" Could this threat of nuclear war be the beginning of Armageddon, etc. I don't know if I should or want to read that thread you mentioned right now, but I might later. I've been doing so much reading and research, reading many threads on various topics, that I think I'm on overload today.
Understanding Matthew 24. What does it mean?
by apocalypse inabout matthew 24
have you read this chapter?
all those who have called themselves "christian" have at one time or another read it, and wondered.
Joseph, my comment was referring to Gumby, not you hon. I have no problem with the various discussions within the thread, and even disagreement, but Gumby made the slam immediately that the thread was too long and that it's why not too many hits or viewers have come to this thread. I wasn't referring to you, ok?