Oops, I forgot to add....lots of people made very nice comments to us. One guy who was talking to Jesika? or maybe it was Elsewhere screamed at the brothers in the parking lot that they should read one of the flyers! A guy also said that if one of them (witnesses) shows up at his door he would "ring his neck". We had several people compliment us on taking out time to do what we were doing, seeing it was for the benefit of the public to know of dangers to their own children, etc. Lots of great comments!
Posts by Lin
We sure Lamb-basted them today!!!
by Lin inhey all!
me, elsewhere, jesika and her sister spent about four hours today at a busy intersection (the same intersection where jesika did the press conference, right in front of the k.h.!
) and passed out flyers to everyone at the light!
We sure Lamb-basted them today!!!
by Lin inhey all!
me, elsewhere, jesika and her sister spent about four hours today at a busy intersection (the same intersection where jesika did the press conference, right in front of the k.h.!
) and passed out flyers to everyone at the light!
The signs were varied in their messages. One said "Do Jehovah's Witnesses Protect Pedophiles?" Another one said "No More Abuse!" One had only the Silentlambs web address (they all did). There were a couple more (9 or 10 total). There were more messages too, but I can't think of them right now.
Jes, the picture shows up fine for me.
TTBOY, you're helpin on Friday? I didn't know, cool! Please email me direct, and let me know what area would be most convenient for you. I have already emailed Elsewhere with a list of the ones closest to him. I have lots more where they came from! I even delivered one during my lunch hour where Jes and her sister used to go! I have a special Home Delivery in mind for one of them guys in that hall too. Grrrrrrrrr!
We sure Lamb-basted them today!!!
by Lin inhey all!
me, elsewhere, jesika and her sister spent about four hours today at a busy intersection (the same intersection where jesika did the press conference, right in front of the k.h.!
) and passed out flyers to everyone at the light!
Okay I gotta say this. I don't like the picture of me when we were about to leave! Good Gawd...what goofy expression I have on my face! So, I haveta put one on here that I think is the real me. '
Yeah, I like this one much better! hahahaha
We sure Lamb-basted them today!!!
by Lin inhey all!
me, elsewhere, jesika and her sister spent about four hours today at a busy intersection (the same intersection where jesika did the press conference, right in front of the k.h.!
) and passed out flyers to everyone at the light!
Child Molesters are Knocking At Your Door
The next time a Jehovah's Witness comes to your door you should be aware of the fact that many KNOWN child molesters are encouraged by this religion to engage in door-to-door evangelizing. Be sure to look for the re-run of the Dateline NBC television show addressing this problem. It concerns the Jehovah's Witnesses and their ludicrous child molestation policy. It has also been publicized recently in New York Times & Newsweek articles too. To learn more about the thousands of sexually abused children in the Jehovah's Witness religion go to:
or call 1-877-WT-ABUSE -
We sure Lamb-basted them today!!!
by Lin inhey all!
me, elsewhere, jesika and her sister spent about four hours today at a busy intersection (the same intersection where jesika did the press conference, right in front of the k.h.!
) and passed out flyers to everyone at the light!
Nonoprobe! I heard about you seeing us! That was sooooo cool!! Jes's sister told us you asked if she was Jesika or Linda, and that she pointed to where each us was standing! It was a blast!!!! I still have flyers that I pass out everywhere I go, (Walmart too haha), gas stations, business parking lots, everywhere I go!!!! Oh no! Am I working "Business Territory"?!!!! hahahahaha I can hardly wait till Friday when we pass out all the lambs. I've got a couple K.H.'s and Elders homes I have a personal "return visit" to make. hahahahahhaa
We sure Lamb-basted them today!!!
by Lin inhey all!
me, elsewhere, jesika and her sister spent about four hours today at a busy intersection (the same intersection where jesika did the press conference, right in front of the k.h.!
) and passed out flyers to everyone at the light!
Hey all! Me, Elsewhere, Jesika and her sister spent about four hours today at a busy intersection (the same intersection where Jesika did the press conference, right in front of the K.H.!) and passed out flyers to everyone at the light! Man, those Dubs were sooooo mad!!!! hahahahahahaha It was great!!!! Elders were patrolling the parking lot, watching us, a couple of them knocked down our signs we had planted in the ground too! hahahahaha
We had people complimenting us on what we were doing, thanking US for doing it!!! One couple that I approached had just pulled out of the K.H., but since I ain't askeeeeered, I offered them one, and they took it! I simply said Thank you, and the lady said "No, thank YOU"! Wow!!!!! Another lady told me she knew of a dub pedophile that lives right in that same neighborhood! It was awesome! The responses we got! I'm sure Jesika and Elsewhere will comment on it too, and Elsewhere took pics!!!! It was a blast!!!!!
Just wait till next Friday when we lamb-bast the K.H.'s with 50 lambs all over the Dallas metroplex! My cd player will be cranked up loud, windows rolled down, and my car will be rockin and boomin!!!! Whooohoooooooo!
I need some input...
by Lin inhi everyone, something has been on my mind lately and i would really appreciate some comments.
i've posted a few topic discussions on my story as a dub, recent dicoveries of wt tampering with the bible translations they use and the subsequent emotions that came from learning that so many things i was taught growing up are lies, and about visiting various churches (chuck swindoll etc).
here's what has been on mind the last few days.
Thank you all for your comments, it's been great hearing from all of you. Sentinel, DJ and the rest of you (except Eric) your comments mean alot. DJ, my honey is a wonderful man, very loving, considerate, giving, etc. He's a great catch, for sure. We have discussed all this to varying degrees, but since he's never had any real experience with Dubs it's virtually impossible for him to understand it. He has never so much as implied that he doesn't want me to participate in this board, any groups, etc, the silentlambs issues, etc. Many people have said, to me and my nieces, we should just "move on". Well, they don't understand we HAVE moved on and that we look at these issues and causes from the outside looking in, and that we are in unique positons to be able to help others who are now where we were before. I'm 42 years old, and am very aware of how I was brought up as a Dub, and if there's one person, just one..that I can help, then I feel it's important for me/us to do so. Some have commented, as has my fiance', that they don't really understand why we feel the need and desire to participate in these things, and why we talk about it, etc. Sort of like, Well.....You've left the religion, you don't want to go back, so why stay connected to it even if looking at it from the outside looking in? I just tell them that I would hope if They themselves had knowledge and information about something vital to someone they were in contact with, that they would feel compelled to provide the information they know rather than just have the attitude of not wanting to help someone who really needs the info. If someone knew medical information vital to someone's immediate health, would they not provide the information? I have knowledge and information that is vital for those wanting it about life as a Dub, and I would feel so guilty if I simply turned my back on them thinking I'm not part of that belief anymore so you'll have to talk to someone else. Why not ME? Anyway, thank you all for your comments. I really, really hope you all understand that I'm not trying to judge anyone, I'm really not. It just seems to odd to me these experiences I've been having and couldn't understand why some experience these things and some don't. Your comments have helped me alot. Hmmmm, Not all those calling on the name of the lord will be saved. Good one!
I need some input...
by Lin inhi everyone, something has been on my mind lately and i would really appreciate some comments.
i've posted a few topic discussions on my story as a dub, recent dicoveries of wt tampering with the bible translations they use and the subsequent emotions that came from learning that so many things i was taught growing up are lies, and about visiting various churches (chuck swindoll etc).
here's what has been on mind the last few days.
Thank you all for taking the time to write your comments. This has been very frustrating to say the least. It is NOT my intention or desire to judge anyone, I only want to understand. I don't intend to judge anyone, but from simple observations of actions and choices taken by those who claim to be Saved, it causes me to question if such ones are Truly saved, really saved. I loved that comment about those who Possess Christ vs. those who Claim Christ, because I remember very well the scripture referred to about not all claiming to be saved actually would be. That to me is eye-opening. I don't want to be one of the latter. I simply want to understand this topic ERIC! I am not being a busy-body Eric, so buzz off.
I definitely feel a connection going on with God lately, a very real (almost twilight zone) sorta thing, that I cannot just dismiss as coincidence. But most people I talk to about this cannot understand what I'm describing. My fiance' is very much into science and says he is Saved. I don't understand how they can relate to each other. From things others have described to me about how one becomes Truly Saved, and some of the postings here, I can't help but wonder about the validity of someone's claim to be saved, especially with the recent events that have happened to me. One thing that kind of concerns me is IF God has something He's trying to lead me to, whether it be a church or not, something He wants me to do.....or not, I can't help but wonder how my fiance will feel about this and if he'd be upset or angry about what I feel is the answer to what God wants me to do, etc. If God leads me to attend a church, when my fiance doesn't really feel it's important at all, I don't want him to be upset or think I'm going off my rocker! I would be fine about doing whatever God leads me to do, whatever that is, but I can't help but be somewhat concerned about how it will affect my fiance' and whether he'll be able to REALLY understand, rather than it being "just a feeling" I'm having that he may or may not like or agree with.
Eric......You're an idiot. If you had taken the time to read my words in my first post, which was a Question (Do you understand the concept of Question?!) you may have realized my questions are sincere and honest. Well....maybe YOU wouldn't. Stupid is as stupid does, or idiot in your case.
I need some input...
by Lin inhi everyone, something has been on my mind lately and i would really appreciate some comments.
i've posted a few topic discussions on my story as a dub, recent dicoveries of wt tampering with the bible translations they use and the subsequent emotions that came from learning that so many things i was taught growing up are lies, and about visiting various churches (chuck swindoll etc).
here's what has been on mind the last few days.
Hi everyone, something has been on my mind lately and I would really appreciate some comments. I've posted a few topic discussions on my story as a Dub, recent dicoveries of WT tampering with the Bible translations they use and the subsequent emotions that came from learning that so many things I was taught growing up are lies, and about visiting various churches (Chuck Swindoll etc). Here's what has been on mind the last few days.
I understand completely that there is no one true religion, that each church regardless of denomination has it's own interpretations of scripture and beliefs. Okay fine, I got that. I feel a desire to become part of a church, probably non denominational, for the benefit of making friends, enjoying the occasions when the church has picnics, outings, talent shows, having dinner gatherings at our house, etc. I of course enjoy a good speaker too for a Sunday morning schpeal, but I really like the occasions when it isn't the typical Sunday go-to-church stuff. I have been having experiences (please don't think I'm wacked-out) when I feel as though God is speaking to me, not with literal words of course, but different things that have been happening that I just can't blow off as coincidence. Some of these things are just too Out-There to be coincidence.
My question is about the subject of Being Saved. I've heard and read many times that when a person is "truly" saved, that it manifests itself in their lives and changes them forever. Changes them in the sense that their personal relationship with God is very real, and they live their lives with the full realization that God is directing their steps, actions, and choices. So many times, I've heard people comment that they are Saved, but from observing their lives and the things they choose to do, it seems strange to me that they say they are Saved. I can't help but wonder if some of these people simply say they are saved in some casual, perfunctory way, but it doesn't really have any real meaning or value to them in reality. It's just something they say...Oh, I'm saved. I don't understand how someone can say they are Saved, yet don't feel compelled to dig deep in a spiritual sense to figure out how God is directing them, pulling them to do this or that, etc. I can't help but wonder if some of the people who say they are Saved, were kids/teens who felt pressured to go forward in a church setting and go through through the "Invitation" ritual at some church much like Dub kids/teens feel pressured to get baptized because their peers are doing it. Which then from my perspective has no real basis or meaning or validity.
If someone says they are Saved, how can they also have conflict within themselves, needing scientific evidences of scripture renderings? It makes me think that they really aren't Saved as they may think they are. Like people who don't believe anything at all unless it's right in front of their face and they can touch it. How can these same people claim to be Saved? I don't get it, maybe someone can help me understand how someone claiming to be Saved, can also require scientific evidence to prove anything. What then is Faith, if these same ones require scientific evidences?
I hope I've made myself clear enough here, but I just don't understand how anyone can say they are Saved, yet feel no desire to build their personal relationship with God without clear scientific evidence that proves anything. Help!
Just recieved "Crisis of Conscience"
by els ini just got my copy from amazon.com.
too tired tonight but i, going to start it tomorrow.
I've read both this new fourth edition and the one before that, plus another one he wrote In Search of Christian Freedom. It blew my mind to say the least. Having been a teenager forced to read those damn yearbook stories and the events in Malawi, the real story of that made me cry for days. That is probably the one thing that sticks out most in my mind when I think of the book. How dare the WT sacrifice so many lives in Malawi for nothing but their own reputation and stupidity. Argh!
Once you start this book, you won't beable to put it down. I spent many night up reading till 2 or 3 in the morning till I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. It will really make you think. I'd be very interested to know your thoughts once you've finished the book. Of course, I can almost bet that certain points you read will cause you to post comments even before you finish the book.