when Jesus was riding down from the mount of olives the people were blessed be the King that rcomes in the name of the Lord:peace inheaven,and glory in the highest the pharisees said to him rebuke your followers for saying things like that. Jesus replied if they keep quiet, the stones along the road will burst into cheers or cry out depending on which translation you read. thats another time not today. god is fair so there no worry if someone never heard of the bible. God sees the heart. read job 34:33 must god tailor his justice to your demands? must he change the order of the universe to suit your whims? have faith god is faithful he loves you yucca
Posts by yucca
The "rocks" are not "crying out&...
by gumby inhey folks!
in another thread i was chatting with dave (sevenof 6) and he brought out an awesome point.
i said my problem with the bible was if it contains life for people.....then all those without the word and christ are doomed.
The Best Way To Get To Know Someone...
by Funchback inaccording to current jw teachings (and it has been this way for many years), the best way to get to know someone is to work with them in field service.. when you were an "active" jw, what did you think about that statement?
how do you feel about it now?.
personally, those words were uttered by someone from the platform recently.
back in the early 70s before 1975 i was out in field service with other women. they were talking about going out and picking up men. i was shocked and i said where do you go? arent you afraid of being found out? no they went up to hollywood to night clubs. i was new witness divorced with one child 10 yrs old at home. i said well i would like to meet a brother and get married give my daughter a good father and maybe i could pioneer. well to my surprise days later 2 elders showed up at my door and i asked them in. well they asked me why did i want to get married with armagadden coming. did i have a sexual problem.i was mortified and the only ones i had said this to were those women who were having a good old time going to hollywood nightclubbing. so i found out early about gossiping. and how it worked. it was a game they did not care if god knew what they did in secret just not the elders. i never told on them but i was getting wiser. then when 1975 did not happen i was getting smarter. other things but this is enough for now. thankfully i never married again and i believe this was what god wanted for me . i have had a happy life. i am so glad i did not marry a jw. thanks yucca
France: Media will be sooninformed of Child Abuse
by chasson ina french association of jw's victim will informed the media about the child abuse and the silentlambs march in october, 1.. this is the first official declaration of an association fighting's cult in france on child abuse among jw.
i hope that it will be a start.. .
every sat. i had jws coming to my house. I have not had one jw knocking at my door could it be because the abuse has become known ? are they afraid ? it is very strange? just wondering has anybody else noticed they are not coming to their doors? thanks yucca
I never quite made it
by link inif we take a look at the mental energy that must have been expended in contributing to threads on this board regarding various concepts of christianity it does not seen unlikely that, if it could have been "bottled" and kept, it could be used to power the next space shuttle.. is this what christianity is all about?
is it just one gigantic intellectual exercise that is only an option to those with the mental capacity to understand the never ending theorys put forward by all and sundry regarding its practice and bible understanding?
i believe that this would exclude at least two thirds of the worlds population from ever becoming, what many seem to believe are, true christians.
eph 5:6 let no one deceive you with empty words for it is on account of these very sins that gods anger is coming upon the disobedient. jude 1:4-5 for certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. they are godless men, who change the grace of our god into a license for immorality and deny jesus christ our only sovereign and lord. 2cor 13:5 examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith;test yourselves. does gb show the fruits of the spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self control if not they must be the wrong religion. num. 32:23 be sure your sin will find you out sounds like wt sins are being revealed. so if you got disfellowship count your blessings bless those who left their selves. please do not give up on jesus christ he died for your sins and mine. find a church who preaches from the bible. some churchs go thru bible scripture by scripture thats how to learn gods word and read read bible yourselves to make sure what you hear is the truth. god bless yucca
I need some input...
by Lin inhi everyone, something has been on my mind lately and i would really appreciate some comments.
i've posted a few topic discussions on my story as a dub, recent dicoveries of wt tampering with the bible translations they use and the subsequent emotions that came from learning that so many things i was taught growing up are lies, and about visiting various churches (chuck swindoll etc).
here's what has been on mind the last few days.
some people think when they accept christ as their savior they are saved and can do anything wrong they want. once saved always saved. they forget that you must be born again. read 1 cor chapter 6. 9,10,11 says unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god. now since we are imperfect we can be forgiven a sin. but we must not wilfully sin over and over. we must be so sorry that we sin and ask to be forgiven. god knows our hearts and he loves us. i believe what you are feeling is the holy spirit who comes to reside in us. jesus has become my best friend. religion has caused alot of problems with dogmas and legalism. dos and donts just like pharsees and saducces. thats why jesus said the law was made for man not man for the laws. do you think god ordered the crusades? that was not gods will. many things have been done in gods name but were not gods will. if you study bible you will know your lord. the bible is spiritual food. i now can watch tv pasters on tv and decide by gods word whether they are false and teaching the truth of gods word. jesus said his sheep those who follow christ hear his voice john 10:4. when you read the bible pray to the lord to give you understanding he will. thanks for listening i hope this helps i am not too good at expressing myself. god loves you very much. there is one true religion the ones who follow christ and studies his word. just because a man has a bible in his hand does not make him a christian. just because he goes to church all the time does not make him a christian.its in his heart and god knows who his sheep are. christian love to all yucca
Ex-Elder writes book "Your Future Religion...
by Clarke Fontaine inmy legal professional name is clarke fontaine.
i'm a professional writer and musician.i've appeared on national tv and radio.
my real name and the one most of you know me by is kent boxberger.
why did Jesus have to die if all religions are ok.? jesus said I am the way. no one comes to the father except thru me.god sends no one to hell. You send yourself by rejecting his son. the unforgivable sin.
Are Born Agains qualified to help JW's?
by sleepy in.
are born agains qualified to help jw's?.
i don't think so.sorry if you are one i have nothing against you personnally, nor jw's come to think of it, but offering your version of truth to jw's is for them to jump out of the frying pan into the fire.. the bible is the root of jw problems , and following that book in which ever way you wish will always be in error..
the bible is not the problem. its listening to people who twist the scriptures and not checking the bible ourselves to see if what they say is true. thats how i got out of jws. i started reading the bible and not much of watchtower. i compared scriptures to what wt said. i asked questions why does the bible say this and you say that. thats symbolic or they could not answer to my satisfaction. i said one time they did not make sense. that goes over good. i started calling myself the forgotten sister.i felt like an out cast. so i disfellowshiped myself. i do believe its much harder for people raised in jw. plus their family is in. i was 40 when i got involved. but reading the bible not the witness bible can help everyone. god bless everyone god does love you yucca
i should say i am a x jw. i left back in the 70s because i could not believe everything. i was not a good witness. i did not give up worldly friends. well i could go on and on. somethings did not seem right to me but i hung around for 9 yrs. on and off. i found calvary chapel church in 1992 and really met jesus and learned the bible. the bible still is the most exciting book in the world. not so at kingdom hall boring boring. also calvary chapel is on radio i listen just about every day. thanks for listening yucca
for jesus christ to worship him and praise him for my getting my 10th great grandchild for all beautiful things god created. colors in my crazy quilting..for friends for my little dog i love. and much more god bless yucca
The GB vs SilentLambs Marchers In September
by SYN inlater on this month there will be an amazing event happening right in front of brooklyn's bethel, the headquarters of the book publishing company formerly known as a religion, the watchtower bible & tract society.
dozens, if not hundreds, of silentlambs and other interested and angry parties will be participating in this march.
the official spin on the issue straight from the top) :victims and their parents are free to go to the police.victims and their parents will not be sanctioned for going to the police.reports of molestions will be reported in states where it is required!there are fewer molestation cases on record than bill bowen and barb anderson claim.the "child protection policy" of the watchtower is "bible based (tm)", i.e.
my great grandaughter was molested by her grandfather. he is a witness but others are not. witnesses even wrote to judge defending him. he got away with it but law said he could not get around children but he was not disfellowshipped. they made his wife stop watching children. she had a little business at home taking care of children so they lost money income. i think he should have done jail time. when my daughter told a lady witness what happened she did not believe any witness would do such a thing. now maybe she will believe. my greatgrandaughter is still in therepy. if i was not a christian and know the lord knows what to do with him i would have taken matters in my own hands. i wish i could be there when they march. but i will be there in spirit and pray they get a lot tv coverage. i hope law demands their records and prosecutes them and they have to pay victims for what they did. it seems their god is money . hit them where it hurts