All the Dub's I knew had large families 4-6 kids, one family had 12 kids..all raised on a janitors wage. I swear all of them in my town are janitors...quick to spout off that they were not materialistic, but the hand was quicker for handouts and borrowing. Of course none of the kids have gone to further their education, they just sweep the brooms Monday-Wednesday-Friday so mom and dad can pioneer. I also have known them to (from when i was a publisher) take the monitary donations they succeeded in getting while door to buy a nice roast of beef and have a big gathering in their homes, pass the bottle around and say it was the work of Jehovah that put that roast on their table. Did they eventually put the money donated to where it belongs?? Who knows, but I am sure the people they conned the money out of would not be please the money was first not used for what they intended.
JoinedPosts by pincushion
wat is it with jw's and uni degrees?
by sithembile inhey everyone, although im currently studyin with jehovahs witnesses, im dont understand the thing with jw's and a secular career or degree..i wonder is there biblical reference to it...???
im very cynical about many of their teachings...and can see my association with them will be short, although i must admit i thought they had some basic principles
My short time WITH and AS a JW
by pincushion inmy name is 'pincushion', i reside in alberta.
in 1989 i started studying with the jw's.
i was really drawn to the 'truth' and after much trial and tribulation i was baptised in 1991 during a lethbridge assembly.
What is really weird about all this...finding this forum, telling my story and even opening up to people at work about my experience (something I have never done before until this week) is that everywhere I go now I am running into Dubs here in my town. Small town, very small comgregation....congregation consists mainly of seniors so hopely someday it will not exist WAHAHAH. I am sure I have run into them many times before and just never noticed..but they seem to be everywhere now. Of course most of them ignore me all the way..but I have blown smoke their way a few times this week. (Too bad I am quitting smoking on the 24th, I hope).
by zipporrah ini am a 22 yr old jw looking for spiritual, baptized jw's to be friends with.
are there any real jehovah's witnesses out there?
Welcome Zipporah...I only joined this forum myself a few days ago, and the support here is awesome in regards to the 'truth'. You can spend an evening reading the messages here and go to bed with a whole new outlook on what life is all about. Hope to hear from you more :P
Should I have a Christmas tree?
by scuba99 inhi folks,.
i'm rather new here, only posted a couple of times.
although i have been visiting the site daily for a good 2 months now.
OOPs me on my post and the scriptures and the reason behind the Christmas tree. They are not my thoughts at all..I had looked up the meaning of the Christmas tree and its origins and pasted some of it here. I meant to put it in quotes and refer to the site it came from but something happened there..perhaps the fact it was late and I was tired slowed down my thinking. My intention was to post some food for thought, not to preach and make it sound like that was the real reason behind the tree..I just thought it interesting and wanted to share
My short time WITH and AS a JW
by pincushion inmy name is 'pincushion', i reside in alberta.
in 1989 i started studying with the jw's.
i was really drawn to the 'truth' and after much trial and tribulation i was baptised in 1991 during a lethbridge assembly.
Sentinel/Karen it struck a raw nerve with me when I read "I have been out since 1981" Sounds like everyone has been in prison and just got released. It certainly is like being behind bars with the key thrown away. For the longest time I perceived Cults as devil worshipers and blood drinkers yada yada, when I came into the Borg it never once dawned on me that supposed God fearing people were a cult. When all was said and done and I did my 'great escape' and I started to read more in depth of a REAL bible I realized how forceful and convincing words can be over action. I am far from being a religious person today..have attended a few different churches..none have really pleased me. I am more spiratual then anything, perhaps going back to my native ancestory..who knows...but it works.
Haunted is exactly how I have felt through the last 8 years. Every dream that has woken me up in a sweat, every guilty feeling I have had for doing something not chaste, etc.
One of my best friends now in the world is a JW who just quit attending. We both left the same time and never even knew..I was friends with her long before I became one, although she never told me her beliefs at the time. I did know she and her children were being abused. I was shocked the first time I walked in a KH and she was there. (she used to party with me a lot before that LOL) Today she is the only one I keep in contact with from there. She has since divorced and got her children out of the hell they were in. The abuse from the perfect JW husband and father was sexual, verbal and violant toward wife and children. I never realized until reading this forum there is so much of that within the Borg. I just thought he was a total prick.
It must be hard to be alienated from family because of departing the beliefs and sytem. I can see that now and feel really bad for alienated my 'worldly' family.
Should I have a Christmas tree?
by scuba99 inhi folks,.
i'm rather new here, only posted a couple of times.
although i have been visiting the site daily for a good 2 months now.
Nothing wrong with having a tree and a few lights on the tree. After all you have electricity and plants, right ! Why worry about the feelings of people who shun you..go for the tree. It can be hard to change onces beliefs and engrained non traditions, however in your new life with your new wife you have to start making your own traditions. Personally I could never figure out why (at least in the congregations I went to) that wedding anniverseries were so bloody important to require booking of community halls for all to celebrate...and all other occasions were frowned upon. Is not ones own birth important? Yes the birth of Christ may not be that of Dec 25, but there is so much more to Christmas...and that is being with family and showing love. I know at my house we put up the tree and celebrate the fact we can be together, most the time the religious aspect is not talked about. For many Christians the Christmas tree still retains the symbolism of the Paradise tree. The tree reminds us of the tree in Eden by which Adam and Eve were overcome and which thrust them into sin. But more importantly, the tree reminds us of the tree by which our sin was overcome, namely the tree upon which Christ Jesus was crucified. Is it a stretch to refer to the cross as a tree? Hardly, for this is the language of the New Testament itself! For example, Paul writes in Galatians 3:13, "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree" (quoting Deut. 21:23). And Peter writes, "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed." Therefore, the Christmas tree is a wonderful symbol and reminder of our salvation and forgiveness through Jesus Christ!
I am new to this site.... I wish to tell my story.
by Cyn inmy name is cynthia... i have had depression as a child ( undiagnosed ) father was possibly bipolar and mother is depressive both journry into the org along with how the depression became a mental breakdown , which i thought was jehovah removing his spirirt.
my sruggle with the elders......and the many ways and people i sought help from.....well it is all a long story......... included in it.
jws i have known with mental health issues.......breakdowns.......psych docs have had discussed this with........ i would like to relate my story.....i was so ill..nearly catotonic i did not go to a hospital but if i relate how i was clear...... how i was afraid of crossing the street because the green light may have been really a red light and i was told so often by the elders that my thinking was wrong...... ie " they were showing love by isolating me ( a depressed person) because i needed to be active and i was not complying..they said they tried ll that they coudl when in reality it was i always i that reached out to them ( thinking they were chosen of god)...... well..i just gave a story is very long...i have been tenatious i read so much ( even before becoming a jw ) about depression and dysfunctional families... i was a teacher did not gte my ma ..people here know why i am sure..... well...before i write this story of mine...i would like to ask..if i can do it in intallments........those i relate my story to say i should write a book..........i am not " out of the woods yet" the way.......i came to the point that i could not leave my room..... i live in nyc and i was able to speak to bethel elders including g. gangus.... i was very sincere......naive idealistic.............i asked qiestions thinking that surly god understood ...that my motives were good... .
Hi Cyn..we met briefly in chat a few days ago..took me awhile to find your message as I have little time to spend on this forum, less time then I would like to have.
As you know through reading my message..I have been through the depression...Dub thing also. You are definately not alone and it does help to be able to talk to people who understand and don't condemn.
Take your time telling your story, tell as little or as much as you feel up to. I have been browing messages on this forum for a few days now and everyone is so understanding and caring and smart.
Stupid Questions
by scumrat inhow do you respond to stupid questions?
do you honor them with an answer or do you just ignor them?
There is never a stupid question...just stupid answers.
Mental Illness/Depression = Sexual Stimulation?
by Windchaser indoes mental illness and/or depression cause excessive sexual stimulation?
just wondering.
There are cases where a depressed person does become a sex addict, for the reason it makes them feel better and wanted. Generally we think if a person is depressed they are automatically impotent, and this is false. What usually causes the disfunctions outside a slight headache, to a stock market crash, to Global Thermonuclear the meds that cause dysfunction. So in answer to your question is YES depression can cause excessive sexual stimulation, just as much as it causes sexual dysfunction. Can go either way.
Dealing with different emotions
by back2dafront inanybody else ever get angry at the fact that witnesses think they're the only righteous ones in the world?
it bothers me so much.
it's like they say it's ultimately up to jehovah to decide, but in the same breath they condemn you if you're not a dub.
Kind of reminds me of Charles Manson...Helter Skelter..luckily he only brainwashed a couple dozen.