thanks...I know I sound bitter and I really don't mean to but I've never been real good about keeping my mouth shut. *LOL*
as most of you know, i have been inactive for about 2 1/2 yrs and completely out for about 7 months.
i am debating on wether or not to write a letter of da to the org or not.
in some ways i just want closure, and on the other hand i dont want to play by their rules.
thanks...I know I sound bitter and I really don't mean to but I've never been real good about keeping my mouth shut. *LOL*
i have a son who is in th 4th grade.
he is a "bigger boy"......his father is 6'2" and i am 5'10".
james is very tall for his age and is also slightly overweight.
While not the same issue I can relate. I grew up with an orthopedic disability that made me the shortest kid and gave me a silly walk. (I now use a wheelchair so that cleared up the walking issue !).
Most kids and adults were okay but there were always a few that liked to target the kid who was different. I always used (still do) humor to deal with it. Use being do short to my advantage and laugh at things I could do because I could get in small places. Once I made it a non-issue to me they could see that they were not going to "get to me". Now that sure didn't mean that it didn't hurt, it did. I hated feeling different and sort of freakish but in my case there was nothing I could do to change it so I had to just deal with it. I think now as an adult I am much more confident and secure with myself as a result of the teasing...I had to learn to accept myself even if others could...or would not.
Maybe he can be the "protector"...I used "shrek" as an example with a big kid at my son's school. Differen but a good guy, a hero...and he gets the girl too. Teasing is such a hard think when you're different and kids can be downight vicious sometime.
Wish I could help more but thats my story at least.
as most of you know, i have been inactive for about 2 1/2 yrs and completely out for about 7 months.
i am debating on wether or not to write a letter of da to the org or not.
in some ways i just want closure, and on the other hand i dont want to play by their rules.
Its true that if you DA you will be shunned but if you just fade away and then break some rule that they find out about you will be DF'd and shunned anyway.
At least when I DA'd, I left on my own terms, had my say and left without being "Accused" of wrongdoing. By there own definition when I DA's I "simply left the faith" which they claim on their own official site does NOT result in shunning. So they are breaking their own rules.
I agree everyone is different and should make up their own minds but in the end you are either IN or OUT. If things continue to go as they have been and the JW's continue to move toward stricter isolationism I strongly suspect that they will have yet another episode of "New Light" that mandates that those who are inactive for more than a certain period of time will have in effect DA'd themselves.
Once that happens it won't matter if you are DA'd or Fading...you'll be out....period.
Again, just my opinion,
as most of you know, i have been inactive for about 2 1/2 yrs and completely out for about 7 months.
i am debating on wether or not to write a letter of da to the org or not.
in some ways i just want closure, and on the other hand i dont want to play by their rules.
I've posted my opinion on this before and it isn't usually a popular one.
First let me say that each person needs to make their own decision and I respect their right to do that.
I DA'd. Why did I do it ? Because for me it was the honest, non-hypocritcal thing to do. I had enough of hiding the truth and leading a double life while I was IN the JW's.
Do I feel like I played by their rules ? NO WAY ! I told them to stick their smug lies, contradictions and double standards.
To me, people that DA "Step Up" and take charge for their own lives. Do we pay the price ? YOU BET. My parents are still "IN" and I'm shunned...I am getting more and more vocal against the JW's as time passes too which brings even more heat on my family and on me. But thats fine.
I have some close friends who have "faded away" and to me it is sort of taking the easy way out. They just try to stay out of the view of the JW's...hide behind curtains and wait to get "caught" breaking the JW rules. To me THAT is far more like playing the JW game.
I am OUT, FREE and I Fly the American Flag on my house...put the XMas tree right in the front window...I vote...I am active (Pastor) in another religion and I even ran for public office and got elected a few years back.
I don't live my life based on what THEY think...I live my own life, openly and honestly, which is more than I did when I was in the ORG thats for sure.
Do I sound a little angry about the issue ? I don't mean to. But society today is SOOOO much about wanting something without having to pay the price. Everyone wants rights but doesn't want to stand up for them and fight. That is just not me. I wanted the freedom to live out of hiding, no double life and there is a cost associated with that. I didn't write my family and tell them thay were no longer welcome at my house or that I would no longer speak to them. They chose to follow the ORG and shun me...that is their choice and that is the price I pay everyday for doing the "right thing".
Just my opinion.
yesterday i posted a letter i intend to write to the marysville newspaper (from a posting by nathan natas).
i was hoping to get some input from you all, and there is nothing thus far.
maybe it got buried early.. just asking for a bit of help; i don't do things like this often but feel compelled to write.
I missed the letter, clould you post a link to the thread or tell me what the header was so I can take a look.
********* Found it - reading now....
Edited by - rwagoner on 11 October 2002 10:54:47
this is windrider,.
this will probably be my last post.
there is no reason any longer to use my time in this forum to present any research i have made that may be able to save lives.
While I agree with the others and understand that some are not able to be "public", there are those of us the feel the need for a more public statement. As I said in my first post, I sat quietly for far too long and now I feel the need to act. Action is different for each person given their circumstances. For some it is quietly researching and posting, for others it is marching and public protest.
I guess all that I'm saying is that if you are able to identify a group of people here on the board for a more "public" statement or want to try to coordinate efforts and messages...I would like to be a part of that discussion.
I am greatfull for the research and posting of others and for the public statements and actions of those who came before me and now is my time to act as well. Even if it is just one or two people in each area that can put themselves "out there" in the public eye..the attention overall could certainly add up.
I am no expert on public protest and to be honest am pretty conservative, never been much of a sign waver, but I finally have reached the point in my life that I won't let them shun me anymore. It is time for me to step up...time for me to become one of the activists.
this is windrider,.
this will probably be my last post.
there is no reason any longer to use my time in this forum to present any research i have made that may be able to save lives.
I too have sat quietly for years, taking what they hand out to my family who are still in and not wanting to make waves. This latest round of New Light in the August KM is yet another attempt to silence those who question the Organization and this time I am DETERMINED not to go quietly.
I have told my parents, who are still on the inside, to expect a firestorm as I refused to just go quietly. I've gone VERY public about the Organization and the various issues surrounding the JW's of late, including the UN, Pedophiles, Defense Contracts and others.
I agree that we all need to concentrate our efforts and put out the same material with a unified message. We need to focus on getting attention from the general public and the media and also chip away at the WBTS little by little when possible. Try as I might, I will not change my parents beliefs anytime soon, the hold that the JW's have on them is just too strong. Trying to make our point to active JW's is noble but VERY frustrating as we all know but when the general public learns about the truth behind the Watchtower they are usually amazed and the facts can have a HUGE impact.
While there are several groups that are active against the JW's they seem to mostly be Issue Specific as opposed to just generally against the Organization and exposing the policies, beliefs and teachings. When outsiders hear even the basics from someone who was once on the inside they can't believe it sometimes. We've seen on this board recently how the public reacts to the JW's at their door once they have the facts. If we can educate the public then perhaps the JW's will begin to experience more of this type of response from the general public as well as from us Apostates.
I would certainly support unified efforts for exposing the "Truth" publically and would love to be involved in the brainstorming on what action or efforts might be most effective.
one of my favorite movies of all time is "monty python and the holy grail.
" i enjoy this movie for many reasons, but most of all for it's satire on society.
one of my favorite scenes, and i should warn you that i know them all, is when king arthur walks up to peasants in the field and tries to explain that he is king of the britons.
In the Monty Python Spirit --- You might enjoy this...
The Dead Generation
A humourous look at the "New Light"
JWMan 1: "Hello. I've got a complaint."
Governing Body Member (GBM): "What is it?"
JW: "This Generation you sold me is dead."
GBM: "No it isn't"
JW: "Yes it is, look at it! It ain't even moving since the "August KM"
GBM: "Its not dead, its just been readjusted."
JW: "READJUSTED!! Its not readjusted, its bloody dead."
GBM: "You're just not looking at right."
JW: "How am I supposed to look at it??"
GBM: "Have you tried squinting?"
JW: "Shall I hang upside down, too?"
GBM: "Oh, no,no,no...blood will rush to your brain and you might be tempted to use it. Try looking at it sideways."
JW: "Nope, its still dead."
GBM: "Have you tried shaking it?"
JW: "Look man, I have tried shaking, squinting, staring, blinking, and jumping up-and-bloody-down and its still dead."
GBM: "It might be pining for the new system."
JW: "Pining for the new system? Look it would have fallen down long ago if you hadn't nailed it up!"
GBM: "Maybe its just resting"
JW: "Its not resting. Its dead, passed on, ceased to be, gone to meet its maker, passed over, this is an ex-generation!"
GBM: "You tried squinting?"
JW: "Yes, and its still dead. I would like a new doctrine please."
GBM: "Very well, I have "All Churches Suck" very popular."
JW: "Does it give a time frame for the end?"
GBM: "No...no...no it doesn't"
JW: "Well then its not a suitable replacement then is it?"
GBM: "I don't have any more time...."
JW: "You got plenty since you killed the generation"
GBM: "I am very busy in the Kingdom work. The only thing I can offer you is vague promises subject to abitrary change."
JW: "That's it is it?"
GBM: "Well I'll throw in a general feeling of self-righteousness with a side of arrogance and some denial."
JW: "That will have to do, make sure you put it in a pretty colored wrapper so I'll feel like I have something."
GBM: "Putting nothing in a pretty wrapper is our specialty."
(Monty Python rights acknowledged)
** sorry about the links simon...* cut and pasted from an email and didn't see them...I removed them.
Edited by - rwagoner on 9 October 2002 18:11:28
the red commentary is mine.
i can't help it!
Is it maybe time for a letter to the editor of the Albany Herald ? Perhaps something about an organization that welcomes sweet little old ladies and harbors pedophiles ? Hmmmm....
Not sure how many of their readers would see the benches as a safe place...probably wouldn't be good for business downtown if people thought there might be child molesters hanging out on the corner approaching people as they pass by....but hey, thats just me.
just wanted some of my new friends to send out the good vibes for me.
its about 2:15 and i have an interview at 3:00. i am soooooooooo nervous.
been looking for about 7 months now.