Certain times ofthe year the resort is taken over by..."Lifestyle Groups"...
The month of January, July 4th week and Halloween for example are lifestyle times and there is much more....um....guest interaction.
how many here have ever been to an "au natural" beach or park ??
did you enjoy the experience ?
***** rub a dub
Certain times ofthe year the resort is taken over by..."Lifestyle Groups"...
The month of January, July 4th week and Halloween for example are lifestyle times and there is much more....um....guest interaction.
how many here have ever been to an "au natural" beach or park ??
did you enjoy the experience ?
***** rub a dub
We go to Hedonism II....a nekkid resort in Negril Jamaica...Very wild depending on what part of the year you go. We're two out of shape lilly white hillbillies from New Hampshire...other than a really bad sunburn we have a wonderful time.
i grew up a witness, so therefore of course i never had any of the holidays, though i wanted to do them badly.. i left in my mid- twenties, and was single for quite some time.
during this time, there never was really any need to celebrate any of the holidays.
so many of them were meant for families anyways, and all mine were far away.
I was a lot like you when I first left freedom...was single so spent most holidays working double or triple shifts to make al lthe extra $$ and to let the family people stay home.
Now I have a wife (never in the Dub's) and a 5 year old son...and I LOVE the Holidays...to the point of going too far...if you've ever seen Nation Lampoon's Xmas Vacation movie...that is my house...Lights, decorations, 12 foot tree...we even make sleigh tracks in the snow with skis and toss out chocolat covered raisins to look like reigndeer doodoo for my son...is that wacky or what *LOL*
please welcome my sister, 76crash, to the board.
i told her how great this place is, so she decided to join us!
Hello from a blast from so far in your past that you probably don't even remember !
Welcome to the board you will love the place...and the people are okay too !
are the borg still monitoring this board (and others)?
if so they seem to be allowing a large amount of time before taking any retributive action.
has anyone heard of any follow thru from the borg from being identified here recently?
They can monitor my posts on the board...read the bumperstickers on my car....count my xmas lights or better yet, they can look me in the eye and I'll tell them exactly what I think.
I DA'd...didn't wait for the goon squad...they know where I stand pretty clearly. *LOL*
have you ever tried to explain to someone who has no religious leaning how you once truly believed that you could live forever and that now you are no longer a jw that certainty is gone, and how hard that is to deal with at times?.
the look of disbelief and pity that you get in return.. maybe thats partly why we need to talk so often to other xjw's.
whats been your experiences.. anglise
Its funny really...or sad I guess actually.
I look back on the 20+ years that I was in the org and try to help my (never a jw) wife understand what it was like...
She seems to think that I am at least reasonably bright and can't imagine how I could have believed all of the odd teachings and blindly accepted each round of "new light". I can't explain the power they held over me and my family nor can I believe that I fell for it myself most of the time.
Now that I am "out" I would never just accept something like that without at least researching it or questioning it.
Live and learn I guess....
i have been away from jws for 20 years, after having grown up as one, a pioneer and ministerial servant.
i have rebuilt my life, am very happy and have a wife and three kids who never were part of jw.
i have moved back into the town i grew up in.
First off let me say that I love a good debate....ok...even argument....especially with people like the Dubs. I love to use their own material against them even though I know it is pointless. Most of the time they simply run off when they realize who I am.
I am still in the same area that I grew up in, as a jw, so many of them know me and my story. In most cases as soon as they recognize me they run at top speed to avoid dealing directly with the anti-christ (in their minds).
as freedom96 noted on an earlier post, my mother is in town.
we have had a situation this week concerning his son, which he well elaborate on at a later date, and i don?t feel it is my place to relay the story first.
suffice to say for the moment that we are both hurting immensely from what has been said, and it has brought on some pretty strong emotions.
Cali - let me know if you need to talk...I've been there with my folks and know exactly what you're going through and knowing your mom I can imagine how difficult this was.
We're thinking of you all... (( cali ))
I check in here off and on but you can always email me !
(((( TINK ))))
Roses are Red...Skunk Cabbage Stinks...I wish that I had....A better poem for Tink.....
as freedom96 noted on an earlier post, my mother is in town.
we have had a situation this week concerning his son, which he well elaborate on at a later date, and i don?t feel it is my place to relay the story first.
suffice to say for the moment that we are both hurting immensely from what has been said, and it has brought on some pretty strong emotions.
((((( CALI )))))
You know that we're thinking of you and the family back here in your old stomping ground !