Awww...beautiful birds Orbiting! Give them, and Rufus a smooch from me and Susie!
this is really cute
Awww...beautiful birds Orbiting! Give them, and Rufus a smooch from me and Susie!
while the multiplex movie theaters are running "terminator 3" and the like, my husband and i seek out different fare.
three small independent movies which we recently saw are, "winged migration", about the migratory patterns of various birds -- amazing.
some species travel l2,500 miles each way from north to south poles and back again.
Some of my favorite indie movies are:
"Ma Vie en Rose"--it's in French, with subtitles, but worth it. It is about a young boy who wants to be a girl.
"All Over Me"--This film follows an out teenaged lesbian. Interesting and realistic.
"Just, Melvin"--This one was hard to watch. It is a documentary following the family of Melvin Just, a slimeball who raped and molested every female member of his family. It focuses on the incestous relationships, violence, and depression that stemmed from the horrific abuse.
"Waking Life"--I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard wonderful things about this movie from Orbiting!
how many here have heard a song that touched or shaken your soul ?.
i was listening to christina aguilera's song " i'm okay" and shivered.
except it is not my father it is my mother.
The song "Me and a Gun" by Tori Amos, is pretty powerful. I was raped 3 years ago, on July 4th, and have a lot of sexual abuse in my past. That song speaks to me,more than most. It, as well as the entire album it is on (Little Earthquakes), has been very healing for me.
Tori Amos~~Me and a Gun
Friday morning
Thursday night
Far from sleep
I'm still up and driving
Can't go home
So I'll just change direction
Cause they'll soon know where I live
And I wanna live
Got a full tank and some chips
It was me and a gun
And a man on my back
And I say "holy holy" as he buttoned down his pants
Me and a gun
and a man
On my back
But I haven't seen Barbados
So I must get out of this
Yes I wore a slinky red thing
Does that mean I should spread
For you, your friends your father, Mr. Ed
And I know what this means
Me and Jesus a few years back
Used to hang and he said
"It's your choice babe just remember
I don't think you'll be back in 3 days time
So you choose well"
Tell me what's right
Is it my right to be on my stomach
of Fred's Seville
Me and a gun
and a man
On my back
But I haven't seen Barbados
So I must get out of this
And do you know Carolina
Where the biscuits are soft and sweet
These things go through you head
When there's a man on your back
And you're pushed flat on your stomach
It's not a classic cadillac
Me and a gun
and a man
On my back
But I haven't seen Barbados
So I must get out of this
Pasties are a pretty big thing around where I live. We have a couple pasty shops, and 2 sections of frozen pasties at the grocery store. In school, one of our fundraisers was even guessed it...pasties.
I can't stand pasties, personally.
i'm curious as to whether you've ever smoked.
i've never put a cigarette or any thing similar to my lips.
i've never had the desire.
I had two cigs when I was 14. It was MORE than enough to make me never do it again! About a year ago, I smoked marijuana, got very high, and threw up all over a trampoline. Mood killer! I haven't done that since.
do you wish that you were of a different race or heritage than you are ?
Yes, I am. I'm mixed(black dad, white mom), but I get tired of people trying to tell me I have to choose one or the other. I'm both, and that is who I am.
did you get made fun of when you were in school?
i'm curious to know because when i was in junior high i was constantly picked on made fun of and the butt of many jokes.
even remembering that hurts till this day.
I was picked on a lot in school. It got so bad in elementary school that I had chronic stomach problems from the stress. I was picked on for being a JW, of course, even by my first grade teacher. Some role model, hey? Mostly I was picked on for being mixed in a very white town. Being called nigger, runaway slave, burnt cookie, being told to go back to Africa were common, everyday occurances. Kids used to throw things in my hair(its nappy; everything stuck in it!), and I was beat up twice. Yuk. I'm glad I'm not in school anymore!
sodom and gomorrah were so wicked that god deemed it best to destroy them.
abraham intervened, and the lord said he would save the cities if even ten righteous were found therein.
of course, we know the result -- not even ten righteous could be found in those prosperous cities of the beautiful plains.
Thanks, Swan!
I'll make sure to watch for it!
sodom and gomorrah were so wicked that god deemed it best to destroy them.
abraham intervened, and the lord said he would save the cities if even ten righteous were found therein.
of course, we know the result -- not even ten righteous could be found in those prosperous cities of the beautiful plains.
My friend recently heard a woman comparing the city we live in, and the neighboring city to Sodom and Gomorrah. Something about a hot-bed of homosexuality. Yeah, right. As a lesbian, I KNOW this to be false.
If I remember correctly, isn't homosexuality one of the main reasons Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? What is that scripture, about the men pounding on the door to get to the male angels? Hmmm...I don't remember now. My mind is going in my old age.
we received our civil rights thru the efforts of our parents, g-parents, etc.
will we protect them for us and our children and grandchildren?
theyre the ones that will inherit what we do or dont do.
The US is most definitely becoming a fascist country. That is why all of the blind nationalism I see scares the hell out of me. Seriously, it reminds me of all those people yelling "Heil HItler!".
I was at PrideFest Milwaukee this weekend, and bought a shirt that has a drawing of the United States, and says "Land of the Free*" and at the bottom says"*Some restrictions apply. Void where prohibited."