Excellent point, Rick!I might be able to use that point in my witnessing to them about Jesus!
JoinedPosts by lollydawdle
Beware the voice of strangers...
by flower ini havent really been keeping up with the latest garbage being spewed forth from the wts to its members, but stumbled on this little gem from
i'm sure this has been mentioned before and i missed it but i enjoyed this talk.
I did it!!!! I applied for college!
by MoeJoJoJo in...and was accepted for classes starting this summer.
finally at the age of 33, i finally have my situation worked out so i can attend the local university...my kids are all in school now, won't have the guilty feelings resulting from pursuing a worldly career over pioneering now that i'm no longer a jw, etc.
my major will be clinical lab technology-its a two-year degree.
Congrats!!!!! Applied and accepted!!!! I started University courses at the age of 49!!! I'm now 58 (almost!), and I only have 1 course left to do to get my BA in Sociology! I did it part-time. Have loved it. You will too!!! Learn lots and enjoy!!!
Facing my family.....
by Evesapple inalthough i have not really shared my story here, i have one thing i'd like to share now that makes me very nervous.
i'm going to visit some friends of mine in arizona for a week.
they are friends i had made on my own way after jw's, great, supportive, loving friends....i'm proud of them in that they truely have become my family and have re-defined the true meaning of friendship.
Amen to that, Franklin J. If your mother wants to see you and her grandchildren, Evesapple, I say let it happen. You never know when people will have a change of heart. If she doesn't visit, that will say it all, but don't stoop to her level and shun her if she wants to come. Best wishes. (((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))
my first post
by new light inwell, after lurking here for about 3 weeks, i finally registered and decided to "join the club.
" reading your posts has really been a great help in continuing on the path i know to be right.
a little history if you'll bear with me.... born and raised a jw....baptized at 13, df'ed at 16. i've been reinstated for two years.
Welcome New Light!Thanks for sharing your story. Lots of friends here for you - some good advice, especially from Mouthy! She's the Granny on here.
My baptism back into the world - my story
by a wee scots lass ini was raised in 'the truth ' from the age of 9, when my parents came 'into the truth'.
i was the perfect little witness girl, went out in field service - without complaint, gave talks (well the way you do in two's when you are female!
), i was even on the list of people they called on when someone did not turn up to give their talk and would get up with only 30 min prep time!
Welcome Wee Scot Lass. Glad it didn't take you 30 years to see the 'real' light, like me. I entered at 19, and left at 49! My adult children and grandchildren are still "in". But they can still associate with me because I'm not df'd or dis'd.
I'm almost 58 and will be graduating from university next year! A dream come true, for me. Never give up your dreams!
Great that you have such wonderful support in your husband. Your testimony is very encouraging. Thanks so much for sharing.
Jim: A Life with AIDS
by Lady Lee injim: a life with aids
author: june callwood published by: key porter books trade paperback isbn:0886192242. published: april 2002 (originally published in 1988).
the link doesn't seem to be working but if you get to the site do an advanced searh using the isbn number.
Razorblade, I borrowed the book from mouthy, but I'm happy to say that it is in our library. A very touching and moving story of Jim. I was sad to hear of his death. Never saw him on tv, didn't even know of him until last year when I read the book. How JW's can think that what they do to others mentally, emotionally and psychologically by shunning is "Christian" is reprehensible. Jesus Christ never shunned, was compassionate to all, even to one considered to be the lowest of the low, a leper. Where's that lesson in their WT study?
JW literature table on campus
by asleif_dufansdottir inas i've mentioned before - most weekday mornings the jws have a table set up by the fountain on campus at asu.
i never see anybody talking to them.
mostly they have just been sitting there with all the literature on display, talking to each other.. however, the last few days i've noticed something strange.
Wow! I work at a university and have never seen that. The most I saw was a leaflet posted to an obscure bulletin board, which I happened to pass one morning. Of course I took it down! Everything on a bulletin board here has to be date stamped by the Student Union. Of course it wasn't stamped!
Concerned Mom - which university? I would be tempted to call campus police and have them evicted. It may be a public place, but if they're not an accredited group on campus, I doubt they're there legally, unless they know someone.
JWS using questionaire clipboards
by badboy in.
i have once or twice seen jws using a questionaire clipboard with pencils.. any1 know anything about this?
A survey? That's hilarious! I wish I had thought of that!
Jws writing 2 relatives of the Breaved
by badboy in.
i understand that some jws write 2 the relatives of those in the newspaper obituaries,trying 2 convert them.. 1 ex-jw says she did that.. know any instances.
I admit to writing to one relative but not two! Shame on me for not being a "good" witness like Mouthy!! I guess I cared more about getting my time in than I did about the people. Come to think of it, I could have had twice the time in service if I'd thought of writing to two relatives!!! How stupid I was!!!
The Mystery Person of Luke 9:49, WTBTS Friend of Foe?
by Valis in"and john answered and said, 'master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow with us.
' and jesus said to him, 'do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is for us'.
" (luke 9:49,50, nkj).
Very interesting thread, guys & gals! Never thought of it before! Come to think of it, we weren't allowed to think of it before! And if we did, we'd be told not to worry about, because the light would get brighter in time! Mouthy knows all about the light getting brighter re 1914.