I agree with you, sometimes I miss "God", but the moral quality of Jehovah as is pictured by the Bible is lower than today standards, reflecting what He really was, the tribal war god of Israel.
I'm sorry for those that still belive in the bible as the word of god, if this that I'm saying hurts them, but if you drop the axiom "the bible is a monolith, present a coherent thelogical framework" you will see It merely reflects the evolution of the Israel's spirituality, and how they receive the influence of the nations around them. At first they don't believe in an inmortal soul, after they had contact with helenism, and zoroastrism, they started to believe in an inmortal soul, heaven and hell, satan, final judgement, etc... the first enemy of Israel wasn't Satan, who is absent in the first books of the bible (that the snake Is satan is an ad hoc conclusion), were the other nations.
Chistianity is just another pagan religion, just another version of the obiquos mythos. I doubt even there was an historical Jesus. The first christians were semi-gnostics, as Paul (not all the epistoles ascribed to Paul, were written by him, those were writtem by him, reflect that Paul was a gnostic, the letters don't have any REAL mention of a historical Jesus, is just a spiritual Christ, another God-saviour like the others, Mithras, Orpheus, Isis, Atis, Dyonisious, that exist in a spiritual plane, and dies in a spitritual plane, is just another Sun of God) The Gospels were written after, and carnalized Chist. (I think to the benefit of Rome)
And a long etc... (I've been doing research for several years)
I think that the informed people will be eventualy dropping this believe in the bible... (Scientific progress is similar, when a new theory emerges, and it's proved plausible, and more comprensive, only when the last of the former paradigm suporters dies It is fully accepted) The bible had has it's time.... but now is the time to look forward......
Personaly, I can't accept the existence of a personal God, in the traditional sense. Maybe Freud was right, when he said that is merely our longing for a Big Father, who takes the role of our father in our childhood, that creates God. But still there is the mistery of existence.... (Big Bang theory is mathematically exact, but a too far reaching extrapolation, whith unknown primogenial states of matter that haven't been observed, I think that this is also a myth, and today scientific stablishment has become to conservative and dogmatic) I think that in our concept of time and casuality lies the problem to understand existece
Life is so mysterious