With my wife though, If I take her, she'll be expecting me to stay and sit with her throught all of the sessions.....
.......apocalyptic music playing.......
"the horror.........the horror........"
there is a spiritual feast prepared for all this weekend (june 13-15) .
which day?
i am going on saturday to appease my parents.
With my wife though, If I take her, she'll be expecting me to stay and sit with her throught all of the sessions.....
.......apocalyptic music playing.......
"the horror.........the horror........"
we have to sacrifice virgins ????
If so, I have a sacrificial "tool" I can loan out....
i was raised non-religious.
i don't call myself an atheist as such because i don't like to label anyone, but i don't actually believe in god (though i am christian in background, and several branches of family family are roman catholic).
my fiance knows this.
My fiancé knows this. He is a Jehovah's Witness and would like me to "convert", so to speak, before we marry. It's easier to discuss this with strangers than with my fiancé (which is very awkward, as his beliefs are strong and mine are non-existent at the moment).
Let's get this straight,.....your fiance' knew of your non-religious upbringing and beliefs, yet still dated you, fell in love with you, wants to marry you, WHEN you convert and become a Jehovah's Witness? Rewind to before all this happened....if his belief's were as strong as you say they are, he had no business dating or falling in love with you in the first place based upon his WT God's interpretation.
In essence, he wants you to convert to save his skin and protect his image in the face of his JW cronies. Marrying an unbeliever is a potentially disfellowshipping offense for a baptised JW within the JW social circle.
His attitude toward you on this issue alone should give you a clue as to who his primary loyalty will lie should you choose to marry him. What duplicity?
I'm sure he croons on and on about how he loves you as you are, yet he's compelled to set a "condition" which you're being maneuvered to follow.
I would advise any woman in this situation to run for their life, for if at the very top end of a marriage if you'd bow to this "condition" and marry a JW clown that would even ask such a thing, then you're setting yourself up for a slew of other "conditions" you'll be required to follow.
I'm sure the sista's on this board will be more than willing to explain them to you.
there is a spiritual feast prepared for all this weekend (june 13-15) .
which day?
i am going on saturday to appease my parents.
I think the one for the Houston area is this weekend also.
The little lady's been dropping hints that she's going for the last two weeks in an effort to spark some interest in me of going,
I don't think I could stand sitting there listening to them drone on and on all day long while watching everyone in the zombie-fied stupor.
the 2 witness rule in a nutshell says that 2 people have to witness the incident.
" trees have roots, and when a tree's roots are rotten, all of the tree is rotten too, down to the fruit.
with truths like these, it's no question that they're a "rotten tree".
Great letter..well written. All you need is a few well placed links to supporting documentation and you're set.
But 21 still living at home, and as a grown man they saw fit to deny you internet access? I guess they have that right if you're living under their roof but upon the deliverance of this letter, you gotta know that you'll be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Better have a well fitting flame retardant suit.
i find it interesting that of all the horror stories i have read on this forum, it seems that women are the subject of the elders' abuse much more than men.
is it because the elders feel more comfortable beating up, excuse me, "counseling" women, or is it because we women are more open with our feelings?
personally, i was mainly the object of neglect.
Every elder I've ever had dealings with treated their wives less like a person with feelings and more like a material possession.
Can any of the "sista's" out there vouch for this?
just to let you know, my mother is a jw, my father isn't.
i had a bit of a conversation with my mother last night.
to get into all the details of why they don't belong together would take up pages.
This phenomena is not limited to "unevenly yoked" marriages. Both my MIL and FIL are witnesses, despearately unhappy with each other, yet they continue to stay together, making each other miserable, because of the image they want to project for the org.
Very Sad....
any takers.......
Why not just check it out online
Oh NOoooooo.....
The look on JW's faces, especially elders, when you have the opportunity to show them the genuine article......PRICELESS!!!!
I was almost tempted to bid on it myself.......
any takers.......
Looking at the bidding history the bid amount jumped from $151.00 to $401.00 through one bidding cycle.
I smell a scam.....
any takers.......
If I had the bucks for it I'd buy it myself and shove it in every Elders face I see.