No business can survive without sales. Watchtower don't have much to sell these days but real estate and when that's gone----------yikes because the price of the other produce that they sell----------------- bullshit-- is very low!
just saying!
how many kingdom halls are there worldwide?
even better how many in the years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.. i'm asking this to get a picture of the total real estate owning of the jw and how this become to the money-cow in these days..
No business can survive without sales. Watchtower don't have much to sell these days but real estate and when that's gone----------yikes because the price of the other produce that they sell----------------- bullshit-- is very low!
just saying!
why wasn’t judah punished for sleeping withtamar?
even though she had the legal right to an offspring by his family he still thought he was sleeping with a prostitute.
if it is wrong to even think of having relations with a woman similar to the “sin” of watching pornography why wouldn’t what judah did be wrong?
The bible is filled with bullshit dribble about prominent people that got away with shit! And jehober just let them off the hook. Anyone who doesn't see through these fairy tales needs a brain enema! IMHO that is!
One of the "bible stories" that makes no sense is how the Israelite's knowingly and willingly allowed "temple prostitutes" to work at the temple when illicit sex was a capital offence. But a guy who picked up some wood on the sabbath got stoned to death! Yea right!
just saying!
who is hosting who here?.
our kh zoom meeting invites are now coming in from, but are still hosted by the local elders.
Jehober had Zoom created just for this pandemic so jw's could stay connected to "mother's" umbilical cord! Don't ya know?
just saying!
you will die.
i will die.
those who have gone before us, the great and the small, the powerful and the weak, have shared the common fate of dying.
Are you saying That I won't be living forever on a Paradise Earth under the loving rule of Jesus and 144,000 virgin men that now live in heaven?
just saying!
seems like every zoom meeting someone comments how happy they are that jehovah has provided us with this wonderful app called zoom.
does that mean jehovah knew about covid back in 2011 when zoom was founded?
why do people thank god for things people create?
Thank you jehovah! No more Gloom and Doom from the watchtower! You gave them Zoom and Doom instead!
just saying!
coming from gods appointed channel and wifelike organization to his special people and possession is cut and paste cdc guidelines and what other organizations and govt.
programs those in financial need can look to for help?
These "gifts in men" failed miserably!
The "gifts" that keeps on taking!
just saying!
driving by a kh yesterday we saw a for sale sign in front of the building.
it's on a beautiful piece of property off a main road outside the city limits.
the building can be no more than 10 years old and is very beautiful.
They may be selling off loads of Kingdom Halls, but Im sure they will building new ones as well. They have to, its the only way they can get money in,
You may very well be on to something in that observation! It's a great strategy for making money in a sustainable way and all the gb has to do is convince the sheeple that it's jehobers will! (not hard to do! lol)
just saying!
coming from gods appointed channel and wifelike organization to his special people and possession is cut and paste cdc guidelines and what other organizations and govt.
programs those in financial need can look to for help?
When this pandemic is a thing of the past, the watchtower will again try to rewrite history and take credit for not only prophesying about this pandemic but also for being the first to provide safety guidelines during the pandemic!
Count on it!
just saying!
to all that been in betel service.
as 1440.000 are suppose to rule like kings they must also be an example of putting the fruits of the spirit in there daily life(charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity (kindness), goodness, longanimity (forbearance), mildness (gentleness), faith, modesty, continency (self-control), and chastity.).
have you meet a gb member or other from the 144.000 in betel when you were there that you could easy see that this person wakes up in the morning and is determined to apply fruits of the spirit in there life?
The fruits of the spirit are simply very desirable qualities displayed to some extent by many humans without any help from an unseen 'force'.
Most of the so called 144,000 are very strange folks! So if it's fruits of an unseen force that is aiding them to display such fruits-----well!
just saying!
some jws believe they have the truth.
they alone understand god, jehovah.
they are very happy being jehovah’s witnesses.👍👌..... many others realize what they have given up for jehovah, to belong to the jehovah’s witness religion.
What Did You Choose Jehovah Over?
About 57 years of living life! Whata dumb f*ck!
just saying!