About teachings and doctrines from the WTBTS;
I'd rather have questions that can't be answered;
Than answers that can't be questioned!
have you ever come across words that resonate with you?
it doesn't have to be a great gem of wisdom, just something that is meaningful to you.. please share, and if you want to, tell us why it's meaningful to you.. here is something that made me nod when i first read it.... .
"fortunate are those who have learned to see, in the wild things of nature, something to be loved, something to be wondered at, something to be reverenced, for they have found the key to a never-failing source of recreation and refreshment".
About teachings and doctrines from the WTBTS;
I'd rather have questions that can't be answered;
Than answers that can't be questioned!
the following is part of an email from a retired district overseer in the states.
(source private).
"the new bible will be released at the agm and i understand only two versions will be printed from now on.
Do you think that this phrase; " The New World Bible Translation Committee" requested that the Watch Tower Society not publish the names of its members, stating that they did not want to "advertise themselves but let all the glory go to the Author of the Scriptures, God" will be incorporated into the forward?
Will 'real scholars' with real credintials be used to un-bias the "Newer World Translation". Not a chance! Will we be informed whether the questionable parts of the NWT after Mark 16 vs 8 and after John 7:53- 8 vs 11 should be the 'short conclusion' or the 'long conclusion'. How can "all Scripture be inspired of God" if we are not sure which conclusion to believe?
And yep, since the decline in publishing WT's and Awakes!, they need something to keep the presses and revenue rolling.
chris lane was murdered.
he was shot from behind.
he had no skittles in his pocket.
The standard JW response = "Time and unforseen occurance".
this new phrase keeps coming up - any thoughts?
nothing yet on wol jw org .
The WTBTs is seeing the inroads being made by 'apostate' web sites. Such sites are waking up those who have doubted for years or even decades in my own case. The GB is desperately trying every possible means to discourage dubbers from even talking to those who have viewed 'apostate' sites. I have tried to convince my wife that the 'truth' is the 'truth' no matter who speaks it. Sites such as jwfacts point to their 'own' literature to prove that jw's do not have the whole story. Once a dub can see it from their own 'sacred' publications, it can and should cause some real concern. It did with me! 60 years as a dubber and now on an active fade. Expect more of a stepped up campaign against faders and doubters. Soon our spouses will not be able to talk to us any longer and of course there is some unrelated scripture that will help dubbers to be 'throughly convinced' that ignoring youyr spouse is scriptural. Stay tuned!
a few elders i know said they hoped the wts would release a "new" revelation book to be studied during 2014. they said the jws need to be spiritually encourage at the "closeness" of the end and studying a "new" revelation book for 2014 might help shape up the flock of inactive, faders, disfellowship/disassociated jws to coming back.
posters what do you think a new rev book for 2014..
I don't see the GB releasing any more books that will try to explain any of the Bible's prophetic books. They should be at least smart enough to realize that every and all attempts to explain the prophetic books have been absolute, embarassing failures, even laughable! 7 Conventions being the fulfillment of the 7 trumpet blasts in Revelation. lol 'King of the North' vs 'King of the South' vs 'King of the East' vs 'King of the West' blah blah! I conducted the congregation book study for decades and, at times, I really, really had a hard time even repeating some of the stuff in the Daniel, Isaiah, and Revlation, and Ezekiel books. I tried to gloss over some of that wild guess work.
i believe the gb has typically been an odd group of men.
this new batch, the faithful and discreet slave seem very impressed with themselves....like they are modern day apostles or something....or maybe it's just me..
Desperate, devious, dillusional, and borerline dangerous. I'm blown away with the rapid-fire 'nu-lite' that is issuing forth from these guys. It's like they can't get enough of their "we love this teaching" crap out in the open. Use to be only 1 or 2 'nu-lite' revelations per couple of years so that we could all gradually get use to the 'nu-lite'. (gradualism) Now they are testing the shock value of the rank and file. Last May at our 2 day Circuit Assembly I was shocked to actually hear our new DO say, from the platform, that many may be 'DISTURBED' by the 'nu-lite' revealed in the 7/15/13 WT. For him to actually say the word DISTURBED, made me think that he and other DO's and CO's are disturbed by the 'nu-lite'.
Now we have the 11/15/13 WT preparing us to follow directions from the GB even if it "seems contrary" to 'common sense' and normal human thinking. More cult-like every week. I see a sort of pattern here. Seems like when a generational 'changing of the guard' takes place within the WTBTS, the new GB guys get rid of the 'old-lite' teachings from their former GB predecessors as if to make the JW religion their own and create their own legacy.
We can certainly see that's what happened during Rutherford's reign; doing away with all of Russell's teaching over a period of time. Knorr still had old Freddy to deal with so he couldn't get rid of Rutherford's crap as quickly. But, alas, today JW's don't cling to any of Rutherford's crap. All been 'nu-lited'. Now the Knorr/Freddy crap has all but been 'nu-lited' or will be. If they get rid of the stupid 'blood' and shunning doctrines, they will have made full circle.
good evening folks!
we have encountered this advice countlessly on wt study articles.
this especially comes out to ease the waiting pain of brothers eagerly waiting for god's new world and the end of the old system of things - with all the sufferings that go along with it.. i also noticed this being floated to try to extend the patience of brothers who are jumping ahead of the organization in terms of thinking - as if they are pre-empting the organization on certain sensitive views and issues.. if a brother has gotten an idea or insight that is far more superior than the present affairs in the society, or regarded as way in advance - he can be branded as a brother "not in order".
I hve been baptized for over 54 years as a jw. Been an elder for many, many years and have told countless brothers and sisters to "wait on Jehovah". Now that I fully realize ttatt at 66 years old, I am so sorry for my disservice to my friends.
"Wait on Jehovah" should really be applied by the GB! If they would "wait on Jehovah" before they publish un-truth. Why don't they "wait on Jehovah" to reveal the 100%, 'no-need-for -new light' truth? Waiting n Jehovah is a niffty little catch phrase, similiar to 'in the truth', 'happiest people on earth', 'the best way of life', etc.
"Wait on Jehovah" GB so that the 'faithful' will not have to be embarrased by the stupid flip flops and back peddelling. Get it right the first time of is Jehovah just 'testing' us? Seems a little late in the game for the true God to be playing games with us.
sorry to raymond and cynthia franz for expelling them on trumped-up charges and forcing them from there bethel home.. sorry for demonizing many of raymond's accomplishmets, such as 'the aid to bible understanding' (the blue book) that he had a hand in putting together and that too many old timers remember who grew fond of reading to expand their bible knowledge.. sorry to oompa for disfellowshipping him and causing him to be shunned to the point where he couldn't take it any longer and wound up taking his own life.
sorry seems to be the hardest word for the wtbts to say!.
Love means never having to say "Sorry"
I guess it's because the WTBTS, GB, "faithful slave", God's Spirited Organization LOVES us!
attn: watchtower purchasing department.
i just wanted to share this gem i recently came across in the denver post:.
the north american paper industry is in rapid decline.
They're way ahead of this---the crafty old buzzards. The 8 Poops, I mean Popes are not dumb when bucks are involved. Why do you think the magazines are now only 16 pages and they publish online litereature. Someday the printed page will only be necessary in business and legal transactions. and even those may be relegated to digital.
if you were, you'll remember how happening it was..
Went to many, many 'witness' parties in the mid 60's in and around the Downey, Whittier, Long Beach, Huntington Beach and even East LA. area. Lots of drinking and many great memories of the pretty 'sisters'. With the exception of the drinking, I was fairly respectful and decent.