You hit the nail square on the head! I read the bible later in life (last year to be exact) and instead of coming away with a better insight or understanding of religion and spirituality, I had the opposite reaction.
After reading only a portion of the Old Testament I was pushed more in an agnostic direction than anything. How could a supposed supreme, loving creator be nothing more than a petty, small, insecure (as you said), vengeful, violent, mysoginistic, racist narcissist? For being so loving of the people he supposedly created he sure had/has a funny way of showing it. If there is a god, the one in the OT ain't it!
If you didn't "walk in a way pleasing to the lord" then you were toast. You'd get killed, have your family killed, sold into slavery or had your life, in general, made a living hell. That's not "loving" in my book. Other than the few excruciatingly boring chapters such as Numbers, Deuteronomy and Leviticus where the impossible load of laws were imposed on the people, the OT reads like the life of a serial killer or head of an organized crime family!
Another thread mused about how the bible would be reviewed today by today's standards. I don't see Barnes & Noble selling a book filled with sex -- incest, pedophilia, violent -- and killing -- genocidal, infanticidal, senseless -- like this book that has been revered for thousands of years. I agree with your reasoning, above.
A "real' god who embodied the characterisitics of a loving person and parent wouldn't have required his "children" to be afflicted like they are/were. A good parent would punish to fit the crime. Disobedience by a child? Getting a slap or sent to your room is plenty.Stoning outside the gates of the city is a bit over-the-top. And the list goes on...
Yes, I think that a god deserving of love (because it is earned, not entitled in my opinion) would have behaved a bit more maturely instead of the spoiled child routine. A "real" god would kick his ass because he would embody the character of a reasonable person not a megalomaniac with phsychotic, uncontrolled outbursts. Thor is a good choice although I think any number of so-called gods and supreme beings over the years could handle things quite well, too. I like the way you think!
Robert the Heathen