Every day that I visit this site and read everyone's personal experiences my blood boils hotter and hotter than the day before. This kind of treatment INFURIATES me to the very core. This has me wanting to march to every KH that I know of and plaster your letter on their walls! HOW DARE these a$$holes treat an old man in such a way! I may very well get a copy of your letter and submit it to my local papers as well. This kind of thing MUST be exposed. I fully agree with the Dr Phil, Oprah and local news being notified. THIS is exactly what the WTS needs: SERIOUS exposure of this kind will be very damaging and it will open even more people's eyes to what the "truth" actually is. These heartless sons of bitches.
You are a very elquent and detailed writer and I commend you on being able to put these very strong feelings down on paper. I know for a fact that this is very theraputic! There is nothing more liberating than telling someone off in written form. You have done a very good job in this and I really do hope that there are some results from this.
You had said that you had better hide in the closet when the backlash comes from this. All I gotta say is STAND TALL AND PROUD AND DEFIANT! Don't you dare cower in front of these bastards! Condemn them for everything they have ever done and make them know exactly how you feel. Expose them for the modern day Pharisees that they are. I liked the comparison you made. The JW's don't have the flashy robes that the Pharisees did but they do have the flashy robes of arrogance that they decorate themselves with. And they have girded themselves with their seats of power and thirst for nothing spiritual any more.
I've seen some pretty wrong things where I was but I never had any idea it was this bad everywhere else! I would have finished off the letter with a few more strong words like "I hope you burn for all eternity in hell!" or "May God rot our your eyes and shrivel up your tongue for being the false prohpets that you are." But I think you worded it just fine. :)
Please please please tell us what the results from this are. You must! ;) I am so very sorry this has happened to you and at least there's us worldly folks that somehow find a way to lend a helping hand, even though we are all in league with Satan. ;) Satan must be a real nice guy if all of us worldly folks have a higher sense of compasion than these supposed People Of God.