Another to add to the list:
Why do they say that you can only EARN your salvation by performing good works when the theif on the cross next to Jesus earned his by simply professing his faith?
Why do they say that it is wrong to rely upon your own understandings of the Bible when they openly admit in the Proclaimers book that the found of their cult reread the Bible with an open mind and no preconcieved notions and relied upon his own understandings of what it said?
Why do they say things (like holidays) that have unholy, pagan or spiritistic origins are forever deemed as being demonic regardless of the current face they put on it? Why do they say this about holidays when it is so obvious that the WTS has unholy, spiritistic beginings? Bad origins regardless of how nice it is now doesn't change the fact that it was evil when it started so this would have to include the WTS. (Have her investigate Russel and Ritherford's teachings and how they were into numerology and astrology. Have her investigate Russel's involvement with the Freemasons.