Great Thread
JoinedPosts by stillajwexelder
by Lady Lee inas a kid i got bullied a lot.
i was taller than all the kids in the class.
i wore funny clothes - usually hand-me-downs from somewhere or just plain ugly.
I see I missed it....................
by charlie brown jr. ini thought it was close.................... guess i had 1 too many martini's at applebees yestersday............ fell asleep before sundown............. had some "wine"....passed............ some bread............ so i'm in i guess............ heaven hell don't matter lol.
happy passover.
wickedly irreverent LOL
Question for Dogpatch (Randy): What will it cost to produce the new 16-page Watchtower & Awake?
by Alfred inwhen literature used to be sold d2d, i remember how the society never missed an opportunity to trash other religions for "peddling god's word for profit" while boasting about how the watchtower only charges for the cost of the paper and ink.. in the book "witnesses of jehovah", the author mentioned that randall watters used to be involved in print cost analysis and determined that, while we were selling wt & awake mags for 20 cents door-to-door, it was really only costing the society 4 cents per copy to produce.
that's a whopping 400% profit!.
obviously, things have changed... the paper is different, as well as the ink and printing methods in general.
Printed WT Bound Volumes have to go next - they have to. On the WT-Library CD anyway and downloadable anyway.
The next logical thing (you have to have magazines to distribute to the public) is to make the study edition Downloadable only - and make the congregation pay for it - or the brothers in their own homes.
Tracts are much cheaper than magazines - so invite to the memorial/spec talk , then the DC and then an October Special. This will cut costs considerably.
Babylons waters are drying up.
So,.......What Do They Do Next?
by metatron inwhat do recent events tell us?
well, the special talk seemed utterly directed at getting lapsed witnesses back into the cult.
"jehovah wants you back......".
You ask what is next.
No way can printed Bound Volumes survive beyond 2015 - download from web yes - on the CD ROM anyway
What's Your Status? Are You Technically Still A JW?...
by minimus inare you disfellowshipped, disassociated, active, inactive???
Active but with bullshit deflectors set on maximum
Judicial Committees prove that God is not backing the WTBTS!!!
by 00DAD injudicial committees prove that god is not backing the wtbts!!!.
on another thread, one poster shared a humiliating experience they had in a judicial committee hearing.
the poster was asked, as it typical of such hearings, a series of highly personal and extremely intrusive questions regarding their sexual activities.
00DAD said
I think many of us, maybe even most, have had a similar experience like this where, under extreme pressure, we lied or were at least evasive when confronted with a situation. We weren't struck dead by an angel and then after getting over the initial fear and shock of that, we realized something very important: This is NOT God's Arrangement.
Absolutely - I confess to this - once or twice while I was an elder too!!!
Reduced Magazines Etc: Scenario Thinking
by metatron inforgive me for creating this thread but i believe there are aspects of watchtower downsizing that have not been fully understood or 'fleshed out'.. for example: you have a publishing company whose main source of revenues are book and magazine production and sales.
their international presence is supported by the profits they make on these.
so far, so good.... overtime, their products fail to sell.
Honesty said - The WTBTS flips property for huge profits. Downsizing a publishing dinosaur is a smart move on their part.
Totally agree -reduce mags, download from internet, produce cheap CDs/DVDs etc -ask for donations BUT.
Use all that free labor build Bethels, Branches, KHs , Assembly Halls, wait some time. Huge property boom- sell them - RINSE AND REPEAT - Real Estate built with free labor - far more profitable than publishing.
Higher ups will get free hotels at DCs- book 4000 rooms - get the publsihers to pay. Hotels give you sayd 50 free rooms for the GB/Branch etc- Sweet, sweet deal for the WTBTS
Has anyone read Thucydides - beside the author of Daniel?
by kepler inbelshazzar was the son of nabonidus the king.
darius i was a persian king who reigned after cyrus from 522 to 486 bc.
he succeeded the son of neriglissar, labashi-marduk who reigned for only nine months and was put to death in a conspiracy.. .
History of the Pelopenesian Wars
Regular Pioneers no longer appointed by Branch!
by hoser ina letter was read this thursday from the platform that the branch will no longer approve or remove regular pioneers.. it was called a simplified arrangement that the local body of elders would decide who should be appointed or removed as a regular pioneer and then to inform the branch of any appointments/deletions.
i guess the bethelite who had that assignment is now unemployed.
In the USA this has been the case for over 2 years. The Local Body of Elders appoints and removes Regular Pioneers.
Is there any religion that has so much anti-apostate focus as JWs
by yadda yadda 2 ini'm surprised at how much is in the watchtower lately and at assemblies warning of apostates.
is it my imagination or is this ramping up a lot lately.
i am a born-in and stopped attending only a few years ago (now in my 40's) but don't remember so much anti-apostate warning as we see now.. the watchtower seems extra obsessed with apostates and the need to warn about them lately.
ISALM - they kill you for it