For those who've seen this play . . . Is it questionable for witnesses? I'm sure it is. I guess what I should ask is would it scare a witness? My niece planning to go with me to the play. I haven't read the book and I'm not too sure what it's all about. She has no problem watching the Wizard of Oz. LOL She knows that the play involves the witch and magical powers but she is unsure about it all. Is the Devil or Satan mentioned at all? I'm just trying to get a good idea so I can warn her. I'm really in a hurry right now so I probably am not making sense. Thanks!
Posts by sandy
Weird things relating to females at the KH
by Tatiana inwith all the news concerning the child abuse lawsuits, and from reading many comments concerning the wts' view of women, i started remembering lots of little things that were brought up at my kh in the many years i attended.
i don't remember anything pertaining to the brothers.
but, there were things brought up from the platform that just seem ridiculous.
LOL, any time you give an elder a h-on they make up rules for you to change your dress. When I was about 15 I was planning to spend a hot summer day helping out at the construction site for the new assembly hall. The "pioneer sister" (60ish) made me change from shorts to pants. She said me wearing shorts may be distracting to some.
Ugly Betty American Idol Brothers and Sisters Curb Your Enthusiasm Sopranos (Oh my God! I'm still in shock Chrstopher is dead . . . and the way they did it! ) Big Love (I Can't wait for the new season to start)
Last Night Greys Anatomy *******Warning Spoiler*********
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok well if you haven't seen it, i'm giving you one last chance to click the close button, or back button, whichever you prefer........ .
ok, wtf?!
how does anyone stay under water for that long and live without brain damage?
I promised myself I will not watch Grey's after last night. The writing is sooooo horrible! Almost every character gives monologues when they talk to one another. It is so freakin annoying! What is wrong with the show's writers! Does anyone really talk like that? And what's up with stupid mcdreamy (and I do not think he is all that, I just can't think of his name at the moment) he wants to push Meredith away to be Chief and then the next episode it's b/c she is emotionally unavailable. I really think the writing it bad. Didn't the chief tell The Nazi (can't think of her name at the moment either) that he was giving her the job a few episodes back? I mean, she started the Clinic but she still wanted the job and he didn't give it to her. I just can't make sense of it all and I've been watching it faithfully. So no more for me. I just make myself too upset every week when I watch it.
NBC News shows no integrity
by M.J. ini'm pretty upset after watching the crap on msnbc last night.. they kept milking the story about their package from that psycho, constantly flashing his photos and videos on the screen--just the way he envisioned it.. repeatedly the psychological experts they interviewed told them that this course of action would only serve to encourage others.. meanwhile they interview the president of nbc news, who talked about the "careful" consideration about what to do with the contents of the package, deciding to "immediately" turn it over to investigators.
(but apparantly not until they copied some of the videos and photos).. for their rationale on their decision to air these materials, all they could offer was, "if we didn't do it, some tabloid would have done it".
they were the only ones that got the stuff!.
I don't think most of us watch out of fear but instead morbid curiosity. At least that is why I watch. I do get tired of all the coverage but I just change the channel or turn off the T.V.
Someone stole my dog
by Mrs Smith infor those of you who pray, please pray for my dog's safe return home.
my neighbor phone to say she saw a women walking down the road with my dog.
wanted to know if we had asked someone to walk him.
Yeah!!! I know what it feels like to have missing pets. We lost our dogs last year for one night and half a day. It was so sad. I'm so happy for you and your family.
The exercise thread
by Satans little helper inso this is it, the exercise thread.
share your tips and experiences and tell us what worked best for you, how you managed to lose the weight and whether or not you kept it off as time went on.
how did you keep your motivation long term?
A couple weeks ago i started working out. I'm trying to keep my motivation up. It's hard for me. I already missed a few days.
My goal is to drop two pants sizez by mid June. I have the pants I want to get into hanging on my bedroom wall.
I'm doing about 30-45 minutes a day at home using my step. And I am just cutting back on what I eat. I'm not depriving myself of anything. I love sweets too much to let them go completely.
So far I lost 3 lbs. My goal is to be health-conscience and about 35 lbs lighter by the end of the year.
by sandy inok, i put this under jokes and humor because my credit seems to be a joke at the moment.. ok, so i've been working at repairing it.
anybody have any suggestions about how to do this on my own.. i've been doing ok so far but i ran into some difficulty with a couple comapanies that i paid in full.. they say they cannot ask the credit bureau to erase my info from my report.
is this true, or do they just do not want to bother with me since i paid them back all their money?.
Ok, I put this under Jokes and humor because my credit seems to be a joke at the moment.
ok, so I've been working at repairing it. Anybody have any suggestions about how to do this on my own.
I've been doing ok so far but I ran into some difficulty with a couple comapanies that I paid in full.
They say they cannot ask the credit bureau to erase my info from my report. Is this true, or do they just do not want to bother with me since I paid them back all their money?
I know that you can make a deal w/ them prior to paying because I was able to do that with one other company.
Anybody have any suggestions?
Who wants to see this year's DC invitation?
by sir82 inif someone is willing to host them, send me your e-mail address in a pm.
i will send you 4 scanned jpg files, of the invitation & boe letters associated with it.. .
teaser: there are some brand-new, unprecedented features to this year's dc!.
WTF! They're selling labels now? Or are they just giving instructions on how to obtain labels? LOL "What's really going on?"
Golden retriever performs "Heimlich" on owner, saves life
by daystar inthis is nothing short of amazing!.
I'm not quite sure I believe this story . . . But there are times when I think my shepherd must have been human in another life.