Forget using the Bible to find your answer to this question. In point of fact, to the WTS the only real unforgivable sin is seeing the whole Jehovah Nit-witness organization for the BS it is and saying something about it. As a Nit-witness you can commit any crime against man or God but this, speaking out and exposing those phonies in the governing body for what they are, liars and false prophets. They need everyone terrified of their own shadows so the put out these nebulous rules that can mean anything they want. It is all nonsense, tell these brain dead losers to blow! They are nothing and have only the power you give them.
JoinedPosts by Maverick
What is the "Unforgivable Sin?"
by mkr32208 ini know the pat answer is "grieving the holy spirit" but how does one do that?
i asked some elders who were attempting to meet with me but they seemed unsure... .
What Bothers You The Most About Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus infor me, i think it's their hypocrisy.
they lead (the vast majority) a double life.
and ultimately they look down on anyone not a jw yet they won't even wn up to it.
How blind and foolish, I was as one of them and, they still are!
Overheard in a public library
by under_believer inwhen i was a kid, my parents (strong in the truth: father elder, mother regular pioneer) encouraged me to read.
in reality, they could hardly have held me back; i come from a long line of bookworms, including my father.
books were like water.
Mark Twain, as part of a comment on the banning of Huckleberry Finn from public schools, said," The mind that becomes soiled in youth can never again be washed clean. I know this by my own experience, and to this day I cherish an unappeasable bitterness against the unfaithful guardians of my young life, who not only permitted but compelled me to read an unexpurgated Bible through before I was 15 years old. None can do that and ever draw a clean, sweet breath again this side of the grave...."
Bible Students to Witnesses
by KW13 in.
thinkin about the name change.... as bible students, they were part of the crowd and learning.
as jehovah's witnesses they know and are in control.... why do you think they changed the name?
I am not sure but I believe the cult names and defamation of the Bible Students was put on them after the Drunk Judge took over. The WTS still use this means to sully anyone they wish, being the cowards that they are.
Bible Students to Witnesses
by KW13 in.
thinkin about the name change.... as bible students, they were part of the crowd and learning.
as jehovah's witnesses they know and are in control.... why do you think they changed the name?
Russell did not want to to call his group anything but International Bible Students, he was apposed any name that would limit or exclude. After the judge stole the assets of this group he couldn't have two Bible Student groups running around, one made up of his followers and ones loyal to Russell, so he came up with the name his group has to this day, the dummies! If you want to read more check out,"Crisis of Conscience" starting on page 60.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-28-06 WT Study (HANDS)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 5-28-06 wt study (april 15, 2006 issue date, pages 25-29)(hands be strong).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Thanks Blondie. Another example of, " If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with Bull Sh*t!"
They start off reinforceing the historical lie that the WTS was connected with Bible Students of Russell, when in fact the Judge did an illlegal hostile takeover of the physical assets of that group and formed his own. Later he gave this group their name, "Jehovahs Nit-witnesses".
When any article starts off with a lie it tants everything else they say, but this should not be a problem for the WTS since the whole organization is based of so many lies that they should just call themselves, " The Towers of Smoke and Mirrors". Mav
Had the Circuit Overseer
by KW13 indownstairs yesterday we had the circuit overseer.
i hate how they are supposed to be humble men, yet they have everyone worried.
its more like the boss checking on your work.
Keep in mind that these guys are just corporate inspector generals. Their first order of business is making sure company policy is followed and the WTs gets their cut off the top. They are the personal link to the Society and only act like your friend. Most of the ones I knew lived for Monday, that is when they played golf!
Is the WTBTS a Bully?
by Joe Grundy ini am not, and never have been, a jw.
i spent my career (30 years) fighting bullies.
is wtbts and its subsidiaries (not talking about individual jws here) a bullying organisation?.
They emulate the traits of the god they worship. Their god is one of the foremost demons who transforms himself into and angel of light to mislead and harm all he can. He uses guilt, extortion, false and conditional love and distortions of logic and truth to imprison his slaves and the Jehovah Nit-witnesses follow him blindly.
Free Home Bible Study, NOT!
by VM44 in"would you like a free home bible study?
" the jws ask people at their door.. the problem is, the study is not free, and is not a bible study!.
not a bible study?
If you "studied" with a person for two years with the Bible and that person knew the Bible backwards and forward and you brought that person to the elders and told them this new person wanted to get baptized they would ask which publication you studied in with them. If you told them only the Bible they would not allow that person to get baptized until you proved that they were fully indoctrinated in the sect of this publishing company calling itself a religion. Forget Philip and the Ethiopian, (Acts, 8:27-38).
What First Pops Up Into Your Mind When You Hear "Jehovah's Witnesses"???
by minimus innow, i think "stupid".
I don't hear "Jehovah's Witnesses", I hear "Jehovah's Nit-witnesses".