Yeah, when I was a kid I could never wrap my brain around a god that had existed forever, being the fact that I was told that, other than the angels, humans were god's only intelligent creation, ever. I thought and thought and could not understand how anything could exist for an infinite past. According to the witnesses, although they don't seem to think about it, before anything was created, god was just sitting around doing nothing in a big pile of nothing, not for a million years, not for a billion years, not a trillion years, but much longer than that, he was sitting around doing nothing for an infinite past twidling his godly thumbs until after an unfathomable eternity decided to make the Universe in just a very short time and then sits around doing nothing for awhile more. I still can't understand that thinking.
JoinedPosts by Descender
The universe, designed to support life?
by Elsewhere ini have heard many creationists say: "just look at the universe!
there are so many things about it that have to be just right for it to be able to support life.
an interesting point, so i did a bit of basic math:.
I Love It When The Words Are Wrong..
by Englishman inmy old boss was forever going on about us being careful "not to set any presidents".. hl's friend's ex-hubby needs some surgery on his knee to have "his cartridge removed".
she's signed an affy-david as part of the divorce process.
meanwhile he spends his time in night clubs watching the cadbury.. jenny, the pub's landlady, took the quiz a couple of weeks back and questioned us about "far from the maddening crowd".
There was an elder in the congregation I grew up in that was from Maine, although I don't know if that had anything to do with his particular dialect. But all the long A's and AH's at the end of his words turned into ER's when he pronounced them. Such as Jehovah turned into Jehover, as well as names such as Anna and Jessica turned into Anner and Jessicer. His public talks and prayers were funny just because of the way he pronounced Jehover throughout the talk.
Name Things That You Can Be Counseled For
by minimus ini'll start.......a woman wearing a skirt higher than her knee and a child crying during a meeting
I got counseled just this last summer when I was best man at my brother's wedding. He couldn't really have his wedding at a Kingdom Hall because I was the best man, which was good for him because he didn't want it there anyways. I'm not disfellowshipped any longer, but I have faded and I haven't been to a meeting in 2 1/2 years, so I'm not really considered someone to be hanging out with. I have a shaved head and a goatee and that was the biggest controversy. The elders decided that even though I hadn't been to the meetings in years and even though the wedding wasn't going to be held at a hall, I still needed to be counseled on my goatee.
So at the rehearsal dinner, the elders convinced my future sister-in-law to ask me to shave it. I told her I had no intentions of shaving it. Then they got my mom to ask me to shave it, so I told her the same thing. An elder came and told me that I needed to shave it, to which I said I didn't see anything wrong with it according to any biblical principles. Everyone looked so dour and downcast all because I had a goatee, they acted as though it was going to ruin the whole wedding.
During the night and morning between the rehearsal and wedding I got four calls, two from my mother asking me to shave it and two from my brother. So I finally decided that I'd shave it for my brother since my goatee had such earth shattering implications and would destroy the whole wedding. Right after I got done shaving my goatee my brother called and told me he had good news. The elders had met together and decided that my keeping the goatee wouldn't have such serious implications as previously thought, so I could keep it. Too late. Yeck, that's the last witness gathering that I ever attend.
Scot Peterson
by Valis in.
gets the death penalty...and i think he should go away..even if he didn't want the baby or to be with her, he could of left and beent he one to disappear, but no i think he's just greedy, callous, and not remoursefull... sincerely,.
district overbeer
I suppose insults and blanket statement stereotypes are your ideas of being civilized, Google?
Appealing the decision to disfellowship..
by sandy inhas anyone here ever appealed their disfellowshipping?
how did it work out?.
also, has anyone ever contested the appeal committee's decision to uphold the disfellowshipping?
I've been through two appeals myself on the receiving end, stupid I know. The first time I used the reasoning that I was repentant and the first commitee hadn't seen it, and I actually was repentant the first time. I told on myself, broke down and cried and apologized for my actions and it was all heartfelt. They disfellowshipped me and during the appeals commitee I was scoffed at and called names and told I was a prostitute against Jehovah. At the time I was almost engaged to a good witness girl and wanted a clean slate and had actually felt bad for the fornication that I'd commited 8 months earlier. After I was disfellowshipped, my girlfriend got instantly married to the first ministerial servant she could find. I was 20 years old when that happened and up until about a year ago, I don't ever remember feeling any worse about myself than the first disfellowshipping.
I can thank the elders in those first two comitees for starting me down the road that would lead me out of the organization. I got reinstated in six months and found that my girlfriend had married some other guy and then I decided to say screw it. I'd been a good boy for those six months, studying all my lessons and reading the bible for an hour each night with hopes of being a pioneer and an elder one day, blech. I started sleeping with a witness girl within a few months after I was reinstated. I was way to cocky and open with it and didn't hide it very well and basically got caught with her in my bed by my witness mom, who in turn told the elders.
I denied everything because I knew that there weren't two witnesses. And although they had only one witness and niether her nor I would give up any info about our relationship, the elders DF'd me anyways. I appealed it on the basis of no proof, so it didn't happen. The appeals commitee basically told me I was evil and said if someday I came back, maybe they could forgive me, but didn't know if Jehovah, the god of love, would ever be able to forgive me. The girl that I'd gotten DF'd for being with wasn't even given any reproof and we had the same story. As far as I can tell, unless you have high up connections that can help you out, then there is no need to go through an appeal unless you enjoy torture.
Do We Live in the Past to Try and Control the Future?
by frankiespeakin infrom what we know about time i think i can say: the exact instance of present before it becomes past must be very small perhaps 10 to the negative 34 i think there is some formula they use and call it "plank time" something or other.. .
so then if it takes our mind say takes 1/50th of a second to relay what it is percieving then when we get these images and impressions of these things that have already become the past,, do you see what i mean?
also all memory is of the past,,the mind stores memory to help it guide the body in what to do to make it comfortable,,and safe in the future but never really for the present.
Well, being the fact that our thought process does not move at the speed of light, then all of our thoughts are in the past, so to speak. We can all think and plan for the future, but nothing is definite except for the past, so literally our past, present, and future thoughts are all past thoughts, even if they are a fraction of a second old. So I guess telling someone to stop living in the past would be an impossibility to accomplish.
You can't describe real LOVE you can only decribe what it isn't.
by frankiespeakin in.
is that true?
In your opinion, Frankie, considering human nature has anyone ever achieved this real love that you speak of? Have you? If not, how do you know that your idea of real love actually exists?
As a JW did you "take a turkey" or accept the Xmas Bonus?
by confusedjw ini felt it hypocritical to take a turkey abviously meant for thanksgiving.
i didn't like buying the easter candy after easter either as it was "food sacrificed to idols".. years ago at a place i worked they gave out a xmas bonus which i returned.
( a few hundred dollars which we sure could have used) they assured me that it was an "end of the year" bonus.
I always thought that the Witness view of the holidays was a bit skewed. As a witness, my mom might fix a nice dinner on Thanksgiving, but we couldn't have a turkey, although a few days later on Saturday my mom would invite all my unbelieving relatives over and fix a turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, the works. Birthdays wouldn't really be acknowledged, but a few days later I might get a few gifts, just not birthday presents, mind you (wink wink). Nothing special on Christmas day, but a few days later we'd have a big dinner and maybe a few presents, without the label of christmas. We couldn't shoot fireworks off on July 4th, but every other day around July 4th was perfectly fine.
Since I'm faded now, it's rediculous when I see it happening, my mom actually invited me over for chicken this Thursday, but I'm also invited over on Saturday as well for a big turkey with all my relatives. It's stupid to think that god would pay any mind or care at all that you eat turkey or shoot fireworks off on a certain day and not another.
This is the Ford that I want. 0-60 in 3.4 seconds and a top speed of 200mph, which would come in handy driving to work. Ok, it probably wouldn't ever come in handy.
Another Stoopid JW Forwarded Mail...
by Gozz indoes jehovah know what is going on, and does he step when he needs to?
1. the bomb planted in the kingdom hall in australia,
" so he had escorted the brother right through with his literature, (told by bro.
6. In , where the work is done underground, 3 elders were working on a country road. The sky was cloudy. Suddenly a bolt of lightning killed the middle brother. The other 2 hurriedly hid his body in the bushes, to go and remove literature, etc. from his home before the officials came. They take over any possessions they find and give them to whomever they feel can use them. Among his possessions were found a complete list of all the Witnesses from miles around. He was not a brother, but an imposter, planning to turn this list over to the police. As Bro. Lauriz says, if these hadn't come from , we'd never believe them.
I remember being told this one and actually believing it and telling it to other people trying to convince them this had to be the truth. This one has to be the most outlandish BS story out of them all. Man I was gullible.