A couple of incidents come to mind...
One was actually from from a CO's wife. I had recently stopped pioneering to work full time because I simply could not go on any longer without medical benefits. I had pioneered and served where the need was great for 5 years. I gave it my all. There came a point where I was too tired to work full time and regular pioneer. However, I was still a good publisher and contributing member of the congregation. Out in service one day the CO's wife asked me why I wasn't a pioneer and I told her about needing medical benefits (had some health issues to deal with) etc. She asked me if I wanted to get married someday. I said yes of course - then she proceeded to tell me that a spiritual man would only marry a spiritual woman. And a spiritual woman would be a regular pioneer. If I didn't fit that bill I would end up alone. Ummmm, gee, thanks for the encouragement - woman who's never had to support herself in her life. No mention of 'sorry you've been sick' or, thank you for what you contribute anyway. I wanted to tell her about my friend the pioneer who went to clubs and got drunk on the weekends. Or the young elder & wife that liked to watch a dirty movie every now and then. Yes, having a title automatically makes you spiritual right? -NOT! Of course, I'm no tattletale!! Just an unspiritual, non-pioneerin', lazy 25 hour a month publisher with a full time job, JW loser I guess!!!
Worst spiritual abuse for me was yet to come...
Not too long before I jumped ship for good I got involved in a relationship with a 'worldly' man from work. It was a big mistake for me personally, not just because of the JW thing but because he wasn't who I thought he was and I was devastated to find out the jackass was married. I was young & naive and thought I'd found 'the one'. Anyway, no one knew about it but my conscience got the best of me and I confessed to the elders. I came to them broken in spirit because I thought I'd failed Jehovah and I wanted to make it right. So of course a committee is formed, yada yada yada. The elder in charge told me that even though they weren't going to disfellowship me that because he was a married man (who seduced me, by the way) that Jehovah might not forgive me and I'd just have to 'wait and see' if I survive Armageddon to find out if I'm forgiven. Ummmm, hello? That is soooo not scriptural but sooo typical. I was CRUSHED in spirit even more. It was the beginning of the JW end for me. I'm actually thankful now - it opened me up to hear the real gospel of Jesus from a Christian relative, based on grace & forgiveness. I would have never listened before. It probably saved my life too because I was getting so depressed at that point feeling I could never measure up to Jehovah's unrealistic standards, who knows what would have become of me.
I later confessed to a close relative that I was having 'doubts' and she turned around and told everyone that I was an apostate. -sigh- So, eventually, I decided to live up to their judgment of me!!
Best thing I've ever done for my life!