JoinedTopics Started by Bibbitybobbityboo
Were you married at the Kingdom Hall ? How bad was your wedding reception ?
by run dont walk ini'm just wondering...... i remember going to some wedding receptions for couples who got married at the kingdom hall,.
and i hate to be mean but, super boring, and bad, how bad you ask ??
ok here we go ..... - the worst had to be one couple played kingdom meolodies for their wedding dances, i couldn't believe it.. - no alcohol (i'm sure we all experienced a few of these), reception was over by 9:30.. - no music at all, just a gathering of people, and they ended the reception with a prayer, i thought i was at an assembly.. - food, like if you can't afford to get married don't, like frozen stuff bought at your local grocery store, and still in the package when you got up to the tables, how tacky.. - you could always tell a couple who couldn't afford much, when you had to drive 50 miles into the back woods to find some dinky little community hall they rented for $100.. - i remember one where the bride was pregnant, i was really surprised they allowed them to use the kingdom hall.. - another classic was, they had this band (of all jw's of course) and man they were bad.
Do You Struggle With Depression???
by minimus ini know more persons that are depressed than i know that are not.
whether a person was a witness or not, so many are affected with depression.
i've read here that many jw's were on either regular medication or silently accepted their depression with much prayer and tears.
What Book(s) Changed Your Life?
by MrsQ ini don't mean an epiphany, necessarily--although that does count.
i mean, what books came along and just changed the way you look at things.
still life with woodpecker (tom robbins).
Whats the craziest thing you've done at the Kingdom hall?
by yxl1 ini was given the "privilege" to open the kh early to switch on the heating.
they even gave me my own set of keys.. every saturday night, me and another jw would drive to the kh with our amps and guitars and .
jam until the early morning, using the stage and the kh's pa system.
by be wise ini think this is my first debatable topic.
for anyone who has experimented with recreational drugs or who knows about someone who has how do you think they can change you for the better as well as for the worse?
i know a few ways in which they really changed me, i was very shy and never felt compfortable around people until i had my first experience and felt totally unhibited around a room full of people (talking in retrospect) and i never forgot what that felt like - it opened my mind and i learned to become much more confident.
How Screwed Up Are You Because You Were A Jehovah's Witness???
by minimus inafter reading so many experiences about how being a jw affected a person's life, i wonder how your life has turned out because you were at one time a witness.
What was the "final straw" that made you leave the JW's ??????
by run dont walk inwhat happened or was said, that made you decide, enough is enough, i am out of here ?????
How Do You Feel About Jehovah's Witnesses???
by minimus innearly everyone that posts here says mostly negative things about the witnesses.
a few will speak of certain jw's that were helpful to them while they were going through difficulties.
in the situation that you find yourself in now, do you feel that you hate jw's?
The PO and CO visit light!!??
by truman ini am just going to have to start keeping my front door closed.
today, i had it open, and there was no way to pretend i wasn't home when the two 'brothers' rang my door bell.
actually, they had been by last saturday, too, but the door was closed that day, and i didn't answer it.
"Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name?"
by truthseeker ini would like to know if anyone can help me with this question.
presumably in the last days when jesus arrives as judge and executioner, he says the famous scripture, "many will say to me in that day, lord, lord, did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name and perform many powerful works in your name?
and then i will confess to them, 'i never knew you, get away from me you workers of lawlessness'".