I'm sure I am about to open up the floodgates here. First off, i condider myself to be a fundamentalist so don't go thinking im a liberal spousing every whim.
Where the hell does it say in the OT that you must be married to the person you are having sex with? I have searched, people. I just can't find that commandment. You wanna know what I did find?
Leviticus 18:7 "do not...have sexual relations with your mother. She is your mother; do not have relations with her."
okay don't have sex with mommy. It's a sin cut and dry. See how simple that was. Tell them not to do it, call it a sin and you have your proof text.
Lev 18:6 says to not approach any close relative to have sexual relations with them. I am the LORD.
Well once again we have proven something is a sin. Man it is easy to prove the things that are sins, especially when they are simply called sins!
(does this imply that we are to expect that people just approach other people to have sex)
If you must be married to a person to have sex with them couldn't you have made the book a little cleaner by just saying don't have sex with a person you aren't married to and then say don't marry mom, daughter, a man to a man........
I think we could. I find these passages totally unnecessary if you must be married to a person to have sex with them.
But where does it say do not have sex with a man or woman you aren't married to? It doesn't. Makes it kind of hard to prove that its a sin from the Torah (LAW).
I had this idea when I was a JW kid that in the OT it wasn't a sin for people to have sex if they weren't married but that now it is. My mother told me, "oh no if two people were caught in the field and they weren't married they were stoned to death."
HA! I forget where it is but I read that. It says that if a man is caught having sex with another man's virgin fiance' they are put to death. deut 22:23 is a similar occurrence.
You would think this oh so common wickedness of pre-marital sex would be condemned as a sin in the bible if it were such. Well I also read this scripture. Forgive me I can't find it, I am looking for it, but i have found it before and I know exactly what is says.....
'If two unmarried persons are having sex and the man spills his seed into the woman then he must take a ram(?) to the priest to make the atonement.' death by stoning? No sir. What if he pulls out in time? No harm no foul I guess. It never even mentions such an "abomination." Remember what they say about homosexuals? They have departed from "the natural use of the flesh." So man and woman getting down is the NATURAL USE OF THE FLESH? That is what it said folks I did not make that up.
Leviticus 19:20-22 'if a man has sex with the slave girl who was promised to another man, they are not put to death. He must present a ram for a sin offering to the priest and his sin shall be forgiven.' So what if she wasn't promised to another man?!?!?!??! SILENCE.
Most JWs or Married Christian fundamentalists in general will eagerly turn to vague passages in the NT which have incorporated the word "fornication" and say see!!! it is a sin!!! First of all the word that is translated as fornication does not mean pre-marital sex. It is a generalistic word that includes numerous sexual sins. Is everything that Paul "commanded" a real commandment?
If so then it is a sin for any Christian to marry a virgin. Paul said "if a woman is a virgin DO NOT MARRY HER. But if she is not a virgin and you are engaged to her then go ahead and marry." don't have that citation available but I will look for it after I find the OT one about spilling the seed.
No, I don't blame the dubs for saying it is pleasing to the demons when unmarried persons fondle eachother. The bible certainly never encourages such activities and since nearly all of Christendom condemns it the Watchtower being the pious institution that it is could never be expected to challenge such "Law." If Christendom didn't teach it as a sin I would expect the WTS to invent it myself though. Just one more reason we are the only true religion!!!!!
On a personal note. Im not trying to encourage people to have pre-marital sex. Since I have been born again 2 1/2 years ago, although I am at liberty to do so, I have not had sex. I am not married. If I do in the future I know that I am breaking no commandment from God. That is as long as she in not another man's virgin fiance', the virgin daughter living in her father's house, a prostitute, a close relative, a former wife of my father's, another man's wife, or menstruating. I think that about cover's it. Most of that is in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, although the prostitue refference was in Paul's writings.