I'm not quite sure how to start this one, I'm new here and feel a bit of an outsider. My sisters and mother are Jehovah's Witnesses and have been as long as I can remember. I however, chose to follow a different path. My path now leads me to question my beliefs and life as I have lived it to this day. I am in the United States Navy and have been participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am actually still at sea and heading back stateside now that we have completed our part of the mission. I have had much time to myself and to three different versions of the bible. King James, The abbreveated miltary version (horrible), and a New Translation of the Holy Scriptures by the Watchtower Society. I find myself questioning everything and most especially my current 'job'. The questions that I come to are these: What does the Bible say about military service? Can I truly follow the teachings of Christ and Jehovah, and still be subserviant to this worlds government? Most importantly, how do I know what to believe? I feel as if I am going in circles with my faith as I believe one day in all the Bible says, and then the next I question everything as if I am a skeptical existentialist. I am looking for truth and answers. Bottom Line: What do I do? I'm just a bit confused. I will understand if I am shunned. Thank you for your time and patience.
Peace be with you, my brothers & sisters.