No, I don't understand at all. A son is lower in rank than his father, yet still equal? How can someone be lower or less then and still equal to someone?
A man is equal to a man regardless of whether or not the other man is his father or even his son. G.W. Bush is greater than his Father while at the same time they are both equal (being men), and his father is greater than he is because he is his Father. Different aspects are being measured with these three calculations of greatness. You, for some reason, take one measurement and then apply it to every aspect. Because the Father has greater rank you remove the sonship of the Son and compare him to his father as a cup of seawater compares to the ocean. You deny that Jesus is the Son of God if you make that analogy.
A Judge, under the law is both greater than his bailiff and at the same time equal. The Judge could be the son of the bailiff. So who is greater? It would depend upon what aspect you are measuring. If you are measuring in terms of humanity they have equality. If you measure in terms of office the son is greater. If you measure in terms of relationship the father is greater.
The Son of God has equal deity with God. Just as the Son of Man has equal humanity with Man. Deny his humanity while you are denying his deity, it would be using the same logic.
When have I denied that jesus is the Son of God? I have done no such thing
"If we took a cup of water from the ocean. Would this cup of water be the ocean?" You deny the deity of the Son of God with this false analogy. If the son does not have deity how is he the Son? You act as though 'son' is only a title not an intrinsic fact. That is how you deny he is the true Son of God.
I have done no such thing. What I do is deny that Jesus is God
Then for the very same reason you must deny Jesus is Man because he is only the Son of Man. If you apply your reasoning, Jesus is removed from actual existence altogether.
Pardon me, but if there is ONE GOD, and you claim that both JESUS IS GOD and the FATHER IS GOD, then you are saying that Jesus the Christ is the same as the Father.
Jesus exists in the same form as the Father, but he is not the Father. He is like the Father. He is ONE with the Father. That does not mean he is the Father. Your assertion here is unclear. I think that in your mind you keep going beyond what I say because you can't rest on one piece at a time.
Can you say that this person is God and that that person is God and that both of these are God and one person
We are not saying that the Father and the Son are one person. The Father is a different person. The Father AND (AND!!!!!!!) the Son are One. To answer that question (above) : I suppose so, but that is no part of what I am saying. I am not saying what you have just asked.
He is either the same person, or he is not the same person.
The Father is not the same person as the Son and I have not made that claim.
Why, if Jesus is God, does Jesus not know the same things that God knows?
Jesus completely submitted to the form of man, Phil 2:8. He had no power as God after his incarnation and before his death. Jesus grew in knowledge and wisdom throughout his life. He is now no longer bound to the human limits.
Why, if Jesus is God does he say (repeatedly) "These words are not my own, but the one who sent me" or "I do not seek my own will, but the will of father
He is not the Father. I don't know why you keep thinking we are saying he is the Father. How many times do I have to say he is not the Father before you figure it out. Can you give me a clue? 5? 10? 950? am i getting close?
if he is God, again, why not just say so?
At Rev 1:8 he claims to be God. Many things are revealed in the bible that God doesn't say directly. His apostles testify to him creating ALL things. If he did it, why didn't he say it? If he is not God, then why not just deny it by saying I am not God. He doesn't. When his opposers accuse (of blasphemy) him of claiming to be God he doesn't deny it he throws it in their faces. Why doesn't he say "I am God" to them? You know why. They tried to kill him for that without even saying those words.You don't even consider what he would say IF he is God. He would say exactly what he did.
But where in scripture does Jesus say that you must confess that he is God?
Correct me if I am wrong. Right now we are discussing whether or not he is God. You are saying he is God, want to end this discussion, and start discussing whether or not we must confess he is God?
You can't just tell someone if they don't confess that Jesus is God they are denying God in us,
The bible says Jesus is in us. The bible says the Holy Spirit is in us. The bible doesn't say the Father is in us.
When you say "Jesus is God" you are saying (at least as far as I can tell) that the being of God is Jesus Christ.
No. The very being of Jesus Christ is God. In his essential existence he exists in the form of God. It is easier to understand if you recognize he is the true Son of God. The problem is you are not understanding the Sonship so how can you possibly understand the Godship? What is a more complicated concept, Sonship or Godship? You don't even understand the simpler one.
Now you are telling me that the person of the son is NOT EQUAL to the very being of God
These are two entirely different concepts. Compare the person of the Son to the person of the Father. In that sense there is disparity in rank (but not in quality and certainly not in existence.) Then compare the existence of the Son to that of the Father. In that sense their is TOTAL equality or you deny he is the True Son of God. You are conceptualizing God's existence into the form of a physical creature, which is why you are not understanding. Stop putting limits on God's existence as if he could fit into a box of any measure.
You are saying that the person of the son is LESS THEN the being of God?
The person of the Son and the being of God are two different concepts. How could I have said that? I know the difference between the two concepts. When I say the being of God I'm talking about the tangible makeup of the Son in his spirit existence. When I am talking about the person of the Son I am talking about the intangible identity.
Except that Jesus isn't God, and we do not "burn in hell" when we die if we do not believe this, other then that...
I (using the word we is an odd way of putting it, if you don't mind me saying) certainly am not going to any such place, although the place of "burning" was prepared for the devil and his angels (according to Jesus) which is also the inheritance of sinners. Matt 25:41
seems to me a lot of Christians believe the english Bible was handed down to man just as it is... now THIS is ignorant.
That is an ignorant statement. Talk about blowing something out of proportion. but that is a whole other subject.
he says there are some things that he does not know that the Father does know
He said that while he was living as a man, and willingly subjected himself to that role completely. Phil 2:8
and that there are some things he cannot do,
So then you are saying the Father is not God because the Father could not perform the greatest act of the love among other things. John 15:13. Phil 2:8 still applies.
which the father can do.
which the son can do.
How can you then turn around and say he's God?
He created all things that were created, for one. He claimed to be God, Rev 1:8. So I try to understand what you say is a contradiction before lowering Jesus to a place below the True Son of God and denying his own words. I am not turning around and saying he is God. It is established that he is God. You are turning from that and saying he is not God. Why don't you see the confirmation of it before you try to deny it. You are "reading the book backwards." If it was proven to you in the bible that Jesus was God what would you do? Say he is not because xyz? But would you first believe it? You are debating, not trying to learn. I'm not trying to attack your motive. You are denying confirmation though. I'm sorry but you are trying to prove a negative when the bible already proves the positive. Maybe you should approach the side of confirmation first.
An atheist will look right into the face of evidence for God and say we can't know for sure it is evidence. I don't mean to compare your motives to that of an atheist but your tactics and resistence are similar for whatever reason.
I do understand how the Spirit of God can exist "in the flesh".
It didn't say Spirit of God. It said all the fullness of the Godship. And it didn't say "in the flesh." It said in bodily form. col 2:9
And I understand that the Father is IN the Son and the Son is in the Father, that they are one IN SPIRIT,
God is spirit, which you don't seem to understand or are taking for granted without applying.
but that jesus is NOT GOD himself.
Jesus is not the Father. The only form Jesus had before the incarnation was that of the Father. He is a different identity and tangibly, entrirely one with that identity of the Father. That doesn't mean he is the Father but that he shared the form of his Father and in his very existence is God. You just aren't accepting the entire reality. You are limiting it because you, in your mind, are unintentionally "putting God in a box."
The words you use describe that reality but you don't understand the reality you describe.
he is not the being of God.
Correct, the person of the Son is not the very being of God nor is the Father the very being of God. The Son exists out (like "made" (made implies creation so I use the word out) out of) of the very being of God. Just as the Father's existence is out of the very being of God. You still don't realize the difference between substance and identity. The Father and Son are One. Their substance is spirit. They are one in spirit you say. Yes, they are entirely one spirit, not one person.
let's assume Jesus is God. God sent Jesus, correct?
The Father, who is God, sent Jesus. Correct.
Then did he send himself?
The Father sent the Son. The Father is not the one that came so why would I say the Father sent himself?
this right here tells me that Jesus DID make a distinction between God and himself.
Jesus is more than God. He is also man. That alone means there is distinction. Yes their is disctinction between Jesus and God just as there is disctinction between Jesus and Man. You are still seeking to deny Jesus' deity instead of understanding it. You will never understand it yourself until you understand what I am saying (for our conversation that is, Im not saying you need me of course) and you can't understand what I am saying if you don't want to (just so you know).
let's assume Jesus is God
you are going to have to do that for more than 1.3 seconds if you are going to understand it. If you would simply rely on the scriptures that confirm it for the time being you could understand how it is true in the face of what you THINK denies it.
The Bible teaches that Jesus is not God, but a Servant of God
The bible does not teach that Jesus is not God. Jesus also serves man. So you are saying he is not man? I already told you Jesus is subordinate to the Father. Jesus is not the Father. You keep bringing up scriptures to deny Jesus' deity when they don't deny his deity, they deny him being the Father. You ignore the scriptures that make his deity undeniable.
And anyone who knows the Bible as the will know that a son of man cannot be God. The Bible declares that God is neither a man nor a son of man (Numbers 23:19):
First of all the declaration was made in the present tense over 1000 years before the incarnation. So in the context you use it does not deny Jesus is God. Second of all, it was saying is that "he is not a man that he should lie." Jesus himself could say that at any time past or future. It says "he is not a son of man that he should change his mind....(meaning) 'break a promise."
You just remove the context of what is being said to deny Jesus is God. With the very same scripture in the context you use, you can call Jesus a liar or a promise breaker.
The context you use is clearly invalid and completely arbitrary on your part. I said I was wrong if I called you biased. You are being biased if you choose to continue in your usage of this scripture with the context you apply. Neither way, in or out of context, does it deny the deity of Christ.
"How can he be called clean that is born of a woman? Behold even the moon, and it shineth not; yea, the stars are not pure in his sight. How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man, which is a worm?" (Job 25:4-6)
Wow, you have used the words of Job's accuser against Jesus (so it seems) too. Amazing. This man, Bildad, saying this, was accusing Job. His words are not binding as canon any more than Korah's are.
You choose to say that Jesus is a maggot (my bible has both) and a worm when the bible does not call him a maggot or a worm (but the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah) then when he claims to be God you tell him, "No you cannot be God because you are a maggot and a worm. Bildad, the accuser of the righteous Job said so!"
It is truly amazing. When the Jews who said he was calling himself God you say they were wrong and instead seek the words of a Job's accuser for support.
Job 24:1 "Why does the Almighty not set times for Judgement?" is what Job said. So does this mean God does not set times for Judgement?
It is certainly a more valid question because it was posed by Job than it is what was posed by Bildad, Job's accuser. To make such a claim still removes the context even when it comes from job.
I am starting to wonder if you are not just grabbing "proof-texts" without even knowing the circumstances. There is no way you would have posed that text as evidence had you done the simplest of research.
Well, I will write more later... i want to say that I really believe you are wrong in your theology...
Well, I really know you are wrong in your theology and that last scripture you posted tells me you are barely researching some of your proofs.
but there remains the fact that it could be me that is wrong, and I am more then interested in continuing this discussion
Im not interested in being right or wrong just so that you know. I welcome the discussion. I'm sure you know things that I don't know and can teach me as well. Some of what you claim is not true though.
I think if you can show me where I err, this would be an awesome thing,
You need to understand a few things that you are taking for granted before you should bother to go on. One is the Son of God. There are many so-called or adopted sons of God. Jesus however is truly the Son of God. He compares to his Father in a way similar to a man comparing to his father, or a dog comparing to his father....
however, so far what you say still sounds contradictory and muddled.
That is because you have not understood the simpler concepts first. You have taken them for granted. That is not your fault most people do and they are easy to overlook.
Did I ever call myself God, or tell you that I was the maker of the world and to be worshipped?
Jesus claimed to be God. The Apostles say he was the maker of the World. God said that All his angels would worship him and even called him God. The Apostles worshipped him.
Did I not uniformly and to the last set you an example myself of praying to the Father, to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God? (John 20:17)
When my disciples requested me to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1-2) , did I teach them to pray to myself or to any other person but the Father?
Jesus did not pose these questions and he wouldn't pose them either. His Apostles did pray to him. Was this Lindsey fellow an Apostle of Christ? If not why do you pose his philosophy which supersedes the actions and teachings of the Apostles? Lindsey's game was just silly and extrememly ignorant.
A mind free from sin is the true temple of God.
The Apostles said the Body was the temple of God.