Hi Heaven,
Cofty is supposed to update the summaries. Im hoping maybe he starts a new thread and lists the summaries there.
I enjoyed your post.
This thread made me rethink alot of things.
Thanks cofty.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Hi Heaven,
Cofty is supposed to update the summaries. Im hoping maybe he starts a new thread and lists the summaries there.
I enjoyed your post.
This thread made me rethink alot of things.
Thanks cofty.
Bttt check out some of those billboards.
wbats operations are comparable to any fast food organization, namely mcdonalds.
just a for fun post but it does make you think.... .
watchtower bible and tract society = mcdonalds.
wbats operations are comparable to any fast food organization, namely mcdonalds.
just a for fun post but it does make you think.... .
watchtower bible and tract society = mcdonalds.
my story in brief..... after being a born-in, getting baptized at 15, and seeking to excel based on the approval of elders and my parents, i hit a bump in the road.
i moved to a new congregation, and was a little more than disheartened by the lack of love.
with all my responsibilities removed from the recent move and being told that i no longer qualified for responsibilities due to my declining activity, i sat down to do some long overdue research to appreciate our spiritual heritage.
Good for you promo. No lightning strikes I take it?
You gave that bro. His dignity back.
this podcast is very interesting, especially the latter half.
in a nutshell, the scheme is this: after determining that a complete kingdom hall remodel will cost the congregation $100,000.00, the regional building committee arbitrarily inflates the estimate to $250,000.00, fleecing the congregation and misappropriating the additional funds for other purposes.
So JV did you find out any more about any other cong. Going through the same thing?
Do you know what the status is of the court case?
Now that he is an apostate himself maybe he'll accept some help.
i've published part one of a three part series about the menlo park kh scandal.
this has been a tough one for me.. the original federal case was dismissed in january.
Bttt for those wanting more info.
recently, i met an old friend for a coffee, he is a jw in good standing.. he does not know of my "awakening", but he knows, that i m pretty open with things.. so he came up with some thoughts, that, if somebody listened, would be enough for a jc on basis of apostasy.. since his english is not so good, i suppose he did not read this on the internet.. i just paraphrase some of his thoughts:.
the creation account in genesis is not accurate and in line with science.
a global flood was not possible.
It's nice that he has you to confide in. Maybe he is a closet "apostate" and needs support.
Thanks for the link. Did you watch her other videos? I really liked her.
recently, a public speaker brought up this point that i remembered being preached in the 70's.
when they bring this matter up, they always manage to give you an experience of how one person stood his ground, and got a great job offer, as a result.. what about the many experiences of ones that were not blessed?
i can memtion horror stories of ones that should have kept working their meetings..
I used to feel guilty when I worked on meeting nights.
B ut I think they are right. The more meetings you miss the easier it is to drift away. No one seems to notice any way. Now I just enjoy the extra time.