JoinedPosts by Miss.Fit
Do you think not having the book study in private homes has had much effect?
by truthseeker init's been a few years since the organization ended the book study arrangement in private homes.. gone was the last opportunity to have tea and biscuits and a natter with the friends afterwards.. do you think people regret losing the book study?
for some, it may have been the only time they were able to get some "associaton".
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Bttt. for the new ones. Interesting and thought provoking. Don't let the length scare you off. I really hope cofty starts a new thread with his question and summaries and a link to this thread. This thread really made me reexamine what I was taught. Thank you cofty
Alpha Man said .............
by Phizzy inon another thread, but i thought it deserved one of its own, our poster alpha man said :.
" when this system continues to drag on with no armageddon in sight, j.w's will throw j.f.
rutherford under the 'bus like they did c.t russell".. my first reaction to that was, well they can't do that, they need the 1919 choosing of rutherford to legitimise the present day g.b.. but for how long ?.
Alphaman....maybe you should apply for the GB job.Sounds like you found some new light. It makes as much sense as anything else they came up with.
"Worldly" Friends vs "True" Friends
by DuvanMuvan inhey guys i am new to the whole forum thing (long time reader, first time postererer) and i wanted to get some other opinions on something that has bothered me ever since i first became a jehovah's witness.. i was always taught at the kingdom hall that friends inside the orginisation were the only ones i could count on and that the ones out of it (mainly at school) were just being controlled by satan to trick me into leaving the religion.. however, i always found it to be the opposite.
my "worldly"friends were all accepting of my religion (back when i was ok with being a jw) and are the only ones i have really opened up to about wanting to leave.
the only things i have in common with the other teenagers in my hall (3 boys, 3 girls) are that we've all been raised in the truth and... well that's it.. i was just wondering if anyone else found the same thing when they were a teenaged jw or if anyone still in my age finds the same thing..
Thank you for starting this thread. You are very insightful.
I always found non j ws to be better associations. I grew up among alot of jw youths who lived double lives. When I became a parent I preferred my children to have non jw friends. They were more honest and I knew where they stood. I trusted my children to respect the boundries we set.
I never had problems with their choice of friends.
12 potentially habitable planets found
by prologos innasa.apod.gov.
(astronomy picture of the day) shows the sizes of 12 exo planets (compared to earth), that have been found to be in the habitable, liquid water 'goldilocks ' zone of their sun-like stars.. may be it is more than a 'world-wide brotherhood' and sad that we have to be the lucky ones with satan confined here.
I saw that on the news. Maybe God gave up on us and decided to start over.
JW parents are CRAZY
by Demokan inhello again, for those who don't know me i'm a 15 year old boy.
and recently my mom is displaying symptoms of demensia, she left the stove on today and she yells at us for watching commercials on t.v that are "demonic" because today there was a commercial on television for the new 300 movie and she started yelling at my sister to turn it off, and then i was listening to coldplay as a playlist while doing my school work and she started yelling at me to turn the demonic music off.
she says "demonic" this "demonic" that.
Please check with an update.
Has things calmed down?
I am ashamed to admit that as a mom a lost control once or twice. I did not bang my head but I was yelling. I realised I needed help, saw a dr. & got meds.
Unfortuately it is easy to forget that your actions affect others. I was caught up in my pain and frustration.
It wasnt until I took my daughter to a counsler that I realized how my behavior was affecting her.
There may be things going on that have nothing to do with you.
I hope you and your mom get help..
Make You Feel Good Story from Old Readers Digest "Did God Ride the Brooklyn Subway that Afternoon?"
by RottenRiley in" he said, "my name is bela paskin.
as they got off of the train, marcel went over to a phone and called the number on the dog-eared piece of paper.
marcel asked if he was speaking to maria paskin and she said that he was.
@Anne B.: I like your explanation. Maybe in reexamining "miracles" we will find that we make our own. I like how you gave credit to Bela. It might have been chance, but he made the most of it. You showed that he had to put effort in. Do we need divine direction to show concern towards our fellowman?
Flying High Now , I'm callin' you out !!!!!
by wasblind inname this tune and the artist .
" you are sunshine, you are shadows.
you are morning, you are night.
I've been enjoying this trip down memory lane .
Another new member here to share her experience
by One Last Kiss inim a long-time lurker turned member, finally felt the need to share my experience with people who know where im coming from.
will try to be as succinct as possible!.
am from the uk and was born in as 3rd generation.
Just wanted to check and see how everything is going. I enjoyed your post.
by Terry inautobiography.
forever began at the day of my birth, but, it turns out that it was a lie,.
i am who i am when nobody's watching, then nothing is there to deny.. .
Bttt as long as we are resurrecting threads... any new contributions?